Thursday, September 18, 2014

The Prophetic Significance of Scotland's Independence

the world is heading straight into the End of the Age prophesied in the books of Revelation, Daniel, and both the Major and Minor Prophets. This era is foretold to be the time when entire nations are annihilated in God's judgment. In Joel 2-3, God foretold that He would destroy all nations attacking Jerusalem and trying to divide Israel's land. God further said that He was going to destroy entire peoples, those who had retained an "Ancient Hatred" of Israel since the time of Esau.

Do not be surprised if Scottish independence is announced today because Great Britain has been in the fore front of efforts to divide Israel and give Israel’s land away. Britain and the U.S. have consistently prodded the Jews to give up their land. God over the years has slowly destroyed the British Empire and He will continue to do that with Scotland. The U.S. should take careful note to what God has done to Great Britain. We are already deeply divided over the race issue and it is just a matter of time until God physically divides our land.    

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