Thursday, March 26, 2015

The Sunni Shia War Spreads Further

Yemen's foreign minister called for an "immediate" Arab military intervention against advancing Shiite rebels ... Yassin accused the Houthis of paving the way for an Iranian takeover of Yemen.
Well the Saudi Arabians and their Sunni allies reacted by attacking the Shia Houthis in Yemen with air strikes. (Years ago Egypt intervened in a civil war between North and South Yemen.)
The foreign minister’s remarks came hours after Yemen's embattled president fled his palace in Aden for an undisclosed location. Shiite rebels offered a cash bounty for his capture and arrested his defense minister.
Do you remember when President Obama praised America's efforts in Yemen as being a model "war on terror?" When the President uttered this foolish statement, knowledgeable observers warned that, far from being a model war, the American drone war in Yemen was killing so many civilians that it was turning an entire population toward the radical extremists.
In fact, Obama is overseeing the de-stabilization of all of the Middle East and parts of North Africa. His Middle East foreign policy is a disaster for the U.S. and our western allies.
One more fact: these "radical extremists - Houthis" are fully backed by Iran, this war in Yemen is a proxy war between Shi'ite Iran and Sunni Saudi Arabia.

This 2006 Pentagon Map is the ultimate objective of all the wars currently being fought in the Middle East, including this war between Saudi Arabia and Iran.

Notice the shocking reality posed by this map. Saudi Arabia is being surrounded by her enemies. Saudi Arabia has built a security fence to protect Saudi Arabia from Shi’ites in southern Iraq.

Friends, watch events closely as they unfold. Saudi Arabia is under attack and the Sunni Shia War has spread from Iraq to Syria to Bahrain and now to Yemen.

The Luciferians want to create Kingdom #7 in the Middle East and North Africa. This is a step toward reorganizing the world into the 10 Kingdoms of Daniel 7:7-8 that answer to the anti-christ.

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