Friday, September 12, 2014

50% of rape in the U.S. Military Is Upon Males

As some of you know your Watchman on the Wall is retired from the U.S. military. In the last week I was informed that male upon male rape is occurring in the U.S. military. In some situations it is like a prison environment.

From my point of view, this is not the U.S. Army I served in. I am shocked to learn that our military has declined to such levels, I thought this decline would not occur for another 5 years. This is a sad situation and points to the moral decline of our nation.

A friend of mine is a nurse in the U.S. Army and this week he confirmed this rape information to me. I posed a question to him. If this rape is going is the incidence of HIV in the Army high? He could not give exact numbers but he said that all HIV soldiers are shipped to the same military base. Consequently, I would assume sexually transmitted diseases are also high.
Now we are realizing the danger of implementing a “don’t ask don’t tell” policy in the U.S. military.

Watch the video below about this subject.

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