Monday, July 21, 2014

End Times News 16 July 14

 Below is the video Obama the anti-Israel President

Dancing together with Arabs? Laughing together with them? These are the people I hated my whole life," says Chava, a Messianic Jewish girl who grew up in an Orthodox Jewish family in Israel.

Chava was part of a three-day gathering where she met with an estimated 1,000 Messianic Jewish and Arab Christian youth and young adults in Haifa. At a time when murderous kidnappings, violent riots and a developing war in Gaza are bringing racial tensions to boiling point, these young Messianic Jews and Arab Christians arrived at the conference still reeling with all the raw emotions of the Arab-Israeli conflict.

"These young people came carrying a lot of hurt because of all the recent violence here in Israel," says Rick Ridings, organizer of the annual Elav conference. "Many of them thought that they had dealt with these feelings, but because of the kidnappings and killings they are in pain, on both sides." 

For Chava, who grew up in an ultra-Orthodox Jewish ghetto, it was the first time to be in such close quarters with Arabs. "I used to walk with my family to the Wailing Wall and pray that bad things would happen to the Arabs," she recalls. "We have this view that Arabs are bad people. But when I saw them praying to God, and heard them worshipping in Hebrew and then in Arabic, God touched my heart. These are the lost brothers and sisters I have been looking for all my life," she says.

Ridings, who has been organizing these gatherings since 2007, was not sure that any of the young Arabs or Jews would even want to be together during such difficult times. "I didn't know if any of the Palestinian Arabs would even be able, or want to come," he says. "Yet almost miraculously, given the heightened security, about 50 Palestinian believers were able to come."

"These were some of the most meaningful times I have seen at the conference," Ridings told Israel Today. "Perhaps the situation forced these young people to get over the things that normally cause problems. This was real, not just some canned program."

For many of the young believers this was the first time they had ever had a meaningful encounter with the other side. When an Arab believer who grew up in Gaza and a young Messianic Israeli shared their testimonies, it helped others to open up and talk about what they really feel, sharing honestly about what had happened in the army, or with friends killed by terrorists. 

"As I washed the feet of my Arab sister, I was able to ask forgiveness for the way my family, and my people, look at them (Arabs)," says Chava. "To hear her say that she forgives me and loves me was so healing. It was the love from Yeshua, nothing else. I never had an Arab friend. Now I have daily contact with my sisters in Ramallah, Jordan and Lebanon," she smiles.

"After hearing my story," continues Chava, "an Arab girl came up to tell me that she hated religious Jews whenever she saw them. This was her first time meeting with someone who came from an Orthodox religious background. She ran to me and asked for forgiveness and asked me to pray for her that she would have more love for my people." 

Ridings says that the vision for these gatherings is "to provide a safe environment for Jewish, Arab and Palestinian youth and young adults to have personal encounters with the Lord, to wait on him through worship and prayer, to grow in unity, and to be challenged to minister the Kingdom of God into every area of society."

On the last evening of the gathering, a young Messianic Jew shared about spending three months in Syria helping war refugees. The conference concluded with a call for the young people to go and share the powerful testimony of what Yeshua can do for our broken world.

Most of you did not know that Americans originally wanted no part of World War II. In fact, they didn’t even want to be a part of World War I. They were sympathetic to the British, but felt that it was a bad idea to get involved in such ‘foreign entanglements’. But, Americans are an emotional people, and emotional people can be manipulated.
The Lusitania and World War I
That’s where the RMS Lusitania came in – a passenger ship purposely loaded with weapons and ammunition, so that it would be sunk by the Germans. It was a ‘set up’ to bring America into World War I.
Germany took out advertisements pleading with people to not take the Lusitania from America to Britain, but people ignored their pleading. And, 1,198 passengers and crew went to their deaths. When the German U-Boat launched her torpedo at the doomed passenger ship, it was the American government that pulled the trigger.
The sinking of the Lusitania was murder, plain and simple – by the US. And, divers recently found evidence that the Germans were right. The Lusitania was running guns.
Whoever set that operation up has the blood of the passengers of the Lusitania on his hands – as well as the 204,002 Americans killed in World War I. It was murder, and our great-great-grandfathers were manipulated into participating.
Pearl Harbor And World War II
Then, there was World War II. Roosevelt wanted a third term, and his New Deal was failing. So, he tried the Lusitania Option, and Hitler refused to take the bait. At the same time, Roosevelt was provoking the Japanese. The Japanese repeatedly tried to find some way to maintain peace with America, but America was determined to drag Japan into war with the US.
American cryptographers had broken Japanese diplomatic and naval codes, which enabled them to manipulate the Japanese into war. It was also why they knew of the attack on Pearl Harbor ahead of time, and why all US aircraft carriers were away from Pearl Harbor when the attack came.
Roosevelt got his war, and 420 thousand Americans died.
Evidence Of Foul Play

