Monday, August 4, 2014

Today's Videos 4 Aug 2014

Another Friday "Kill the Jews" sermon from peace-loving Muslims.

Alex Jones and DAHBOO77 disccuss the Ebola Virus in the videos below..
This is a neat video "Proud To Be An Israeli Soldier" and they mention Jesus/Yeshua.

Gaza has been nominated as 51st state.

Isaiah 19:1 (KJV) The Burden of Egypt. Behold, the Lord rideth upon a swift cloud, and shall come into Egypt: and the idols of Egypt shall be moved at his presence, and the heart of Egypt shall melt in the midst of it.

The video below depicts the deep divide between Sunnis and Shia that is driving war in the Middle East. Israel is being used as Sunnis's bully boy. 
Friends, I think we may be seeing the beginning faint signs of Egypt turning back to the Lord.

 A terrorist with a tractor scoop attacks and overturns a bus. It seems to me people with weapons at the scene saved many lives. The pedestrian was crushed by the tractor as it approached the bus. There are no details immediately available about the identity of the terror victim. Six are now reported wounded in the attack, in which a Palestinian driver of a tractor overturned a bus in Jerusalem before being shot dead by a policeman who rushed to the scene.

In reference to the video below, I pray that Yeshua comes back today, this is the kind of slaughter the Nazis committed in the Soviet Union and eastern Europe. Islam cannot be a true religion, it is a cult of death. In this video IS Sunni thugs slaughter Iraqi Army POWs and Shia Islamic believers. This is coming to a neighborhood near you.

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