Monday, March 30, 2015

More On The War in Yemen

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Saudi Arabia has jumped into the abyss in Yemen. Its air attacks on Yemen are a historic and potentially fatal blow to the Royal Kingdom and to the Middle East.

Houthi rebels, who are Shia Muslims, have captured the capital of Sanaa with the help, so say the Saudis, of the Iranians. The legitimate President, Abed Rabou Mansour Hadi has fled to the Saudi capital of Riyadh.
The Saudis will not permit an Iranian proxy state to be set up on their border. Remember they already have an Iranian-proxy state in southern Iraq on their northern border.
Approximately half of the Saudi army is of Yemeni tribal origin. Saudi soldiers are intimately, through their families, involved in Yemen. Hence the Yemen revolution is a direct threat to the Saudi royal family.
But are the Saudi bombing raids on Sanaa going to crush a Shia Muslim rebellion? I do not believe air power alone will crush the Houthis. Air power certainly did not crush the North Vietnamese or is crushing ISIS.

Here is how the regional map looks like from Riyadh. To the north, the Shia Muslim Iranian Revolutionary Guards are assisting the Shia-dominated Iraqi government in their battle against Sunni Muslim ISIS. To the north-west, the Iranian Revolutionary Guards are assisting the government of Alawite, Shia president Bashar al-Assad against ISIS and al-Nusrah and whatever is left of the so-called “Free Syrian Army”. The Shia of Hezbollah from Lebanon are fighting alongside Assad’s army. Also Shia Muslims from Afghanistan are wearing Syrian uniforms. Saudi Arabia claims the Iranians are in Yemen with the Houthis and arming the Houthis with the ultimate goal of seizing the Holy places in Saudi Arabia and eradicating the Sunnis.

Now here is what is unprecedented in modern Arab history, a Sunni Muslim coalition of 10 nations, including non-Arab Pakistan, has attacked another Arab nation. The Sunni and the Shia War in the Middle East is spreading and they are now at war with each other in Iraq, in Syria, Yemen and possibly Bahrain. Pakistan is a nuclear power. The armies of Bahrain (with a large Shia population) and the Gulf states include Pakistani soldiers. Pakistanis were among the dead in the first great battle against Iraqi troops in the 1991 Gulf War.

But already, the battle for Yemen is dividing other Arab countries. In Lebanon, the former Sunni Muslim Prime Minister Saad Hariri has praised the “brave and wise” decision of King Salman to attack. Mr Hariri is not only a Sunni, he is also a Saudi citizen. But the Shia of Hezbollah  oppose Saudi intervention and called the Saudi assault an “uncalculated adventure”. These words were chosen with care. They are exactly the words the Saudis used against Hezbollah after it captured three Israeli soldiers in 2006, a stupid political act which started the Israeli bombardment of Lebanon that year.

The Obama regime does not know what to do because Godly prophetic events are moving more quickly than U.S. negotiations with Iran and U.S. foreign policy in general. Obama cannot give the Saudis direct military assistance because his nuclear talks with Iran are more important. But the closer a nuclear deal comes between the US and Iran, the more forcefully our Sunni partners in the Arab world will push their cards.
Don’t forget what I have been saying for years the Saudis do not need to develop an atomic bomb, they can purchase it from Pakistan.
Hezbollah may call the Saudi attacks a “Saudi-American conspiracy” but the reality, evident to every Arab, is that the Saudis, armed by the US, are clearly prepared to use their firepower against Shias.
We are witnessing the great war between Sunnis and Shia in the Middle East. The Saudis are trying to show that they are a major regional military power. In 1990, faced with the arrival of Saddam’s legions in Kuwait, they asked infidel America to protect them (to the fury of Osama bin Laden). They are a Wahabi nation, loyal to the same theology as ISIS. Saudi Arabia provided 15 of the 19 hijackers of 9/11. They gave us Bin Laden, who was also of Yemeni tribal origin. After Yemen supported Saddam’s invasion of Kuwait, the Saudis threw tens of thousands of Yemenis out of the Kingdom.
The last time the Saudis involved themselves in Yemen, they fought Nasser’s Egyptian army and it was a disaster for the Sudis. Now they have the Egyptians on their side. They even suggest the Egyptians may invade Yemen.

Friends, what we do know is that another important prophetic piece of the jig saw puzzle is falling into place as the world edges toward the Psalm 83 War.

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