Monday, July 7, 2014

End Times News and Gospel Message 7July 14

It is one thing to know that a certain event WILL happen. It is something else to know why and how. And then, when you see it in action… well, it brings a level of certainty that leaves nothing left for doubt.
That’s why, after our apocalyptic discussion last week, I dug deeper into the possibility of a nuclear attack on the United States – secretly hoping that I would find some other explanation for the ‘wounded head’ of Revelation 13:3. Unfortunately, I found far more verification than I wanted to see.
There is a nuclear bullseye painted over the US, which means that YOU are in harm’s way.

America Destroyed – Part 1 – The Game of Princes
A close relative of mine was a 33rd degree Mason, a worshiper of Satan and deeply involved with those who were members of the Illuminati.
I say all that because he would tell us things that I never understood until I found out who and what the Illuminati were.
One of those things was:
“THEY are looking for someone to unite them.”
Those THEY are the Elites, even the Illuminati
themselves, although he never actually identified who the THEY were. And, as I have delved deeper and deeper into who and what the Illuminati are, I see a tremendous amount of disunity – a disunity designed to kill off the weak and strengthen the whole.
The many factions within the Elites have a habit of killing each other off. And, you can find this ‘habit’ at every level of the Illuminati power structure. Think of it as the Mafia, but much, much bigger and far, far more evil.
I say all of that to answer a puzzling question that so many have:
Why would someone who was clearly one of the Elites attack someone else who was clearly a fellow member of the Elites?
The answer is that they do it all the time. In fact, they often talk about it openly.
Here’s George Soros, one of the many public faces of the Illuminati:
The main obstacle to a stable and just world order is the United States… …and the Bush administration is setting the wrong agenda . The Bush agenda is nationalistic… …Changing the attitude and policies of the United States remains my top priority. – George Soros (2006)
Let me boil that down for you. George Soros was
upset that the American Elites weren’t cooperating with HIS Elites.
We saw evidence of that just a few weeks ago at the recent Bilderberg meeting, in Copenhagen, Denmark. The European Bilderbergers wanted to cool things down with Russia, over Ukraine. And, the US Bilderbergers wanted the opposite.
Ultimately, both sides want the same thing. They’re just arguing over who gets to run the world. And yes, they ARE willing to kill over that.
However, they won’t be the people that wind up dying. You and I do that. To them, we are just pawns in the ‘game of princes’.
Because Obama was in power, I had been wondering if the American CFR/Trilateralist Elites were going to take a passive approach to bringing the US into a New World Order.
When I saw the CIA coup in Ukraine just a few months ago, I knew that the American Elites had not given up on their vision of empire. They wanted it all and were going to take second place to no one.
Make no mistake. The takeover of Ukraine is a dagger at the heart of Russia, and Russia cannot ignore it. The American Elites understand this, so the coup in Ukraine wasn’t the result of some overzealous black ops unit working out of Langley,
No, the CIA and the US State Department understood the implications of what they were doing, and they went and did it, anyway. Furthermore, they think that this is a winning strategy.
The problem is that they haven’t spent any time reading the Bible.

Once again we are poised for war in the Middle East. It is wise to consider the following facts from Rabbi Eckstein.
The LORD said to Moses, “Phinehas son of Eleazar, the son of Aaron, the priest, has turned my anger away from the Israelites. Since he was as zealous for my honor among them as I am, I did not put an end to them in my zeal.”  Numbers 25:10–11
There is an old saying that goes, “You can’t plow a field by turning it over in your head.” In other words, there’s time for thinking things through, but there is also a time for action. If we wait until we are fully ready, we may be waiting for the rest of our lives.
This week’s Torah reading begins with the story of a person who took action when everyone else was trying to figure out what to do. That man was Phinehas, the man for whom the reading is named.
After failing to curse the children of Israel, Balaam came up with a different plan to weaken the Israelites. He arranged for beautiful Midianite women to seduce the Israelite men and trick them into committing idolatry. The plan succeeded, and God began to wipe out the people of Israel. The immorality reached an apex when Zimri, a prince of Israel, flagrantly sinned with a Midianite princess in the Israelite camp. While everyone was deciding what to do about the situation, Phinehas acted. He went into Zimri’s tent and killed the two sinners with his spear. Immediately, God halted the plague which had already claimed 24,000 lives.
In Ecclesiastes 3, King Solomon tells us that there is a time for everything: “a time to tear and a time to mend, a time to be silent and a time to speak, a time to love and a time to hate, a time for war and a time for peace” (v. 7–8), and in Psalm 119, King David teaches us that there is also a “time to act.” Psalm 119:126 literally reads, “There is a time to act for God – they have desecrated your Torah.” This is the Jewish understanding of the verse and has been cited throughout the centuries as a reminder that there are times to think, talk, and deliberate. Yet, there is also a time to take action.
The Sages teach that when Jacob was about to be buried in the Cave of Machpelah, Esau protested, claiming that he deserved the last spot in the Cave of the Patriarchs. A debate ensued, and the sons explained that they even had the deed – only it was in Egypt. As Naphtali set out to retrieve it, Chushim, a son of Dan who happened to be deaf, saw that his grandfather, Jacob, was being disgraced and he killed Esau. He wasn’t pulled in by the debate and knew when to act.
Friends, there are things in our lives that we know we should do, but we haven’t done them yet. Maybe we are thinking about how to best do it, or if we really should do it, or waiting for the right time. The time is now. Make today the day. Be like Phinehas and act for the sake of God!
With prayers for shalom, peace.

