Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Christian Persecution Increasing

“But if the watchman sees the sword coming and does not blow the trumpet, 
and the people are not warned, and the sword comes and takes any person from among them, 
he is taken away in his iniquity; but his blood I will require at the watchman’s hand.”  Ezekiel 33:6 

 "And what I say to you, I say to all: Watch!" Mark 13:37
 Image result for Wes Modder

A highly decorated veteran and chaplain might be tossed from the military as a result of accusations that he is incapable of functioning “in a diverse and pluralistic environment,” according to a memo obtained exclusively by Fox News.
The memo, written by Capt. Jon R. Fahs, marks a bizarre shift from just five months ago. Fahs declared that Lt. Cmdr. Wes Modder, endorsed by the Assemblies of God, was “the best of the best,” as evidenced by his 19 years of service, work as a chaplain and exemplary record in the Marine Corps. In November of 2014, an Lt. j.g. grade officer, who practices sodomy and is currently “married” to another man, joined Modder’s office and proceeded to prod Modder to divulge details about his views on homosexuality.
During this period of questioning, the officer was gathering and cataloging information to build a case against the chaplain who in the past has ministered to Navy SEALS.
Only a month later in December, Equal Opportunity representatives paid Modder a visit, delivering a five-page complaint, which detailed concerns about Modder’s views on marriage, pre-marital sex and masturbation, among other things. Modder was immediately removed from duties, with no defense allowed.
“To be clear, Chaplain Modder does not dispute that during private, one-on-one pastoral care and counseling sessions, he expressed his sincerely held religious belief that: sexual acts outside of marriage are contrary to Biblical teaching; and homosexual behavior is contrary to Biblical teaching; and homosexual orientation or temptation, as distinct from conduct, is not sin,” Michael Berry, a lawyer with the Liberty Institute, told Fox News.
“They want chaplains to be glorified summer camp counselors and not speak truth and love into people’s lives,” Berry added. “There are some anti-religious elements in our military. Anytime somebody wants to live their faith out – there are people who say that is offensive.”
Berry has decided to take up the case and represent the chaplain. Both believe the charges are bogus, and in fact, Berry stated that the officer who accused Modder may be held criminally liable for making false statements and abusing his position.
The whole debacle reminded Modder of an incident which occurred when he first arrived at the Naval Nuclear Power Training Command in South Carolina and was preparing to deliver a speech at a graduation ceremony.
According to Modder, the captain quickly pulled him aside, “looked at [him] and said, ‘Hey chaplain – do not pray in Jesus’ name.'”
When asked to comment, executive director for the Assemblies of God, U.S. Missions, Zollie Smith, informed Fox News that they are in full support of Modder.

“Every fiber in my being wants to run away from this – but if I do I’m not being obedient to the Lord,” Modder told Fox News. “I need to stand up for righteousness and this is something I cannot walk away from.”

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