It literally makes me sick to think about the evil that we were tricked into participating in.
Were Japan and Germany evil?
Of course.
Did they need to be taken down?
Of course.
But, Americans helped put Hitler in power in the first place. Just take a good hard look at the activities of Prescott Bush – George Bush Sr’s father. And, Japan would not have been desperate for raw materials if we hadn’t been blocking Japan from getting them.
Would there still be wars, if the scum that we call politicians hadn’t been tricking us into them?
yes, but with less loss of life and far, far less blood of innocents upon our hands. We let these people of uncertain parentage take over, so I’m not sure that the blood washes off.
And, I just LOVE this lying-through-his-teeth quote from Roosevelt:
Our national determination to keep free of foreign wars and foreign entanglements cannot prevent us from feeling deep concern when ideals and principles that we have cherished are challenged. – Franklin D. Roosevelt
(By the way, the phrase ‘foreign entanglements’ comes from FDR,
NOT George Washington.)
Now, let’s look at what is happening now.
America Tries For ANOTHER World War
The US tried ANOTHER ‘Lusitania’ strategy by staging a coup in Ukraine, but Russia didn’t take the bait. So, the US tried other avenues to push Russia into a corner, which caused Russia to start looking for allies.
How do we see that?
The development of the BRICS and the BRICS bank.
Did you notice the deals that Russia has been making lately?
Here are some moves by Russia:
Russia forgives 90% of Cuban debts.
Investment deals in South America.
Russian Military bases in Cuba, Nicaragua and Venezuela.
Selling better and cheaper weapons to Iraq.
$400 billion dollar pipeline deal with China.
Recent moves towards the BRICS Development Bank
Of course, the CFR and the US State Department didn’t really like all that.
So, how has America responded?
Well, check out what our beloved leaders are up to:
Kidnapping children of Russian politicians.
Attacking Russian bank accounts.
Attacking financial centers where Russia does her banking.
They Want World War III To Take Our Freedom
If you look closely at all of this (and more) you will see an attempt by America to start yet a THIRD World War.
Why would America want ANOTHER World War?
Have you noticed how much moral damage was sustained by American society during and after these wars?
I have, and it’s profoundly disturbing. After each war we found ourselves having drifted further and further away from God.
Have you noticed how many freedoms we lost, as we fought each war?
I have, and I am horrified.
We would NOT be in the predicament that we are in today, were it not for all the wars that we have fought over the past century, and the moral decay that followed. We have suffered through a century of unending war, and it has destroyed us.
When the final missiles take us out, all they will do is sift the rubble of a long-dead society.
As we abandoned God…
…is it any wonder that He has abandoned us?

Welcome to the end of the world. Below is a video about how the U.S. used economic warfare against Japan.


