Sunday, October 5, 2014

Videos of the Day 5 Oct 2014

Pastor Faraj gives another excellent "End Times" talk: Satan's strategy to prevent the second coming of Christ

Thanks to an Israeli electronic system the U.S. southern border is more secure

HAARP used to prevent hurricanes in the Gulf of Mexico

Friends, cloaking devices are here, I am sure the anti-christ system will use cloaking devices

8 Oct Blood Moon Uranus = The Kingdom of Heaven is at hand

Limb paralysis may be linked to D6 Iterovirus

Obama misjudged and lied about al Qaeda, ISIS and Khorasan

Dr. James Hutchens says, Will there be boots on the ground in the U.S.? All Islamic terror groups are satanic in nature per the Bible in Matt 24:4 deception will prevail politically, economically, militarily, socially, educationally etc. Our world is a maze of deception

The stock market is highly over valued and the Europeans will print more money to counter Russia as the Psalm 83 and Ezekiel 38-39 war approaches

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