On the brink of war again in Gaza

The three kidnapped teens who were found murdered near Hebron were buried side by side ... Israeli Defense Minister Moshe Yaalon on Tuesday morning vowed to capture the kidnappers. 'We see Hamas as responsible for the kidnapping and the murder, and we will know how to settle the score with it', Yaalon said in a statement. 'We will continue to pursue the murderers of the teens and we shall not rest or be still until we lay hands on them. And so it will be'.”
Obama is condemning what he calls a 'senseless act of terror against innocent youth' in the Mideast and offering U.S. help to find those who killed three teenagers. Obama is extending condolences to the families of the teens found by the Israeli military on Monday, two weeks after they were allegedly abducted by Hamas militants."
But, then, the volatile situation became even more serious. A Palestinian teen was discovered brutally murdered
Palestinians immediately blamed the Jews, and reacted violently.
Clashes between Israeli police and Palestinian protesters spread from Jerusalem to Arab towns in northern Israel Saturday following the funeral of an Arab teenager who Palestinians say was killed by Israeli extremists in a revenge attack."
Even while the world could scarcely absorb this latest bad news, Israeli police arrested Israeli suspects, accusing them of committing this murder.
Israeli suspects reenact kidnapping, murder of 16-year-old Mohammed Abu Khdeir; police believe murder was revenge for kidnapping and murder of three Israeli teens in the West Bank. Three out of the six Israeli suspects in the murder of 16-year-old Palestinian Mohammed Abu Khdeir have confessed to the crime, police said Monday.
I was immediately impressed by the speed at which Israeli police investigated this murder and arrested six suspects. We have no evidence that the Palestinian Authority is even conducting an investigation of the three murdered Jewish teens, and we have no realistic expectation that any perpetrators are even close to being arrested. Most Palestinians do not consider the murder of these three teens to even be a crime!
At the same time, Hamas terrorists are firing missiles into southern Israel, prompting Israeli airstrikes.
For the third time in one night, Israeli aircraft struck terror targets in Gaza shortly after 4:00 a.m. Monday morning. The IDF Spokesperson confirmed the airstrikes, saying they targeted five concealed rocket launchers in northern Gaza ... The airstrikes are Israel’s response to the incessant rocket fire from Gaza. A total of 110 rockets have hit Israel over the past five days, with another 40 rockets having been fired from Gaza on Sunday. At least two more rockets exploded in Sderot on Sunday night."
Hamas is adamantly bold as they react to Israeli counterstrikes, prompting an unusually strong Israeli action. The IDF abruptly began amassing tanks and troops on the Gaza border.
Photos show a gathering of tanks, APCs and ground forces, identified as a Bedouin unit, on the outskirts of Gaza. This could be a last-minute warning to Hamas that if it does not immediately desist from firing on Israel, the IDF intends to mass larger forces and use them against Gaza in a ground offensive.
Several Israeli leaders have recently threatened to destroy Hamas in Gaza once and for all. We might be seeing that action in its initial stages. A ground invasion would ratchet tensions upward unbelievably. But, Israel may believe that her enemies are presently unable to mount an effective military response.
Still, in the continuously volatile Middle East, it is never wise to deliberately start a firefight!

A second source has confirmed that JP Morgan Chase has asked each of its employees whether they are “an ally of the LGBT community,” which employees have taken as a veiled threat.

Each year JP Morgan Chase sends its employees a survey asking questions related to management and other non-controversial issues. 

A longtime Chase employee told Professor Robert George of Princeton that the survey this year included the following questions for the first time:

Are you:

1) A person with disabilities;

2) A person with children with disabilities;

3) A person with a spouse/domestic partner with disabilities;

4) A member of the LGBT community.

