Friday, August 22, 2014

Israel Is Considering Re-conquering Gaza

Israeli Communications Minister Gilad Erdan, a member of the Security Cabinet, told Army Radio on Thursday that the resumption of Hamas rocket fire had brought Israel closer than ever to a decision to fully reconquer the Gaza Strip. 
Friends, if Israel does decide to takeover the Gaza Strip in my opinion this will likely be the start of the Psalm 83 war.
Many Conservative Israeli leaders had urged Prime Minister Netanyahu to immediately order the IDF to conquer Gaza and to forcibly overthrow the Hamas government. After all, how could any "peace" be achieved when such a clever, hostile, implacable enemy such as Hamas was allowed to operate right next door? One day, Hamas might find the right combination of weapons and tactics that could successfully destroy Israel, these Conservative leaders concluded. Netanyahu initially refused to conquer Gaza, but now that Hamas has shown itself to be the the Islamic snake in the grass which it truly is, world opinion seems to be powerfully shifting in Israel's favor.
"Israel has thus far confined its response to targeted aerial strikes. But Erdan warned that Israeli military operations could expand dramatically if Hamas continues to attack ....' we are closer today to a ground operation than we have been at any point since the start of the operation', said the minister."
Israel also ratcheted upward its war against the top military and political leaders of the terrorist group, Hamas.

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