Monday, September 22, 2014

22 September, A Day of Sacrifice For The Illuminati and satanists

Crowley, pictured above, was known as the "Beast".

today is a high holy day for satanists and the Illuminati. Be on the lookout for bizarre deaths or disappearances as human beings are sacrificed to satan today and during the next few weeks.

God says in  Eph 6:12 For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places. Verse 13 Wherefore take unto you the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand.

In the U.S. the equinox comes today on September 22 at 10:29 p.m. EDT, 9:29 p.m. CDT, 8:29 p.m. MDT or 7:29 p.m. PDT. Remember satan and evil loves darkness.
The deception of the age in which we are living is so deep that it is completely beyond the understanding of most people. We must be alert   to   satan’s vicious attacks and open our eyes and minds or we will suffer the consequences.

Please pay attention to the signs all around us and take heed of them because God says, "My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge..." Hosea 4:6

I got the following information (in red) from a satanic coven website. “Prospects who expressed interest in the coven are contacted and begin the vetting process during the Spring. Depending upon a Prospect’s history, the time required for the vetting process and if the results are acceptable, the Prospect is assigned a Mentor, usually the Sponsor  the Prospect initially contacted, who teaches what must be learned before attending initiation. Coven initiations are usually held during the Bride of The Beast (September 7, 2012) celebration. This allows new initiates to fully participate in the Fall Equinox Feast  rituals and practices.
Satanic covens around the world are very individualistic and may differ greatly even if in relatively close proximity to one another. This diversity and individualism is what makes Satanism interesting, appealing, engaging, refreshing and to the outsider, mysterious.

Autumnal Equinox, Festival of Dionysus or Witches Thanksgiving (aka: Fall Equinox) occurs around September 21st of each year. The two hemispheres of Earth are receiving an equal amount of sun and the night and day are approximately equal in length. The name equinox comes from the Latin aequus (equal) and nox (night). The sun is on the celestial equator which intersects our horizons at points due east and due west. From a historical standpoint, the Fall Equinox is a celebration of the harvest when summer has finished giving its fruits, which are collected in preparation for the long winter. In Celtic traditions, which still survive today, the Fall Equinox is a time of sacrifice; they made a figure from the stems of grain, which they sacrificed by fire. The extent of the rituals and celebrations usually differs from coven to coven. For example, some groups perform a Black Mass (Messe Noire) five or six weeks after the Fall Equinox while others perform magical rituals on the exact day of the Fall Equinox.
The Fall Equinox is time for coven initiations. This is the first interaction the Initiate will have with the entire coven or the smaller subset of the larger coven. The training and coaching received from the Mentor is designed to allow the Initiate to remain focused and successfully complete their initiation. Once completed, the person is thereafter called a Coven Member as he or she begins to form bonds and relationships in the Satanic family and Satanic community. As he or she learns, there are other opportunities if he or she desires however, furthering Satanism throughout the world remains paramount.
The Fall Equinox Feast is an opportunity for the newly indoctrinated coven members to attend a ritual and work with members of other groups or coven. This is truly when the coven member grows and broadens his or her satanic knowledge and wisdom. The coven serves as a support group to promote learning and self-fulfillment of all members.

There are 8 Annual satanic/Illuminati Human Scacrifice Nights.
  1. March 21
  2. May 1 (second highest)
  3. June 21
  4. August 1
  5. September 21
  6. October 29-31 (highest, Oct 31 = Halloween )
  7. December 21
  8. February 1

For more information on this subject or to report satanic crimes I recommend Russ  Dizdar. His link is on my website.

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