Wednesday, July 22, 2015

Hollywood Sends Us A Message In An Old 1973 Movie WR15-204

The link below is to part 3 of 9 parts of an old 1973 movie called "Executive Action"  Go to the 9:20 mark and listen to the conversation between Burt Lancaster and Robert Ryan. Keep in mind this movie was made in 1973! 

The actor Robert Ryan makes the following comments: "the real problem is this James, in 2 decades there will be 7 billion human beings on this planet, most of them brown, yellow and black, all of them hungry and all of them determined to love.""They will swarm out of their breeding grounds into Europe and North America." Hence Vietnam, an all out effort there will give us control of south Asia for decades to come. And with proper planning we can reduce the  population to 550 million by the end of the century." "I know, I have seen the data." 
Burt Lancaster - "You sound rather like God........." 
Ryan - "Someone's got to do it, not only will the nations effected be better off, but the techniques developed there can be used to reduce our own excess population of blacks, Puerto Ricans, Mexican Americans, poverty prone whites and so forth."

WOW, Hollywood was sending us a Luciferian message in 1973! It sounds like the Hollywood moguls knew Europe and the USA would have a future immigration problem. 

Can you say Margaret Sanger, Eugenics, GEORGIA GUIDE STONES, Illuminati de-population and Luciferians? 

Do you think Robert Ryan or Burt Lancaster told Donald Trump way back then? Watch the movie clip below. I recommend the entire movie. You can watch the entire movie on YouTube. It is broken up into 9 parts.

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