Friday, September 26, 2014

Pastor Biltz On The Great Tribulation

In a recent article Pastor Mark Biltz of El Shaddai Ministries delivers what he calls a “bombshell” concerning the significance of the Shemitah and the Blood Moon Tetrad. In referring to the Biblical “Great Tribulation”, a seven year period of unprecedented peril and suffering on earth, he goes on to state, “what I am proposing is that it (the Great Tribulation) is simply a continuation of the Shemitah cycle that has been ticking along for ages. The Great Tribulation will not be any random sequence of seven years, but the first year of the Tribulation will begin with the first year of the seven-year cycle. This has huge prophetic implications when we realize this Rosh Hashanah is the seventh year of a seven-year cycle, and the fall of 2015 begins a new seven-year cycle.”

He continues, “In plain English, the seven-year tribulation could begin next fall. If it does not, then that means it will not start for another seven years since it is just a continuation of God’s orderly time clock. I am not saying the Lord will return next fall. I am not saying the Rapture will take place next fall. I am just saying regardless of where you want to put us on God’s time line, the seven-year tribulation is part of that timeline and will happen as part of the Shemitah cycle.”

Pastor Blitz reminds us that his theory is not based on a pagan calendar, like the Mayan’s but on the calendar given by the Creator of the Universe, the One who put the sun, moon, and stars in the sky, in part, to mark His “appointed times.” (Genesis 1:14-15)

Both Jonathan Cahn and Mark Blitz believe God is trying to send a message to mankind- repent and seek Him while there is still time! God is reaching out to an increasingly secular America, and to the rebellious world at large, to turn back to Him and be restored to His favor and blessings!

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