Wednesday, May 20, 2015

A Comparison Between Christ's Church and Israel

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A Comparison and Contrast Between Israel and the Church

Israel is denoted by numbers 1,2,3, etc.
The Church is denoted by letters A,B,C, etc.

   1. Israel is a nation chosen by God and sustained
by covenant promises (Deut. 7:6-9). Not all
individuals in this chosen nation are saved
(Rom. 9:6; 11:28).
A.The Church is a called out assembly of
believers who have been baptized into the body
of Christ (1 Cor. 12:13). Every member of the
body of Christ is saved, though there are
multitudes of professing Christians who may
not be saved (2 Tim. 2:19).
   2. Israel traces its origin to Abraham, Isaac and
Jacob (Jacob being the father of the twelve
B. The Church traces its origin to the day of
Pentecost (Acts 2) when believers were first
placed into the body of Christ.
   3. In God’s program for Israel, His witnesses
comprised a nation (Isaiah 43:10).
C. In God’s program for the Church, His witnesses
are among all nations (Acts 1:8).
   4. God’s program for Israel centered in Jerusalem
(Matt. 23:37) and will again center in
Jerusalem during the Tribulation (Matt.
24:15-20) and during the Millennium (Isa.
D. God’s program for His Church began in
Jerusalem and extended to the uttermost parts
of the earth (Luke 24:47; Acts 1:8). The
Church is identified with the risen Christ, not
with any earthly city.
   5. The hope and expectancy of Israel was earthly,
centering in the establishment of the Kingdom
of the Messiah foretold by the prophets (Jer.
23:5-8; Isa. 2:1-5; 11:1-16).
E. The hope and expectancy of the Church is
heavenly, centering in the glorious appearing of
Christ to take His people to heaven (John
14:1-3; Phil. 3:20-21; Col. 3:1-4; 1 Thess.
   6. God’s purpose and program for Israel was
revealed in the Old Testament Scriptures.
F. God’s purpose and program for the Church was
not revealed in the Old Testament, but was
revealed by the New Testament apostles and
prophets (Eph. 3:5).
   7. Israel’s history which is in view in Daniel 9:24
(the 70 weeks or 490 years) involved animal
sacrifices. The last 7 of the 490 years involves
the future Tribulation which will also involve
animal sacrifices during the first three and a
half years (Dan. 9:27). Israel’s millennial
worship will also involve animal sacrifices
(Ezek. 43:27).
G. The Church’s history does not involve animal
sacrifices. Messiah’s sacrifice is
commemorated by means of the Lord’s Table.
   8. Israel’s history which is in view in Daniel 9:24
(the 490 years including also the Tribulation)
involves a temple in Jerusalem. The same will
be true in the Millennium (Ezek. chapters
H. During most of the Church age there is no
Jewish temple in Jerusalem. In this age God
manifests His glory in His believers, both
individually and collectively, designating them
as His temple (1 Cor. 3:16; 6:19-20; Eph.
2:21-22). This is accomplished by the
indwelling ministry of God the Holy Spirit.
   9. Israel’s history which is in view in Daniel 9:24
(the 490 years) involves a priesthood limited to
the sons of Aaron, and excluding most
Israelites. The same applies to the Millennium
when Zadokian priests (also sons of Aaron)
will serve in the temple (Ezek. 40:46; 43:19;
I.         During the Church age every true believer is a
priest and able to offer spiritual sacrifices to the
Lord (Heb. 13:15; 1 Pet. 2:9; Rev. 1:6).
Whereas Israel had a priesthood, the Church is
a priesthood.
   10.          Israel’s history which is in view in Daniel 9:24
(the 490 years) will terminate with the coming
of the Messiah to the earth to establish His
Kingdom reign.
J. The Church’s history will end at the Rapture of
the Church when the fullness of the Gentiles
comes in (1 Thess. 4:13-18; Rom. 11:25).
   11.          During Israel’s history (the 490 years of Daniel
9:24 which also includes the Tribulation) the
ethnic makeup of the world is bipartite: Jews
and Gentiles. This division of all people into
Jews and Gentiles will also apply to those in
the Millennial Kingdom in natural bodies.
K. During the Church age from Pentecost to the
Rapture the ethnic makeup of the world is
tripartite: Jews, Gentiles, and the Church of
God (1 Cor. 10:32), the Church being
composed of saved Jews and Gentiles united
together in one Body (Eph. 2:15; 3:6).
   12.          During Israel’s history, from Sinai to the
Millennial Kingdom (excluding the Church
age), Israel’s role in the world will be
characterized by PRIORITY [that is, they will
have a leading role as God’s chosen
people]—see Deut. 4:6-8; Isa. 43:10; Matt.
10:5-6; Zech. 8:23.
L. During the Church age, Israel’s role in the
world will be characterized by
EQUALITY—Jew and Gentiles united together
in one body to bear testimony to a risen Christ
(Col. 3:11; Gal. 3:28).
   13.          Male Jews were circumcised as a sign of the
Abrahamic Covenant. Believing Jews were
circumcised in the heart (Jer. 4:4).
M. Believers of the Church age enjoy an internal
circumcision not made with hands (Col. 2:11;
Phil. 3:3). Physical circumcision is not
   14.          Israel was under the law of Moses as a rule of
N. The Church is under the “new creature” rule
(Gal. 6:15-16).
   15.          Unbelieving Jews were physical children of
Abraham and spiritual children of the devil
(John 8:37-44).
O. Every believer in Christ (every true member of
the Church, whether Jew or Gentile) is a child
of Abraham and a child of God (Rom. 4:11-12;
Gal. 3:26-29). This statement does not mean
that Church age believers are Israelites.
   16.          Israel was to observe the Sabbath Day (Exodus
20:8). Sabbath observance will also take place
in the Tribulation (Matt. 24:20) and in the
Millennium (Ezek. 46:1,3).
P. The Church is to be diligent and make every
effort to enter into God’s rest (Heb. 4:9-11).
This is a daily duty.
   17.          Membership into the Jewish nation was by birth
or by becoming a proselyte (a convert to
Q. Membership into the Church is by the new birth
accomplished by the baptizing ministry of God
(1 Cor. 12:13).
   18.          Believing Jews who died prior to Pentecost,
believing Jews during the tribulation, and
believing Jews during the Kingdom reign of
Christ are not members of the body of Christ.
R. Believing Jews and Gentiles from Pentecost to
the Rapture are members of the body of Christ.
   19.          Israel’s place of worship centered in Jerusalem
(Dan. 6:10; John 4:20) and this will also be true
in the Tribulation (Dan. 9:27) and in the
Millennium (Isa. 2:1-5).
S. The Church’s place of worship is “Where two
or three are gathered together in My Name”
(Matt. 18:20; John 4:21-24). Christ is in the
midst of His Churches (Rev. 1:13, 20).
   20.          Israel is likened to the wife of Jehovah, often an
unfaithful wife (Hosea).
T. The Church is the beloved Bride of Christ (2
Cor. 11:2; Rev. 19:7-8), and although at times
unfaithful, will one day be presented blameless
and spotless (Eph. 5:27).

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