Monday, December 15, 2014

Uninterruptable Auto Pilot and Missing or Crashed Airliners

In the audio below Jim Corbett interviews Field McConnell, pictured above, of Abel (not Able Danger of 9/11 fame). Field McConnell discusses his life as a pilot, and his investigations into the Octopus - Danny Casolaro, Serco, the Senior Executive Service, Kristi Marcy, 2500 (missing) Lerner emails, Barry Soetoro aka Barak Mournir Ubayd aka Barack Obama, Obama's presidential oaths, 9/11, MH370, MH17, the Boeing Uninterruptible Autopilot (BUA) and Amalgam Virgo 01 training exercise - a combined joint training drill for unconventional threat in AV's case a nuclear event in Seattle on 1 and 2 June 2001, a huge false flag, an event that "truthers", like McConnell prevented. Below is Field McConnell's website.

BUA allows a party to remotely seize complete control of an airliner. A pilot cannot reverse the seizure. Only three countries, the U.S., China, Russia and a company Serco can use BUA system. Serco also controls U.K.'s nuclear ballistic missile system. 

Below is the Serco website, check it out.

The video below explains McConnell's, the BUA. Apparently the following airliners: Adam Air 574, Kenya Airways 507, Speedbird 38, Turkish 1951, Air France 447, Air Afriqiyah 771, Sukhoi Superjet, MH370, and MH 17 were all manipulated or crashed with BUA.

Below, are more videos on the BUA, missing MH370 and the illegal modification of Boeing airliners, Illuminati Thales Group (notice the pyramid and all seeing eye in their logo, Thales sees the world)
The 20 (8 Chinese and 12 Malaysians) software engineers on board MH370 worked for Freescale Semiconductor. Four of these employees were owners of a Freescale stealth aviation patent that is worth billions of dollars. Freescale's ownership of the patent went from 20% to 100% and apparently Rothschild got some ownership in the patent.

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