Sunday, June 7, 2015

Historical Background On The Abomination of Desolation

Image result for altar of zeus in berlin

The altar of Zeus was originally located in Pergamon, Turkey. It is the altar that Satan sits on and is worshipped at. In the early 1930s the Germans moved it to to Berlin. Hitler's grand stage in Nuremberg, below, was modeled after the altar of Zeus.

In 168 BC Antiochus Epiphanes defiled the Jewish Temple by offering a pig sacrifice to Zeus.

In 70 AD Titus defiled the Jewish Temple by replacing it with a Temple to Jupiter.

Zeus and Jupiter are one in the same pagan god. Zeus was the highest Greek god and Jupiter was the highest Roman god. Both pagan gods find their origination in Baal.

Watch the fascinating videos below of Rabbi Jonathan Cahn discussing the Jewish temple, Pergamon and satanic high holy places.

By the way, Obama accepted his party's nomination to the presidency on an stage in Denver designed after the Altar of Zeus.

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