Wednesday, May 13, 2015

The Shemitah and UR116

First, let me say again, I am not a prophet,  I am a watchman on the Wall.

I believe we, the world,  are experiencing birth pangs and they seem to be getting worse e.g. pagan Japan was hit with a massive Tsunami and pagan Nepal has been hit with massive earthquakes with over 8,000 people dead. More importantly, the Nepalese pagan temples which were made of un-reinforced concrete, sand, bricks and wood were almost all destroyed. The Nepalese did not build on the Rock – Jesus, Yeshua Hamaschiach. Have you ever noticed that the Godless and pagan areas of the world seem to get hit with more calamities than the Christian regions?
Image result for Nepal earthquake destroys temples
Oh, by the way,  Earthquake activity is up 200% since 2010.

That being said,  after watching Messianic Rabbi’s Cahn’s video I noticed something interesting that I will write about later in this article.

What Rabbi Cahn talks about has a definite historical pattern.

When you watch his video (above) you will notice several events are converging on the month of September.  Let’s review some of the dates again and I will add to what Rabbi Cahn said.
1. The Shemitah ends on 13 (note 13, satan’s number) September with a partial solar eclipse.
2. September/29 Elul The peak of the Shemitah the” wipe out date”
3. 15 July to 15 September the massive operation “Jade Helm” takes place in the U.S. notice I did not say southwestern U.S.  I don’t think we ordinary citizens truly know the scope of “Jade Helm”.
4. 23 September/10 Tishrei, Yom Kippur the crucial year of the Jubilee begins and if the historical pattern holds true there will be war, I expect it to be the Psalm 83 War that greatly expands Israel’s borders.
5.  27 September/14 Tishrei @ sunset the Feast of Tabernacles begins
6.  28 September/15 Tishrei total lunar eclipse, last blood moon of the tetrad.

7. Notice, Isaiah 17 has almost reached fulfillment as Damascus (above) is becoming a “heap of ruins.  

Now here is an interesting item that I noticed. Do some govt. officials know something the general public doesn’t?
On 13 May 2014 the French foreign minister Fabius stood with John Kerry (see video above)  in front of a microphone and said and I quote “We are on the edge of a climatic abyss.”  “We have 500 days until climate chaos occurs.  Why would Fabius say this?  Keep in mind, the videos I have seen of Fabius and Kerry, Kerry did not say a word. 500 days from 13 May 2014 is 24 September 2015. Why would Fabius make these strange comments? Why didn't he explain the 500 days further?

  Image result for Fabius and Kerry
Now here is where it gets fuzzier. The Russians discovered asteroid 2014UR116 on 27 Oct. 2014.  So this asteroid has been out in the solar system for a long, long time without human beings detecting it and now we know it orbits the Sun every 3 years.
UR116 is 28 times larger than the Chelybinsk meteor that hit Russia a few years ago. The Russian meteor was 19.8 meters wide UR116 is 370 meters wide or 2 ½ miles wide. The Russian meteor had the weight of the Eiffel tower, UR116 weighs several tons. (By the way, the asteroid, comet meteor watch program in Australia is called “wormwood.” ) 

Image result for ur116 meteor

Except for Russia Today I have not heard or seen anything about UR116 in our “lame stream media”. However, there are some YouTube videos about it.

As I wrote above 500 days from 13 May 2014 is 24 September/11 Tishrei 2015 and 2014UR116 is scheduled to pass the Earth between 15 and 28 September 2015.
Image result for ur116 meteor hitting in the atlantic
Above is a diagram from the JPL/NASA  website that shows UR116 hitting 200 miles off the coast of Guyana, Venezuela and Brazil. Some Russians are saying that as UR116 passes the planets and the Sun its orbital path will be altered and it will hit Earth. I don’t know. I do know it is coming close to the Earth on its present trajectory.  
Now the distance between the Earth and the Moon is one Lunar unit. If this asteroid passes the less than one lunar unit it will be a close call.

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