Saturday, March 21, 2015

America's Shemitah and Blood Moon Chastisement Has Begun

As most of my readers know by now this is a Shemitah year (it began last September) and the worst of the worst usually happens towards the end of the Shemitah year, not at the beginning. The last day of the year, Elul 29 on the Hebrew calendar, will occur on Sept. 13, 2015 and is the most dreaded day.

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However, I believe America’s chastisement has already begun because the Obama regime is distancing itself from Israel and attempted to undermine Netanyahu’s election with covert money and Obama election operatives.

God is hitting us in our wallets and hitting America’s vegetable basket – California. Consider this: The water crisis in California is reaching epic proportions and it’s going to cost everyone, big time. After a sustained drought, NASA has reported that the state has less than one year of water reserves remaining and no backup plan if things get worse. California should be declared a disaster area. 

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The state of California and the U.S. government should have begun building desalinization plants in coastal California years ago but a lack of political vision in this nation has prevented that. However, we have billions of dollars for Iran to use. (Our money is being so misused that we don’t have money to build a new bridge over the Ohio to replace the dangerous and clogged I-75 Brent Spence bridge.) There is so much demand for water in Southern Californian cities, that many farmers are opting to sell their water rights to urban dwellers – not just at a premium, but at an unbelievable and unprecedented rate.

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CBS News profiled some rice farmers with historic rights to the Yuba River who are being offered so much for water, they have decided to forego planting their crops altogether and sell the new “cash crop” – LIQUID GOLD

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Friends, hold on to your hats because the chastisement has just begun, I don't even want to think about the second and third stage 2. judgment and then 3. God's wrath that is coming. 

This is simple if the American people do not repent for our sins with God and change our foreign policy towards Israel soon we will be in “deep doo doo.” 

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