Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Pastor Faraj's End TImes prophecy for 14 Sept. 2014

Pastor Faraj of Hawaii is a “Watchman on the Wall” like me. He gives an excellent End Times update in this presentation.

I have only one disagreement with Faraj in his presentation. In 1974 a subsidiary of the Illuminati, The Club of Rome,  named the 10 kingdoms that will answer to the anti-christ. I do not believe that the 10 kingdoms are entirely Arab or Muslim as the Pastor states in his talk. The Club of Rome map is pictured above. 

If you cannot watch the entire presentation go to the end for his altar call. The video link is below.

Remember, the map was created in 1974 so a few changes must be made.

Mexico would now be kingdom #1, the capitol of the New World Order.

South Africa would now be in kingdom #4.

The battle in the Ukraine is whether Ukraine will be with Europe in kingdom #2 or with Russia in kingdom #5. 

Turkey should now be in kingdom #7 as the leader of the re-born Islamic caliphate. 

By the way, I watch the pastor every week and I agree with 99.9% of what he says. Friends, are you ready?

The link to Pastor Faraj is below.


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