Friday, November 7, 2014

Obama Secretly Talking and Dealing With Iran

The first and second videos are about Obama's secret letter to Iran's Supreme Leader Ali KhameneiPersonally, I believe Obama is lying about his letter and I believe there have been back door contacts with the Iranians. You will recall President Reagan did a back door deal with Iranians involving weapons.

The third link below is an article, WR 14-279, that I wrote in September 2014 about Iranians working with the Peshmerga in Iraq.  Qassem Suleimani, pictured below, is on the right of the man with the U.S. Army 
t-shirt. The Iranians are in Iraq fighting and directing operations against ISIS. Suleimani is the head of the Iranian Revolutionary Guards Corps' Qods Force and is one of the Middle East's most effective operatives. Suleimani leads the Guards' operations outside of Iran's borders. I bring this up as proof of back door channeling with the Iranians. Suleimani he has had a number of major strategic victories over the years.

suleimani iran

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