Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Israelis Blamed For Ziad Abu Ein death

Ziad Abu Ein 


here we go again, remember Mahmoud Abbas has already declared war (Ribat) on the Temple Mount. This could start the 3rd Intifida. We are getting closer and closer to the Psalm 83 War that will re-write the Middle East map. You know what I like to say: Don’t tie your shoe strings too tight.

A Palestinian Cabinet minister died Wednesday after a confrontation with Israeli forces in the occupied West Bank, the Palestinian government confirmed. Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas' announced three days of mourning and halted all contacts and security coordination with Israel after Ziad Abu Ein died in an incident at a protest in the village of Turmus Aya."
Palestinian leaders quickly jumped to conclusions.
"Chief Palestinian Negotiator Saeb Erekat also condemned what he called an 'assassination'."
" 'The Israel government bears full responsibility for the killing of Minster Abu Ein and the systematic crimes committed against the Palestinian people', he said in a statement. 'This new assassination will have severe consequences'."
The Israeli Defense Force (IDF) quickly reacted to set the record straight.
" 'The minister came to the hospital in a very critical situation, his heart was beating very fast and he had difficulty breathing and bruises on his body', Dr. Rami Abu Khalil told NBC News. 'They tried to save his life inside the hospital, but they couldn't." An autopsy was being conducted..."
The Palestinians are always attempting to spark an all-out war with every confrontation they have with the Israeli government. For my part, I still remember that 12 year old girl whose head came rolling out of the Sbarros Restaurant blown up by a suicide bomber.
I also remember that awful terrorist attack when Palestinians entered an Israel home, murdered everyone, including a stabbing death of a tiny infant in her crib.
And, who can forget that Jewish man innocently blown up on a civilian bus? His heart was ripped out of his body and fell on the sidewalk, still beating?
The Palestinians hate the Jews just as horribly today as their ancestors did 4,000 years ago. And God will call them into judgment, just as He warned in Joel 3:1-3!

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