Saturday, July 5, 2014

America in Prophecy The Wounded Head

Growing up, I’d always assumed that the heads of The Beast were modern-day individuals. And, like so many, every time that I would read The seven heads are seven mountains(Revelation 17:9), I’d just mentally wave it away and concentrate on what was easier to get my head around – verse 10.
Ignoring the difficult – and concentrating on the ‘easy’ – is normal. But, in this dangerous age, it’s a deadly habit. It is hard to understand what is coming, but that shouldn’t keep us from focusing on it.
Because the seventh head gets a deadly wound, and you do NOT want to be nearby when that wound happens.

America in Prophecy – The Wounded Head

The chief purpose of this website is to help you survive the coming days, so that you can continue serving God.
For those of you who do not have a desire to serve God… well, you’re in a lot of trouble, already. Trying to survive what’s coming won’t really help you much, but I’ll do my best to assist you.
Please remember that Our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, came and died for YOUR sins. And, He didn’t do that so you could have an easy life. Jesus came on a rescue mission, and He wants you on His team, working toward the same goal.
If you aren’t… well, God will have a thing or two to say about that, when you see Him.
Now, let’s get to that ‘wounded head’.
The Heads
We have established that there is a problem with viewing the heads of The Beast in Revelation as people, because they are also described as mountains. And then, Revelation 17 refers to five of the heads as having ‘fallen’.
We also have the visions of Daniel 2 and Daniel 7 to help us out. And, I find it interesting that the image in Daniel 2 has ten toes, and the fourth beast in Daniel 7 has ten horns. And, Revelation 12, 13 and 17 depict The Beast with ten horns.
What could those ten horns be?
And no, I don’t have an answer at this moment. I’m sure that it will come to me when I need to understand, and then I’ll write a series on it. So, we’ll leave the ‘ten horns’ for later.
(Although, please share what you know
in the comment section!
Luciferian America – The Seventh Head
We’ve also established America as being the greatest empire that has ever lived.
But, did you know that it was an empire based on Luciferian mysticism?
Look at the back of the US dollar bill. On the left, you see a pyramid with the all-seeing-eye of Horus on top. That is an image of the back of the official Seal of the United States of America.
Who was the one who submitted those images for consideration, as the official seal of the US?
Thomas Jefferson.
Look at the architecture of Washington D.C. and the geometry of its layout. The capitol of America is chock FULL of Luciferian mysticism.
Furthermore, the cornerstone of the Capital Building in Washington D.C. was laid by 33rd degree Mason, George Washington.
Do you know what the date on that cornerstone reads?
AL 5793, or Anno Lucis 5793, dating back to the year of enlightenment, when Adam and Eve became enlightened – as in, ate of the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil.
Does ANY of that sound Christian to you?
America, Dedicated To Lucifer
Not to me.
And, those Masons that reach the 33rd level in Freemasonry find out who they have been worshiping all along… Lucifer (aka, Satan). And, all the government buildings in America are dedicated to him, when the Masons lay their foundation stones.
And yes, almost all government buildings, whether local, State or Federal, have a foundation stone laid by the Masons, with an Anno Lucis date. And, those Masons dedicate each and every one of those buildings to Lucifer.
Let me say that again so that you get this right:
The government buildings of America have been formally dedicated to Lucifer.
Please, let that sink in deep, because it’s all true.
So yeah, America is a perfect candidate for the seventh head of The Beast of Revelation.
But, what about this wound on one of the heads, described in Revelation 13?
The Deadly Wound
Well, here’s the passage:
And I saw one of his heads as it were wounded to death; and his deadly wound was healed: and all the world wondered after the beast.  Revelation 13:3
Revelation 17 says that five of the heads have already fallen:
And here is the mind which hath wisdom. The seven heads are seven mountains, on which the woman sitteth. And there are seven kings: five are fallen, and one is, and the other is not yet come; and when he cometh, he must continue a short space.  Revelation 17:9-10
So, five have died. The one that is alive at the time of John, the sixth, that too will fall – it’s Rome. So, the only head left alive will be the seventh head.
Can there be any other interpretation?
America Receives A Deadly Wound
Furthermore, if I am right in interpreting the heads as empires… and, if America is the seventh head… then, America will sustain a deadly wound.
Okay, that had to have been a shock to some of you, so let me explain it another way.
America’s political system has its origins in Roman Law and Luciferian Mysticism. So, it is a perfect candidate for being one of the heads. Also, as some of you have already said, one of the common denominators for each of the heads is the existence of the State of Israel and/or Jewish control of Jerusalem.
America is also the greatest empire to have ever lived. That power alone qualifies it as a candidate for ‘headness’.
Can you think of any OTHER candidate for this seventh head?
But, that deadly wound… …for those of us who grew up in GodBlessAmerica… well, we don’t want to think about that.
We MUST Consider This
The problem is that…
We can ignore prophecy, but we cannot ignore the consequences of ignoring prophecy.
So, we MUST look at this deadly wound in Revelation 13:3. Here it is again:
And one of the heads of it as having been slain to death and the wound of death of it was healed and marveled all the earth after the beast  Revelation 13:3
That was a little difficult, because that is a LITERAL, word-for-word transliteration of the Greek text. And, I show this to indicate something important.
The key words are:
h s e sfagmenin
as having been slain
What this means is that the appearance of one of the heads is as if it had been slain. Then, notice what happens afterwards:
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the wound of death of it was healed
Here are two vitally important questions:
Was the head brought back to life?
Was just the wound healed?
The Seventh Head Didn’t Die
The answer, of course, is that just the wound was healed. The head had not died yet, but it WAS GOING TO DIE, if the wound was not healed.
In fact, the terms ‘Deadly Wound’ or ‘Wound of Death’ indicate that there appeared to be no way that the head could survive – that death was inevitable.
But, something miraculously heals this seventh head. Revelation 13 doesn’t specifically say who or what heals this head, but we might have a clue in the last half of verse 2:
…and the dragon gave him his power, and his seat, and great authority.  Revelation 13:2
That dragon is described in Revelation 12. And, it ALSO has seven heads, ten horns – but is red and with seven crowns.
Is it possible that this red dragon has this appearance because it dwells within The Beast?
I don’t know. Although, we do see the beast of Revelation 17 as being scarlet. And, I think that Revelation 17 is interesting because it indicates another quality to this seventh head that we will get into tomorrow – and may explain its deadly wound being healed.
A Warning To Americans
My main point for today is to warn those of you living in America. I believe that Revelation is warning you that America is going to be wounded in such a way that many will feel that there is no hope for America’s survival.

There are several different ways that America could be attacked in this way, and each and every one of them leave little chance of you surviving – if you do not prepare. You MUST treat this warning seriously.

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