Friday, July 17, 2015

If Yeshua Is For Us, Who Can be Against Us? WR15-197

Our church has been slowly dying for about 40 years. Our membership was elderly and steadily shrinking with only 28 members remaining. We were faced with the prospect of closing our doors although we have no debt and an excellent facility. Despite this situation the members of our church always knew God had a plan for our church.

I began attending the church four years ago and we began hosting an annual spiritual warfare and prophecy conference. We also began inviting Jewish rabbis, Holocaust survivors, The Jewish National Fund, CUFI, Maoz Israel and other Bible based speakers to speak at our little church.

Not long ago God gave me a word of knowledge about our little church. The Lord told me that since we allowed Jewish people to speak in our church and we hosted a spiritual warfare and prophecy conference He was going to revive our church. 

God is true to his word.  Our church is merging with a “planted church” called Christ the King.  On Wednesday the members of Christ the King church came to our church for the first time.

Now, keep in mind our average attendance is approximately 17 to 30 people. As the photo above shows we may have to place a reservation to get a seat in our sanctuary. Our nursery which has been empty for years may be packed as 70 children were recently “dedicated” to Christ.

Friends, the bottom line: God is faithful, He blesses the righteous and keeps His word. If God is for us who can be against us?

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