Sunday, August 24, 2014

General McInerney Urges U.S. To Go To DEFCON 1 25 Aug 14

Friends, something is afoot, intelligence sources analysts and agents are telling me something important is going to happen on or before 7 September. 

Retired Lt. General Thomas McInerney said on Saturday, 23 Aug 14 that the U.S. needs to move to Defense Condition 1 (DEFCON), our highest state of readiness because of the threat ISIS poses to the U.S. He warned of a 9-11 style attack by ISIS.

I quote, Gen. McInerney, "On the 7th of Sept.14, a major news network and publishing network are going to put out a book.  It is going to be earth shattering of what's happening and what happened.   The fact is we may even see a a 9/11/14 MH-370 surface again. We should go to DEFCON 1, our highest state of readiness and be prepared as we lead up to 9/11.

McInerney said, "I can't give you anymore than what I've just said, But it is going to be extremely important and America should take notice. We are less safe today than we were 6 years ago.  

My intelligence sources are telling me something is up. Bill Koenig said at the Pike's Peak Prophecy Conference that his intelligence sources were saying that MH-370 would re-surface. 

I am speculating that MH-370 may re-surface to be used as a cruise missile against a high value American target.

Remember in the Maserati commercial the Illuminati warned us that they were preparing and would strike, that video is also below.

Watch the videos below: 

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