Thursday, June 11, 2015

The Luciferian - Miley Cyrus

IlluminatiWatcherDotCom Charles Manson Quote
British occultist Aleister Crowley influenced thousands, if not millions, of people to subscribe to his belief systems that were handed down through the ages by magickal orders and secret societies, e.g. the Luciferians and many of these beliefs seek to achieve the destruction of the ego. He talked about crossing the Abyss in order to fully destroy one’s ego (which many New Agers like Eckhart Tolle also believe are the key to solving YOUR  problems).
This is a key concept that can best be reflected in the tragic example of the Manson Family murders. Charles Manson CONTINUALLY  drilled in the idea of the destruction of the ego to his followers to the point that they believed death of the ego was not a far cry from death of the physical body. On some level they believed they were “freeing” their victims.
If you research those Manson crimes you’ll quickly find out that there are aspects of MK ULTRA MIND CONTROL , Scientology, and satanic worship. These things continue to POP UP  tied together with occult systems, and Cyrus Miley’s symbolism from past performances and music videos continue to push these ideas, including the mark of the beast.
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You’ll also see the split personality imagery commonplace among those that suffer from Dissociative IDENTITY  Disorder where the mind is given multiple “alters” from which the person is subconsciously directed:
Perhaps that is why Miley has been becoming more introverted and ‘weird’ lately. She’s been acting out with drugs and one stroll through her INSTAGRAM  page will show you just how much time she spends contained by herself.
Her first video as Miley Cyrus (when she broke from the Hannah Montana role) depicted her in the birdcage- classic symbolism of the MIND CONTROL agenda with her representing the ‘blackening’ of Alchemy with the wings:
There’s a theory that states Miley is an agent of Discordianism. This belief/religion/philosophy worships chaos in the form of the goddess Eris, whom Miley is said to embody. Ironically (or not so ironically), Discordianism originated in Southern California in the early 60s, right along the time of MKULTRA projects, the hippie movement, and the Manson era.
The support for this argument is that she started out as a wholesome, Hannah Montana Disney character, but now she’s into all sorts of wretched stuff (which shows nothing but chaos- you’re braced for one version of Miley but you get another):
IlluminatiWatcherDotCom Mike Will Miley 2
She’s given us more symbolism like this with her video for the song 23 which is another Discordian reference because the followers believe things happen in fives (the Law of Fives) and 2+3=5, so the NUMBER  23 is referenced as an enigma:
Speaking of the Law of Fives, you’ll notice she’s always doing the peace symbol- another Discordian reference:
Another CONNECTION  is that she started the Happy Hippie Foundation, which uses a smiley face as its logo (as seen on the Miley Cyrus- Joan Jett video for the song Androgynous, which you’ll learn more about in a bit…):
Miley Cyrus Joan Jett Happy Hippie Androgynous
The smiley face was used to convey that Discordianism is a joke posed as a religion, or a religion disguised as a joke- hence the worship of chaos and disorder. Miley Cyrus’ real name is ‘Destiny’ and her father (Billy Ray Cyrus) named her Miley because she smiled so much.
Miley Cyrus Paper Mag Pyramid and Manifestation
If she truly is the embodiment of the goddess Eris, it’s no surprise to see her depicted with the Semiramis goddess outfits on her Bangerz tour (a show that was on television yet I heard zero outcry for her scenes of masturbatory celebrations and pot smoking
You’ll notice the symbolism of the Paper Magazine interview covers all sorts of classic “Luciferian” symbolism. In that photo above (blacked out so this article can stay safe for work- if you’re brave enough to look at MY WEBSITE  at work), you’ll see the classic symbol of the Luciferian pyramid which represents manifestation of occult beliefs.
Miley Cyrus Paper Mag All Seeing Eye of Horus possession
You can also see the All Seeing Eye of Horus on her forehead (meanwhile she appears possessed):
Not to get over-paranoid about things, but it is quite possible that the look of possession is somewhat accurate. In that Paper Mag interview she gets quite angry when talking about Christianity:
Although she was raised Christian, Cyrus maintains a particular contempt for fundamentalist lawmakers who rally against this sort of progressive, potentially life-saving change. “Those people [shouldn’t] get to make our laws,” she says. Those people — the ones who believe that, say, Noah’s Ark was a real seafaring vessel. “That’s fucking insane,” she says. “We’ve outgrown that fairy tale, like we’ve outgrown fucking Santa and the tooth fairy.”
This look of possession is also fitting because the practitioners of the occult believe the All Seeing Eye of Horus could represent this new age of mankind which they seek to bring about. The eye is representative of the star of Sirius which supposedly is the Freemasonic embodiment of the perfection of duality- of man and woman together…
Miley is quickly becoming the voice of the LGBT, which leaves me stumped that the community is okay with that since she really isn’t doing anything but using the publicity to get more fame and QUICK MONEY . She started the Happy Hippie Foundation and released a song called Androgynous with Joan Jett- further fueling the commercialization of the LGBT movement.
For SOME reason “they” are choosing Miley as this spokesperson. Why is that? Are the LGBT okay with it?…
I maintain this merely another hijack of a social issue for the means of commercialization.
Disney is pushing transgender shows like Becoming Us through their ABC Family channel. The president of ABC Family even admitted this in the OPEN on
“It’s a moment in our society when the world is focusing on transgender issues,” Tom Ascheim, president of ABC Family, said in an interview. “It only helps us.”
Discovery and Netflix both offer similar PROGRAMMING , and of course we have that whole Caitlyn-Bruce Jenner publicity stunt to consider as well.
Getting back on topic with Miley, you can see that the Paper Mag interview is tailored to highlight her OPEN  sexuality:
She says she has come to consider her own sexuality — even her own gender identification — fluid. “I am literally open to every single thing that is consenting and doesn’t involve an animal and everyone is of age. Everything that’s legal, I’m down with. Yo, I’m down with any adult — anyone over the age of 18 who is down to love me,” she says.
“I don’t relate to being boy or girl, and I don’t have to have my partner relate to boy or girl.”
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There you can see she embodies the occult spirit of the Baphomet- perfection through the harnessing of both sexes:
She proceeds to sell Paper Mag on her ideals when they finish the article with the following:
For Cyrus, it’s less about renouncing her past than imagining a wild new future, one in which people are free to buck expectations and live whatever kind of life feels truest to them.
So what do you think? Is Miley Cyrus being genuine? Or is this just more manipulation for “other” purposes?

I believe Miley Cyrus is a victim of MKULTRA Project MONARCH MIND CONTROL.  Finally, I could not post some of Miley Cyrus' photos because they are pornographic.

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