Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Free Syrian Rebels, Iraqis and Pesmerga Join the Battle For Kobani

If an IS member is killed by a woman (Peshmerga fighters above) they believe they will go to hell
Mursitpinar, Turkey A small group of Syrian rebels entered the embattled border town of Kobani from Turkey on Wednesday 29 Oct on a mission to help Kurdish fighters battling Islamic State (IS) extremists in Syria. The group of 50 armed men is from the Free Syrian Army, and it's separate from Iraqi Kurdish peshmerga fighters who were also en route Wednesday to Kobani, along the Syrian-Turkish border.
"The 150 Iraqi peshmerga troops arrived in Turkey from Iraq early on Wednesday and were expected to cross into Syria later in the day."
This one news story covers four nations fighting right now in the Middle East: Turkey, Syria, Sunni Iraq and Free Kurdistan.
Wait, you say, Sunni Iraq and Free Kurdistan are not nations. They appear on no map whatsoever anywhere, so why am I listing them as separate nations? They are about to become separate nations according to a 2007 Middle East map released by the New World Order Pentagon.
See this map by clicking on this link. Daily events  are slowly ripping up the status quo in the Middle East and overthrowing resistant dictators so that, one day soon, an international conference will meet and will force the Middle East map to be redrawn.
When this new map becomes reality, Free Kurdistan will be a new nation, and Iraq will be separated into two major nations -- Sunni Iraq and Shi'ite Iraq.

The Middle East will be redrawn so that “End Times”  Bible prophecy can begin!

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