Monday, August 11, 2014

Videos of the Day 14 August 14

Our God is amazing what a great miracle!

I pray that you are one of the few!

Open your eyes (The narrator made a mistake in the video below Yazidis are not Christians)

True Evidence the Israelites crossed the Red Sea fleeing from Pharaoh, watch the video below

The word from Jerusalem

Why Jerusalem, the stumbling block for the world, is Jewish and not Muslim 

The Etzion Bloc ("Gush Etzion" in Hebrew), which today consists of 18 communities and nearly 40,000 residents, is located between Jerusalem and Hebron. Because of its strategic location, the Bloc was heavily contested during Israel's War of Independence in 1947 and 1948. Although the area was not granted to Israel under the 1947 partition plan, the commanders of theHaganah considered it an essential buffer against a southern attack on Jerusalem. They are happy in Gush Etzion are you happy?

Hamas fired rockets next to a Christian church

MONDEX: coming to your doctor's office shortly!

Where were you when Chrisitans were slaughtered in Egypt and Iraq? Where were you when Nigerians were kidnapped and slaughtered?

Why is this speech so late? I heard no such speech for the persecuted Christians in Iraq.

The cartoon below says it all about the Israeli Gazan conflict

MP Galloway of the UK spews out his hatred of Israel in the video below.

The video below demonstrates how U.S. news is manipulated and how Hillary's name is being promoted at the expense of all other Dems.

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