5) An ally of the LGBT community, but not personally identifying as LGBT.

This employee was alarmed to receive the final question. If he answered no, he feared, he would be opened up to criticism that may affect his employment. Only a few months ago Brendan Eich was hounded out of the CEO role at Mozilla for not supporting LGBT marriage.

The employee told Professor George he fears for his job:

This survey wasn't anonymous. You had to enter your employee ID. With the way things are going and the fact that LGBT rights are being viewed as pretty much tantamount to the civil rights movement of the mid 50s to late 60s, not selecting that option is essentially saying "I'm not an ally of civil rights;" which is a vague way to say "I'm a bigot." 

The worry among many of us is that those who didn't select that poorly placed, irrelevant option will be placed on the "you can fire these people first" list.

After posting the item on the law blog Mirror of Justice, Professor George received skeptical emails and Facebook postings, so he came back to Mirror of Justice with a second source.

This source told him, “I just wanted to confirm the Chase employee survey. It did have the last two options about being an LBGT ally. I have worked for Chase for a number of years and was blown away by this question. I have no idea what they were thinking when they asked that. If this is posted, please spare my identity.”

Breitbart News contacted the media relations office of JP Morgan Chase, and spokesman Loretta Russo said, “We do not comment on internal surveys.”

Despite denials by Hamas, there is growing evidence that the terrorist group "The Islamic State" (IS) -- has begun operating in the Gaza Strip.

Palestinian Authority [PA] and Israeli security sources are convinced that followers of IS in the Gaza Strip are responsible for some of the recent rocket attacks on Israel.

Hamas, they say, seems to be losing control over the dozens of terror cells belonging to IS and other jihadi groups.

Eyad al-Bazam, spokesman for the Hamas-controlled Ministry of Interior, earlier this week denied reports IS terrorists had infiltrated into Egypt through tunnels along the border with the Gaza Strip. He described the reports as "lies and fabrications," adding that they are part of a campaign to "distort the image of the Gaza Strip," and that "There is no presence of IS in the Gaza Strip."

The denial came in response to a report in the Egyptian newspaper Al-Masry Al-Youm according to which Egyptian security forces arrested 15 IS terrorists who tried to enter Sinai from the Gaza Strip. According to the report, Palestinian terrorists in the Gaza Strip facilitated the infiltration of the IS terrorists into Egypt so that they could carry out a terrorist attack against Egyptians.

The report said that the terrorists had been entrusted with establishing terror cells and branches of IS in Egypt.

Hamas is obviously nervous about the presence of IS terrorists in the Gaza Strip and sees them as a direct challenge to its rule. IS believes that Hamas is "too moderate" and is not doing enough to achieve the destruction of Israel.

Last month, Hamas sent its policemen and militias to disperse a rally organized by IS followers in the Gaza Strip to celebrate the recent "military victories" of the terrorist group in Iraq. Hamas prevented local journalists from covering the event as part of its attempt to deny the existence of IS in the Gaza Strip.

At the rally, attended by dozens of Islamists, the crowd chanted, "Khaybar, Khyabar, Ya Yahud, Jaish Mohamed Saya'ud!" ("O Jews, Mohamed's army will return.")

This is a battle cry that many Islamists like to chant to remind the Jews of the story of the battle fought in 629 CE by the Prophet Mohamed against the Jews of Khaybar, an oasis in northwestern Arabia. The battle resulted in the killing of many Jews, and their women and children were taken as slaves.

Earlier this year, masked militiamen in the Gaza Strip posted a video on YouTube in which they declared their allegiance to IS. The militiamen are believed to be members of a radical Islamist salafist group that has been operating in the Gaza Strip for the past few years.

Then, Hamas also denied that IS had any followers in the Gaza Strip. But Hamas seems to be trying to cover the sun with one finger.

At the funeral of two Islamists killed by the Israel Defense Forces last week in Gaza, funeral-goers carried flags and banners of IS.

Over the past decade, it has become clear that Hamas is not the only terrorist organization operating in the Gaza Strip, which has become a base for dozens of jihadi groups, some linked to Al-Qaeda and IS.

The smuggling tunnels that used to link the Gaza Strip with Egypt (most have been destroyed by the Egyptian army over the past year) have facilitated the movement of thousands of Islamist terrorists in both directions.

The Gaza Strip is no longer a threat to Israel, but also to the national security of Egypt.

The only way to confront this threat is through security cooperation between Israel and Egypt, which have a common interest in preventing the Islamists from exporting their terrorism beyond the borders of the Gaza Strip.

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