Saturday, September 27, 2014

Islam Behind Bars

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The video trailer for Islam Behind Bars is above.
When Martin Mawyer learned that President Obama had released the five most notorious jihadists from the prison at Guantanamo Bay in exchange for an Army deserter, he reacted as many Americans did: He was horrified to think these savages were being put back into circulation by our own president.
Our recently released video exposé, “Sleeping Giant: Islam Behind the Wall,” demonstrates in shocking detail what President Obama seems not to understand—that prison itself is an incubator for radical Islam.

There is much more to the story of these Gitmo Five than just the near-certain prospect that they will soon all be back on the battlefield engaged in acts of terrorism against us. Islamists cannot be given the freedom to become more virulent in their ideology inside our prisons, only to be set free to commit more jihad. That is suicide. And that’s exactly what’s happening in America’s prisons.
In making our video “Sleeping Giant,” I had the opportunity to interview a convicted felon who spent years in several of America’s most infamous state prisons. It was an eye-opening interview that left me both shaken and convinced that America is literally teeming with radicalized ex-cons who leave prison better equipped and more willing to harm us than when they went in.
Zoran, of Serbian descent, (over a million Serbs were slaughtered by the Muslim SS division and Nazis in WW2.) Zoran is an American citizen who landed in prison after a felony conviction. After seeing how powerful the Muslim gangs are in prison, he decided to infiltrate them.
“I wanted them to think I hated the government, and that I hated America,” he said.
When I met Zoran, he was covered in some frightening tattoos, most of them obtained in prison. Some were in the Serbian language advertising his gang affiliations. Others were marks of his accomplishments in the martial arts. He is tall, muscular and strong—perfect for a Muslim gang.
“They look at a prisoner’s physique, to see if he is strong,” Zorn explained, “but they also look for a weak individual, someone who needs food, a sense of family, who needs someone to help them.
“They present a sign of hope” to these lost prisoners, he said.
“They ask, ‘Do you need to make a call? Here’s a cell phone, you have five minutes,’” Said Zoran. “If you need drugs, pornographic material, cigarettes, they’ll provide it. And they’ll hold these things for you so you don’t get in trouble with the guards.”
According to Zoran, Muslims in our prisons “control everything. They have everything on lockdown—the jobs, the drugs, the guards, everything.”
Zoran was stunned to see that radical Islamic ideology—including guerilla combat techniques—is taught right in the prisons without any monitoring from the prison authorities.
“One day they saw me practicing some (martial arts) moves,” he said. “They decided I should teach advanced combatives to their Muslim gang members.”

Zoran also explained that books teaching radical Islamic ideology are smuggled into the prisons with ease. Books like “The Anarchist Cookbook”—a murder manual that teaches radicals how to make bombs and other weapons—enters the prisons in the Arabic language in plain bindings so that prison officials and guards think it is the Koran, or other Islamic teachings.
Zoran also learned how to defraud America’s welfare system from his Muslim mentors in prison. “They teach you unemployment fraud, Social Security fraud,” he said. A big scam in the prisons is the illegal use of “green dot” pre-paid cards. Friends and family on the outside help the prisoners use false Social Security numbers to load hundreds of dollars onto the cards so they can be used in the prisons to buy anything the prisoners need—including illegal drugs.
One of Zoran’s most shocking admissions was that the Muslim gangs don’t just stop their indoctrination once the prisoner is let out. They are persuaded to make immediate contact with Islamic communities and mosques on the outside, where they can continue their Islamic jihad training.
Zoran said his Muslim mentors in prison specifically directed him to Islamic guerilla training compounds in Virginia, Georgia and New York as places where he could go for jihadist training when he left the prison system. These training camps have been identified as Muslims of the Americas (MOA) compounds.
MOA has been identified by the FBI as a terrorist organization in America which also runs compounds in a number of other states.

MOA is known to have recruited many of its members from America’s prisons. One of the most notorious prison converts to Islam, who also had connections to MOA, is “shoe bomber” Richard Reid, who was radicalized in a British prison. Reid tried to blow up an airplane with a bomb in his shoe that failed to properly detonate in 2001, en route from Paris to Miami.
Once Muslim gang members in prison have indoctrinated other prisoners into the Islamic ideology, they begin training them for jihad. Zoran’s advanced experience in martial arts techniques attracted him to Muslim gang members when he was in prison.
“They wanted me to teach advanced combat at these camps” when he got out of prison, Zoran said.
This amazing and eye-opening interview with Zoran is included on a DVD released by Christian Action Network entitled: “Sleeping Giant: Islam Behind the Wall.”  
The Rise of Prison Conversions
In 2003 about 20 percent of the prison population was estimated to be Muslim. At least 80 percent of the prisoners who “find faith” in prison convert to Islam. Most of them are black, but a growing number are Hispanic.
In a 2004 report issued by the Justice Department, the nation’s federal and state prison systems were faulted for failing to protect against “infiltration by religious extremists.” That failure is obviously continuing to this day.
Some other notable converts to Islam in prison include Malcolm X, the so-called civil rights activist; Abdul Alim Musa, a Muslim-American activist;  B.G. Knocc Out, a black rapper; Charles Brooks, Jr. , a convicted murderer who converted to Islam before his execution; Flesh N Bone, a member of the rap group Bone Thugs N Harmony; H. Rap Brown, a former Black Panther who is currently in prison for murdering a police officer; Jeff Fort, a former Chicago gang leader who was convicted in 1987 of conspiring with Libya to perform acts of domestic terrorism; José Padilla, who was convicted of aiding terrorists in the “Dirty Bomb” plot; Kevin James, ringleader of the 2005 Los Angeles bomb plot; Mike Tyson, former heavyweight boxing champion;  Bernard Hopkins, former middleweight and light heavyweight boxing champion; and many others.
Recently, Secretary of State John Kerry admitted that “Three dozen U.S. citizens who converted to Islam while in prison have traveled to Yemen, possibly for al Qaeda training.”
 “Organized crime is small compared to their operations” in American prisons, said Zoran. “Their master plan is numbers.” The more converts they make in prison, the more Islamists enter the free world to do their bidding—jihad.

Martin Mawyer is the Founder and President of Christian Action Network, a non-profit public advocacy and education group based in Lynchburg, Virginia. He began his career as a freelance journalist and has authored several books, including “Silent Shame,” “The Pro-Family Contract With America,” “Pathways to Success,” and his most recent, “Twilight in America: The Untold Story of Islamic Terrorist Training Camps Inside America.” He has produced a number of documentary films, including Homegrown Jihad, Islam Rising, Sacrificed Survivors and America’s Islamic Threat. Mawyer has appeared on The O’Reilly Factor, Hannity, Larry King Live, Pat Robertson’s 700 Club, NBC’s Today Show, Entertainment Tonight and Fox and Friends. His latest book, “Twilight in America,” co-authored by Patti A. Pierucci, details the activities of Islamic camps scattered throughout the United States. It can be purchased at in book or Kindle version.

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