Tuesday, July 29, 2014

War In Gaza Videos and News 29 July 2014

I am sorry, there is a lot of news to report out of Gaza and the Middle East. If you do not have time to read focus on the videos below, most are under 4 minutes.
Who cares????? Watch the video below.

Israeli forces targeted more than 70 sites in the Gaza Strip overnight Monday-Tuesday. Targets included two Hamas command-and-control centers, four weapon storage sites inside mosques, a rocket launcher, and one attack tunnel. Israel also attacked other branches of Hamas, including its treasury and propaganda wings. The army says it targeted 10 terrorists in the central part of the Gaza Strip, confirming hits. Also Tuesday morning, gunmen fired at paratroopers within Gaza, who open fire and stop the attack. No Israeli soldiers were injured in the incident. Israel struck the home of senior Hamas political official Ismail Haniyeh in the Shati refugee camp early Tuesday morning. Haniyeh has been hiding underground during the fighting in Gaza, and was not home at the time. Islamic Jihad announced that Ahmed Najam Abu Hamda, the commander of its forces in Rafah, has been killed by Israel overnight.

A squad of Hamas terrorists, emerged from a tunnel inside Israel, kill five Israeli soldiers but fail to carry out an abduction. The attack took place south of Kibbutz Nahal Oz in the vicinity of the Karni Crossing. A Hamas squad surfaces 150 meters inside Israel and fires an anti-tank missile at an army position. The barracks, just below the lookout tower, is hit, and five soldiers are mortally wounded. The soldiers in the lookout tower, known as a pillbox for its round shape, spot the squad advancing on the position and open fire, killing at least one of the gunmen.
Deputy Minister Ofir Akunis (Likud) says that “we are not close to a ceasefire,” Akunis emphasizes that the conflict in Gaza is a war, not a limited operation. As deputy minister in the Prime Minister’s Office, Akunis serves as the liaison between the government and the Knesset

If you are a rational human being the video below will change your mind about Islam. We Christians do not have to murder anyone to be guaranteed our going to heaven. Yeshua Hamashiac or Jesus Christ paid for all our sins in full on the cross. We cannot earn our way to heaven as Muslims believe. We have a personal relationship with God, Muslims believe they cannot have a personal relationship with God.

As Golda Meier once said when the Arabs love life more than death there will be peace; watch the insightful video below.


The video below points out that Hamas is funded by the Emir Qatar and Iran. My Israeli sources tell me that Barack Obama exerted “heavy pressure” on Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu in a phone call Sunday to end Operation Protective Edge in Gaza immediately. Netanyahu's demand that Gaza be demilitarized was reportedly swept aside by Obama, who said that he saw such an arrangement as part of an overall peace deal to be reached between Israel and the Palestinians, and not as part of a ceasefire with Hamas. According to an official US statement, Obama “made clear the strategic imperative of instituting an immediate, unconditional humanitarian ceasefire that ends hostilities now and leads to a permanent cessation of hostilities based on the November 2012 ceasefire agreement.” Israel’s ambassador to the UN criticized a UN Security Council presidential statement that demanded an immediate ceasefire and calls on the world to stand with Israel against terror. Prosor notes the absence of any reference to Hamas rocket fire in the statement. “The presidential statement miraculously managed to not mention the Hamas or rockets or Israel’s right to defend its citizens,” he says and declares he is appealing not to world leaders, but rather to public common sense.

MK Ze’ev Elkin, chairman of the Knesset Foreign Affairs and Defense Committee, rejected the Obama administration’s calls for an immediate ceasefire, recalling Palestinian elections in 2006. “The international pressure has begun,” Elkin tells Ynet. “When we once listened to the Americans and allowed Hamas to participate in elections, Hamas took over Gaza and we received a terrorist entity. Hamas is a terrorist organization just like Al-Qaeda, so there is no reason to talk about negotiations.” “The fact that Hamas is firing means that it is still not deterred, and did not reach a real breaking point,” he says.
Politicians from the right and the left continue to find common ground in their opposition to US ceasefire efforts in their current form. Watch the video below.


The IDF has provided some of the clearest evidence to date of Hamas's lowdown tactic of firing rockets from civilian locations, in the confidence that the Israeli military will think twice about striking the launchers, and will be blamed for civilian casualties if it does strike. The following videos from IDF aerial surveillance shows Hamas firing rockets at Israel from inside a school compound, and from a location inside a cemetery, apparently just dozens of feet from residences. 
Israel last Thursday called out a United Nations aid agency for falsely claiming that the Israeli Defense Forces did not permit civilians to evacuate a Gaza school where 15 people were killed in an Israeli attack. The UN Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA) laid blame for the civilian deaths on the IDF, claiming it never received approval from the IDF for an evacuation from the facility. UNRWA released a statement claiming, “UNRWA had been attempting to negotiate with the [IDF] a pause in the fighting during which they would guarantee a safe corridor to relocate staff and any displaced persons who chose to evacuate to a more secure location. Approval for that never came to UNRWA.”

