Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Videos and Articles of the Day 14 January 2015

Mark Meadows, above, passed out food to stranded motorists in a recent snow storm

"It has been so cold in Birmingham, Alabama. It was especially bitter on the afternoon of January 7th and a good many folks had taken a respite from the cold by grabbing lunch at the Chick-fil-A on Highway 280 in Inverness. One of the diners who came in that day was a bit unkempt. He was wearing jeans and a hoodie hardly the kind of clothing for a day like that. Most folks just figured he was a homeless fellow. The man first made eye contact with Mark Meadows, the owner of the Chick-fil-A."
The actions that Mark Meadows then took to help this cold, shivering, homeless man is shaking the world today because one customer video-taped the entire event with her cell phone. What did Meadows do that was so impressive to the rest of the world? He cared. And he showed that he cared.
" 'He asked if there was some work he could do so that he could get something to eat', he said. Now, it would not be unusual for a person like that be escorted out of a restaurant ... So instead of ordering the indigent man to leave, Mark invited him to have a meal. As the man waited for his chicken sandwich and waffle fries, Mark could not help but notice the man was rubbing his hands together ... The man did not have a pair of gloves. So Mark gave him his."
This Christian businessman put Jesus' commands into practice.
* "if any man will .... take away thy coat, let him have thy cloak also." (Matthew 5:40)
While the context of this Scripture is a court of law forcing a believer to surrender his coat, the principle remains; Christians are to demonstrate that our love for Jesus is greater than for our coat.
* "Pure religion and undefiled before God and the Father is this, To visit the fatherless and widows in their affliction, and to keep himself unspotted from the world." (James 1:27)
Mark Meadows demonstrated his willingness to help a very poor man "in his affliction"!
The result of Mark's Christian attitude, backed by his actions, was remarkable.
"The entire encounter lasted just a few minutes and that was that. But in this day and age of SmartPhones that was not that. Andrea Stoker happened to be eating lunch in the restaurant that day with her little boy. And she could not help but notice the interaction between the store owner and the disheveled man. She took a photograph and posted a message on her Facebook page a message that has since gone viral."
Andrea revealed that this demonstration of Mark's love for a man who could not repay him in any way, shape, or form, touched her to the center of her soul.
"... the manager asked if the man had any gloves and handed him his, then got him the meal of his choice. There is still so much good in this world and I'm so grateful that Bryson saw it all unfold' ... 'Ive concluded that Chick-fil-A is a chicken sandwich for the soul'."
Andrea is close to understanding the real reason Mark Meadows went out of his way to help a poor homeless man when she credits the "culture" of Chick-fil-A chain, but she fails to see Jesus Christ in the midst of it all.
No one in the community has seen this homeless man since. It is as though he disappeared as soon as he walked out the restaurant door. Did Mark Meadows just "entertain an angel unawares"?

"Be not forgetful to entertain strangers: for thereby some have entertained angels unawares." (Hebrews 13:2)

To learn who controls you, find out who you cannot criticize--Voltaire

The video below is outstanding and it is called "The mystery of the Jews"

Chiquita Banana opposes 9/11 victim’s bill.

McDonald's food scandal in Shanghai, China

Five GMO myths

The music industry is totally fake, anyone can sing with "autotune"

Is Israel ready for its temple? Your Watchman disagrees with the video below, I do not believe the current Pope is the anti-christ.

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