Islamic State (IS) jihadists not only have designs on Saudi Arabia, Israel and Rome for their caliphate but also on Spain and other lands Muslims occupied from A.D. 622 to 1492.
In a newly released video in Arabic, Islamic State jihadists vowed to “conquer Israel, Rome and Spain.” IS would redraw boundaries of countries, separate Shia and Sunni Muslims, and subject everyone to extreme Islamic law, or Shariah.
Al-Qaida leader Ayman al-Zawahiri also has called for restoring to Muslim rule the Iberian Peninsula, referring to as Al-Andalus, as it was known in the eighth century.
“O our Muslim Umma (community) in the Maghreb of ribat and jihad (land of resistance and holy war): restoring Al-Andalus (Spain) is a trust on the shoulders of the Ummah in general and on your shoulders in particular,” Zawahiri said in 2007.
He also called for the “cleansing” of the “sons of Spain and France” in North Africa, which includes the Maghreb. Today, Al-Qaida in the Islamic Maghreb, or AQIM, is waging its jihad there.
“Restoring al-Andalus is a trust on the shoulders of the nation in general and on your shoulders in particular, and you will not be able to do that without first cleansing the Muslim Maghreb of the children of France and Spain, who have come back again after your fathers and grandfathers sacrificed their blood cheaply in the path of God to expel them,” Zawahiri said.
AQIM has just announced in its social media that it doesn’t intend to join Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi’s Islamic State and instead will continue owing its allegiance to Zawahiri.
AQIM said it doesn’t agree that the Islamic State, which last month declared the creation of a caliphate on captured lands in Syria and Iraq, represents all Muslims.
The Islamic State, previously known as the Islamic State of Iraq and al-Sham (Greater Syria), is an offshoot of al-Qaida, but Baghdadi had a falling out with Zawahiri, who disagreed with Baghdadi bringing in other al-Qaida affiliated groups such as al-Nusra under its wing in Syria.
Zawahiri also objected to Baghdadi’s extreme brutality, which the al-Qaida leader said was hurting recruitment of fighters for jihad and establishment of a caliphate. Al-Qaida and the Islamic State agree on creating a caliphate but disagree on who should lead it.
The areas of Muslim occupation represent the cumulative territories captured by Islamic conquests from A.D. 622 to 750.
The expansion occurred during three periods between 622 and 750, with initial expansion occurring under Muhammad from 622 to 632 that encompassed the Arabian Peninsula of modern-day Saudi Arabia, Yemen and Oman.
That conquest was followed by the Rashidun Caliphate from A.D. 632 to 661, which took in the areas of modern-day Egypt, including the Sinai Peninsula, Libya and all of the Levant, which took in present-day Syria, Lebanon, Israel and Jordan.
The other expansion occurred during the Umayyad Caliphate from A.D. 661 to 750, which encompassed all of the Maghreb and Mesopotamia, or modern-day Iraq, Iran and portions of Turkey.
Until 1031, the Umayyad dynasty ruled over Al-Andalus, which had become an integral province of the caliphate, which ruled from Damascus.
There were subsequent caliphates, including Abbasid and Fatimid, but it generally was on land initially taken from A.D. 622 to 750.
Then came the Ottoman Empire, which ruled from 1453 to 1922, when it broke up and was substituted by implementation of the secret 1916 Sykes-Picot Treaty between the British and French.
The treaty created the current countries of the Middle East, which exacerbated Sunni-Shiite hostilities that continue to this day.
It is borders created by this treaty that Baghdadi’s Islamic State wants to eliminate to create his own caliphate for all Muslims. Any Muslims who don’t accept the IS caliphate would be declared apostate and killed.

Leaders of the BRICS emerging market nations launched a $100 billion development bank and a currency reserve pool on Tuesday. 15 July 14 in their first concrete step toward reshaping the Western-dominated international financial system. The long-awaited bank will be called the New Development Bank.
It is the first major achievement of the BRICS countries - Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa - since they got together in 2009 to press for a bigger say in the global financial order created by Western powers after World War Two and centered on the International Monetary Fund and the World Bank.
Quite frankly, the Western-dominated IMF and World Bank have policies that are too restrictive and too punitive to allow the Supernations within BRICS to set up the planned regional governments. Notice the Supernations which will benefit from this "New Development Bank".
1) Kingdom #5 -- Russia and Eastern Europe
2) Kingdom #6 - Central and South America
3) Kingdom #9 -- ASEAN - South and Southeast Asia -- of note here is that, even though India is not presently a member of ASEAN, the Club of Rome Plan lists her as a member. Currently, the new Modi government of India is negotiating with ASEAN to become a member very shortly.
4) Kingdom #4 -- South Africa is planned to be part of a Supernation of "Australia, South Africa, and the rest of the market-economy of the developed world".
Therefore, can you see how the development of this "New Development Bank" will greatly stimulate the formation of these satanic kingdoms and will move the entire process along? God's plan for the nations of the world to reorganize into 10 satanic Kingdoms is proceeding quickly!
The time has come to obey Jesus' admonition to His End Time believers:

"And when these things begin to come to pass, then look up, and lift up your heads; for your redemption draweth nigh."(Luke 21:28)

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