Multiple IDF sources rejected UNRWA’s claims and characterized them as outright falsehoods when reached by the Washington Free Beacon. “For two days we were trying to move people out of that school in particular and the Beit Hanoun area in general,” said an IDF official who was involved in the interactions between the IDF, UNRWA, and International Red Cross (ICRC) leading up to the incident. The official continued, “This morning we sought a ceasefire in the area and a humanitarian evacuation of civilians, but Hamas refused—because they wanted to keep civilians in the area to protect their fighters who were firing on the IDF.” The claim by UNRWA Gaza Spokesman Chriss Gunness and UNRWA that the IDF did not respond to their request to evacuate civilians, the source said, is “a flat-out complete and total lie,” the official told the Washington Free Beacon. UNRWA has made headlines in recent days after it was discovered that Hamas stored rockets in its schools in Gaza. UNRWA found the rockets in one of its vacant schools a week ago. It found a second batch in a vacant school on Tuesday, but said in a statement that because staff were withdrawn quickly, they were "unable to confirm the precise number." In both cases UNRWA said it "informed the relevant parties," but did not identify who had been contacted. It was later reported that rather than destroying the rockets, UNRWA workers called Hamas to come remove them. While UNRWA confirmed the existence of rockets in one of its schools last week, the organization refused an Israeli request to provide a picture of the weapons. A picture could have helped Israel show that Hamas uses civilian institutions to store weapons and launch attacks. On Wednesday, UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon expressed alarm over the finding of the rockets and directed the world body to deploy experts to deal with the situation. 
Ambassador Dermer blasts CNN pro Hamas coverage.

It is just my personal opinion but Hillary Clinton and John Kerry have been a disaster serving as Sec'y of State. Watch the video below. 
Israeli government sources last Saturday night accused US Secretary of State John Kerry of “completely capitulating” to the demands of Hamas and its champion Qatar in drafting the Gaza war ceasefire proposal that Israeli ministers unanimously rejected on Friday. 
The unnamed sources said Kerry “dug a tunnel under the Egyptian ceasefire proposal” — which Israel accepted and Hamas rejected last week — and presented the Israeli government with a text that accepted “most of the demands” raised by Hamas, the Islamist terror group that rules the Strip. To the “horror” of the Israeli ministers, the Kerry proposal accepted Hamas’s demands for the opening of border crossings into Gaza — where Israel and Egypt fear the import of weaponry; the construction of a seaport; and the creation of a post-conflict funding channel for Hamas from Qatar and other countries, according to the sources. The proposal, meanwhile, did not even provide for Israel to continue demolishing the Hamas network of “terror tunnels” dug under the Israeli border. Rather than provoke an open diplomatic confrontation with the United States, the report said, the appalled ministers chose not to issue an official statement rejecting the Kerry terms. Instead, word of the decision was allowed to leak out.
Channel 2′s diplomatic reporter Udi Segal said “voices” from the cabinet had described Kerry as “negligent,” “lacking the ability to understand” the issues, and “incapable of handling the most basic matters.” The Channel 2 report said that some of those involved in the contacts with Kerry had suggested that “perhaps there was some kind of misunderstanding” or that Kerry “was only presenting a draft” of the offer, but the secretary himself gave no indication that this was the case when he expressed his disappointment that no ceasefire had been agreed during a press conference in Cairo on Friday night. Israel and Hamas did maintain a humanitarian truce through Saturday evening, during which Israel continued to track and demolish some of the Hamas tunnels. Hamas ended the truce unilaterally on Saturday night and resumed rocket fire. 
Israel’s Foreign Minister Avigdor Liberman said Israel needed to continue its ground offensive in Gaza until it was confident that what the IDF had achieved “can prevent a fourth round” of conflict with Hamas and guarantee the safety of the people of Israel. “We have to be sure, the day after a ceasefire, that Hamas cannot restart digging tunnels” and amassing better, more dangerous missiles. “If we haven’t achieved that…,” he tailed off. Israel was also fuming Saturday over the tactics followed by Secretary Kerry since Friday night in his ceasefire quest. Kerry flew to Paris and held talks Saturday without representatives of Israel, the Palestinian Authority or Egypt, but with Qatar and Turkey, which Israel’s Communications Minister Gilad Erdan said showed “we’re a long way from a political solution.” Privately, Israeli sources expressed deep dismay that Kerry engaged in the talks in Paris with representatives of Turkey, whose leadership is openly hostile to Israel, and Qatar, whose leadership is seen by Israel to be representing Hamas’s interests. Egypt was also understood to be deeply dissatisfied with Kerry’s tactics.

