Sunday, May 17, 2015

Israelis March For The Third Temple

Today, May 17, 2015, 28 Iyar, 5775, the Temple Mount and Land of Israel Faithful Movement will conduct an historical event by marching for the temple. Rabbi Yahudah Glick is pictured above.
It was the great victory that G-D gave to His people and Israel in June 1967. G-D, together with His brave Israeli soldiers, liberated the Holy Temple Mount and Biblical Jerusalem. 
The intention of the G-D of Israel was to complete the end-time redemption of His people Israel that began in the year 1948 and that would open a new end-time age in the history of Israel and the entire world exactly as the prophets of Israel prophesied. 
On the other hand, the Faithful Movement will call on Israel to immediately fulfill the expectation of G-D for His people Israel when He liberated and returned the Holy Temple Mount and Biblical Jerusalem to His people Israel: to immediately build the Holy Third Temple with no delay in order to fulfill the prophetic dream of G-D and His people Israel.

The march of the Faithful Movement will start from Jaffa Gate of Biblical Jerusalem. We shall march carrying the flags of Israel with the star of David through the historical streets of Biblical Jerusalem to the Holy Temple Mount. 
In front of the Holy Temple Mount we shall demonstrate. Gershon Salomon, the chairman of the Temple Mount and Land of Israel Faithful Movement will call the people of Israel and the government to not waste any more time. Forty-eight years since the greatest moment in history are quite enough. Let us immediately start the building of the Holy Third Temple that will change the face and image of mankind just as G-D planned since He created man. 

We shall walk up to the Holy Temple Mount with a prayer for the fulfillment of this call to Israel with no delay. This will be another major step of the Faithful Movement towards her campaign and holy work for the rebuilding of the Holy Third Temple in our lifetime and the fulfillment of the biblical call of G-D to His people Israel to be: '...a kingdom of priests, a holy nation and a light to the nations'.

Israelis and visitors who are staying in Israel on this day are all invited to participate in our march. The march will start on Sunday, May 17th, 2015 at the front of Jaffa Gate in Biblical Jerusalem at 11:00 am. This will also be a day of thanksgiving to the G-D of Israel for the godly miracles of the Six Day War in 1967.

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