Monday, December 15, 2014

Videos of the Day WR 15 December 2014

What is the purpose of your life?

Did you know all the Presidents are related? Talk about political Illuminati incest........Their common ancestor is King John "Lackland" of England. This is the Plantagenet lineage. Some people believe the anti-christ will come from the Plantagenet line. 

Australia is being undermined.

Watch the interesting videos below.

You need to watch the Alex Jones video until the 3 minute and 45 second mark.
Israel's calling, watch the interesting video below.

In a serious breach, an internal Israeli Defense Force ( IDF) video reviewing a terrorist infiltration during the 2014 summer fighting in Gaza, a video was leaked and posted on a Palestinian website and YouTube last Wednesday. The footage revealed IDF code words for military positions, roads, and forces. The infiltration from the sea occurred on July 8, a kilometer north of the Gaza-Israel border. Four Hamas divers were ultimately killed in the aborted infiltration attempt. The leaked video revealed that one of the Hamas commandos managed to attach an explosive belt to a tank, which detonated without causing damage. IDF videos and press releases of the incident given to the public contained no mention of the explosive belt.

The video opens with a military map, showing the code names and locations of surveillance cameras. It then shows footage from “Lookout Johnny,” tracking one of the pairs of divers making its way out of the water. The four terrorists then hide in a bush to remove their diving gear and prepare themselves for the attack. After the Hamas members cross the “Hallel” road and take cover in a depression in the sand, IDF forces engage them from the east. A Merkava tank and bulldozer arrive as well, and one of the terrorists runs up behind the tank and hangs the explosives on it. “Two, he is on the tank! Drive, Two!” shouts a voice on the radio, seconds before before the explosives detonate. None of the soldiers was injured, and the tank itself appears to have suffered no damage. As the tank fires on the commandos, they flee back toward the coast, where they are killed by massive air force and navy fire. “This is an internal IDF review, whose leak represents a serious incident which will be investigated and dealt with accordingly, and not in the media,” said the IDF.

Watch Anita Fuentes video about the White House photo of the day.

The video of the atheist praying almost made me barf! Thank God for the council members who walked out.

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