Friday, May 8, 2015

Is Turkey Poised To Invade Syria

Turkey’s main opposition party says the Turkish government is set to send ground forces to Syria in the upcoming days to militarily intervene in its neighboring country. Turkish ground forces are scheduled to be dispatched to Syria within two days. forces will be sent to the north of Syria on Thursday or Friday night.
Such an action could really ratchet regional tensions sky high. Israel would not take lightly the sudden appearance of hostile Turkish troops right on the Syrian Golan Heights. Turkey is a NATO country, and as such, her military is far more formidable than Syria's has ever been. Turkish troops encamped along the Golan border could be construed as an act of war by Israel.
Certainly, a Turkish invasion would instantly roil politics and military strategy throughout the entire region.

Turkey is acting in cooperation with Saudi Arabia.
Turkey and Saudi Arabia are in high-level talks aimed at establishing a military alliance with the purpose of intervening in Syria and attempting to overthrow President Bashar al-Assad.  As part of the plot, Turkey would provide ground troops backed by Saudi airstrikes in a bid to assist 'moderate Syrian opposition forces against government forces.
Ezekiel 38-39 prophesies the time, at the End of the Age, when Russian, Iranian and Turkish forces will march through Syria to take positions along the Israeli border. Once the southern forces of Libya and Ethiopia have taken their position along Israel's southern border, the war would be poised to begin.

However, God strikes first, annihilating the forces arrayed against Israel.

But, the key point is that these powerful forces will have to pass through Syria on their way to Israel. If Turkish forces overthrow Assad, they will have eliminated the central government of Syria, allowing the country to be ruled by rival warlords. Even if Turkey withdraws to her border immediately following Assad's demise, Syria will be so divided and weak that she could not resist the Russian, Iranian and Turkish forces when the time comes for them to march through Syria to take up positions along the Israeli border. Below is the Biblical map and tribes that ancient Turkey, Persia (Iran) and Iraq.

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