Monday, November 17, 2014

Flu Vaccine Kills 5 People In Georgia

One of many influenza viruses

I find it ironic that this occurred in D(r)acula, GA.

Health Impact News has just received urgent information from health care workers at Hope Assisted Living & Memory Care in Dacula, Georgia. According to our informants, on Friday November 7, 2014, all the residents received flu vaccinations. They all reportedly developed a fever immediately, and within one week, five of the residents died.
According to its website, Hope Assisted Living & Memory Care specializes in Alzheimer’s and Dementia care. Our sources indicate that 5 fatalities in one week is extremely unusual, as the center “maybe loses a couple of people every 6 months or longer to Alzheimers.” One source stated to Health Impact News:
The facility is not saying they are related to the flu shot but we all know they are, and they know they are.
Healthcare workers across the U.S. fear to speak out against injuries due to vaccines, as it usually costs them their job. If you know anyone with family members at this facility near Atlanta Georgia, please demand an investigation immediately.
Some facts about the flu shot:
Hope Assisted Living & Memory Care is now publicly threatening their own employees with legal action on their Facebook Page:
We notice in their public statement that they are not denying there was a flu shot given, or that there were 5 deaths last week.
Reader comments from our Facebook Page:
My grandmother was unresponsive less than 15 hours after her flu shot and died just a day after she got it. NO one should be getting this! – Jamie
That’s how my grandmother died. She was healthy but living in extended care. 100 years old – never had a flu shot in her life. The facility decided to give shots one year without consent. She died shortly afterward. Very tragic way to go for someone who took such good care of themselves all their life :( – Kim
I had an elderly client who at 70 was paralized by the flu shot. It took him 5 years to get out of the wheel chair. He had a paraplegic son to take care of and it was really hard on him. At 80 he was still planting a garden. I myself have only had one flu shot and was sick the whole year. Have not had another one since. That was 25 years ago and I just do not get sick anymore. – Linda
I had a conversation with a retired man last week, he said his wife was In bed with the flu, trying every medication to get rid of it, I said to him has she just had the flu vaccine by any chance, he said yes, she has it every year!? – Melissa

Got the shot once at the prompting of someone else… Sick within the week and ended up with pneumonia, never had the flu before the shot or after that first bout with pneumonia and I am now 71, and never intend to get another vaccine for anything! – Barbara

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