Thursday, October 16, 2014

Stand For Freedom of Speech

The mayor of Houston is a lesbian and an enemy of free speeach ("married" in California) to another female; however, now her honor wants local pastors to submit their sermons to the city to ascertain whether or not they took a position on the city ordinance permitting trans-genders to use any restroom of their choice!

Adolf Hitler used this tactic to force German churches to submit their will to his. Hitler also sent SS officers to sit in a front pew to hear the pastor preach. If they did not like his sermon, he could quickly find himself in prison. This tactic was very intimidating and very effective.
Returning to Houston, Texas:
What unmitigated gall. What incredible stupidity. What an insane, illegal, and impudent demand. If I were a Houston pastor I would make it very clear about my reaction. I will assume to be the pastor of a Baptist Church in Houston.
I would tell the mayor that I will not obey her subpoena and submit my sermons to her or anyone! Period. That means “never”, even if ordered to comply by the U.S. Supreme Court, the Department of Justice or even the President of the United States. Friends, if we do not stand up for freedom of speech will be doomed like the Jews and Germans in the 1930 and 1940s. President Obama signed the U.N. Declaration on Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity and even hosted in the White House (the people’s house) the first meeting with transgender activists! Furthermore, the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission ruled last year that 'gender identity or expression' in the workplace is protected under federal civil rights law!"
I believe that this action from the Houston mayor is the first attempt by radical Liberals / Leftists / Sexual Activists, to bring American Christian Churches under their legalistic control.

We Christians have long known that such persecution is coming in America. This incident seems ideally suited to start that process of marginalizing Christians and then putting them in jail for refusing to act or to speak contrary to God's Word.

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