The “Day of Rage” occurred last Friday. It was the last day of the Muslim holy month of Ramadan. The Israelis, restricted entry to the Temple Mount to men over the age of 50 and there was no age limit on women. Hamas leaders in Israel and outside the country have called for the renewal of the intifada, and leaders of the rival Fatah movement, headed by Palestinian Authority chairman Mahmoud Abbas, led the march and violent riots to the outskirts of Jerusalem late Thursday night. Rioters challenged police at the Kalandia checkpoint in northern Jerusalem and at Rachel’s Tomb in Bethlehem, south of the city, as seen in the video below. At least one Arab was killed, and 27 police officers were injured. Arab officials accused the police of using live fire to break up the riots, but some of the protesters fired gunshots at police from within the crowd. Police arrested 39 rioters, of whom an estimated 200 were injured.
Abbas has failed several times in the past three years to convince Arabs to stage peaceful protests, and at least two “million-man” marches drew less than 1,000 supporters. The “Arab Spring” has not spread to the Arab street in Judea and Samaria for the simple reason, rejected by foreign and even local media, that they have more to lose than to gain with violent protests. The Palestinian Authority is unquestionably corrupt from top to bottom and has promised its followers the moon while delivering nothing because of its refusal to compromise and even recognizing Israel, whatever its borders, as a Jewish state. Hamas television aired songs encouraging a renewal of the intifada, and Abbas has called on Arabs to donate blood at Arab hospitals while rejecting donations from Jews. A huge protest Friday would provide Hamas with a glimmer of hope for boosting its morale, which has been decimated not only by the IDF’s spectacular intelligence and combat maneuvers to foil terrorist attacks and destroy terror tunnel but also by day-by-day exposure of its policy of committing war crimes by using civilians as human shields to attack Israel.

Muslims exploit and are winning the battle ground of ideas.......watch below.....the Jewish people have a unique claim to their land. Melanie Phillips gives a terific interview. 
When I worked in counter-terrorism I advocated decapitating the al Qaeda terrorist leadership. This is exactly what the Israelis are doing in Gaza. Look at the list of names below that they have eliminated.  
The IDF and Shin Bet struck the Rafah home of senior Islamic Jihad member Salah Abu Hasnin on Friday morning 25 July. Hasnin, a member of Islamic Jihad's supreme military council, was killed in the attack. Hasnin was also the head of Islamic Jihad's spokesman division in Rafah. Overnight between Thursday and Friday, the IDF struck several command and control posts used by Gazan terror organizations It also struck Hamas's domestic security ministry, and the military office of Ra'ad Thabat, a senior weapons production operative in Hamas.
The IDF said on Friday morning that it killed or wounded 40 terrorists in the past 24 hours. The names of eight Hamas and Islamic Jihad terrorists killed were released in a statement by the IDF Spokesperson's Office: Haphet Mahmad Hemed was a Senior Islamic Jihad commander for the Beit Hanoun area. He was responsible for the rocket fire toward Sderot that lead up to Operation Protective Edge. Hassin Abbad Elkhader Mahsin was a senior Islamic Jihad commander for the Sajaiya area. Ahram Sha'er was a senior Islamic Jihad commander for the Khan Yunis area. Born in 1973, he was involved with executing terror attacks and rockets fired at Israel. Mahmoud Ziada was a senior Islamic Jihad commander in the Jabaliya area, responsible for building up rocket supplies and took part in anti-Israel fighting and rocket attacks toward Israel. Osama Alhiya was a Hamas commander in the Sajaiya area. He was the son of Halil Alhiya, a senior official in Hamas' national assembly. Muhammad Shabban was a senior commander in Hamas' naval forces Ahmed Sahmud was a commander in Commander in Khan Yunis. Abdallah Al'ahras was a Hamas military commander.
Oops, some fool forgot to remove the martyr's suicide vest. Watch below...
Kamal Al-Khatib, deputy head of the radical Islamic Movement in Israel headed by Raed Salah, said in a recent speech that Gaza “will rub Israel's nose in the mud.” The comments were made in a speech in Kafr Kanna, an Arab town located in the Galilee. In April, Al-Khatib claimed that Israel is “land that has been occupied since 1948.” Speaking to the Hamas journal Falastin, Al-Khatib said that Israel is taking advantage of the troubles in surrounding Arab countries to “Judaize” Jerusalem. He accused Israel of acting towards a gradual implementation of sovereignty over Jerusalem, including sharing the use of the Temple Mount among Jews and Muslims. In light of this "threat" against Jerusalem, he stressed that "the protection of the Al-Aqsa mosque is not solely a task for the inhabitants of Jerusalem, residents who have been occupied since 1948 (referring to the State of Israel) and the Palestinian people themselves. It is the task of the entire Muslim and Arab world." Several months earlier, the same Al-Khatib warned of a possible internal conflict with "the Israeli occupation" and threatened a "huge eruption" if Israel intervened on the Temple Mount and continued, according to him, to bother the Muslims praying there.
A Kuwaiti cleric recently called on Hamas not to give up on its fight against Israel, and not agree to a ceasefire until Israel is erased. “We are in a conflict over our very existence with the sons of Zion,” he said, adding, “In geography as well as in history, the state of Israel is a deviant country. It is destined to be eradicated in its entirety.” Al-Suwaidan continued, “Gone are the days when we would demand a ceasefire. I find it strange that some people are demanding a ceasefire, absolutely not. The shooting and the launching of rockets continue. If you should be suffering - they are suffering as you are suffering.” He went on to say that the rocket attacks on Israel have “paralyzed” it completely and that Israelis “all went trembling into their holes”.
This ain't your daddy's NRA.......watch below as thugs lure a child into the war in Gaza.

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