Sunday, July 6, 2014

America in Prophecy America is the 7th Head

I ended yesterday’s article with one of those dreadful ‘cliffhanger’ sentences that I hate to read. I said it like this:
And, please do not put your hope in the miraculous resurrection of America after receiving this ‘deadly wound’ – especially when you read what I will write tomorrow.
The problem with this whole idea of America as the Seventh Head of the Beast of Revelation, is that America is going to go through an existential catastrophy and come out of it far, far more evil than she is now. With preparation, you might survive the deadly wound ofRevelation 13:3, but it is an entirely different thing to survive The Beast, itself.

America in Prophecy – The Beast

I strongly believe that America is the Seventh Head of Revelation 13 and Revelation 17. I know that many can poke holes in my arguments, but none have been able to offer a more convincing alternative to the idea that the United States is the second-to-last empire of our age – or, the Seventh Head of The Beast. And, since we live very close to end of the Last Days, it behooves us to find the answer.
It’s a life and death issue.
The Deadly Wound
That ‘life and death issue’ comes first in the form of the deadly wound that I talked about yesterday. It’s described, here:
And I saw one of his heads as it were wounded to death; and his deadly wound was healed: and all the world wondered after the beast.  Revelation 13:3
THAT is a pretty serious problem, all by itself. If America sustains such a wound, you are probably going to be listed in the casualty figures if you are anywhere near ground zero. But, a closer look at Revelation indicates that there’s worse than that.
The Eighth Head
Here is the verse that bothers me:
And the beast that was, and is not, even he is the eighth, and is of the seven, and goeth into perdition.  Revelation 17:11
There is no eighth head, so…
Who – or what – is this eighth?
And, while we’re at it…
How did one of these heads become the eighth?
This is a tough one, and will require some speculation. This means that I could be wrong, and will happily admit it in the face of serious proof. I’d almost – ALMOST – be willing to kiss your feet if you did prove me wrong.
So, let me jump into this speculative moment by asking you a question:
Is there a connection between Revelation 13:3 and Revelation 17:11?
Connecting Revelation 13:3 And Revelation 17:11
Or, maybe I should put it another way. In the process of healing the wound of the seventh head…
…is THAT the moment that it becomes the eighth and The Beast?
If true, it could explain why there’s this transformation that happens, turning it into the eighth head and The Beast. And, there appears to be some justification for this. The New World Order elites seem to have been squirreling away supplies in underground bunkers preparing for… something.
Do the elites come roaring out of their underground bases after a nuclear attack and reconstitute a darker, more sinister version of what was once America?
There seems to be something to it – at least some evidence.
Scenario 2
But, there is another possibility.
When America suffers her catastrophic nuclear attack, a foreign entity could invade and ‘heal’ a wounded America and bring it back to some semblance of life – but, not full strength. While this is happening, another empire could arise from one of the areas where the other six heads once ruled.
Either of these scenarios seem possible, but there are problems.
Back To Scenario 1
In the case of a resurrected America, where the elites come roaring back from their bunkers… They would still be facing a devastated America. They would face damaged and destroyed infrastructure and hoards of starving and dying Americans.
But, this might be something that they WANT and plan for. This would give them the opportunity to depopulate those parts of America that they want depopulated. They could then preserve those Americans that they want, rebuild and be ready to take over after the Earth sustains the biggest Solar Flare in world history – Ezekiel’s Fire.
A devastated Europe and Russia would be desperate for help, and a darker, more sinister America would be ready to take over.
And Then Scenario 2
On the other hand, an devastated America could be ‘rescued’ by a China that is wanting to pick up extra land and resources on the cheap. I’ve written about China’s interest in doing so, already. So, it’s not much of a stretch to see the Chinese arrive on American shores, ready to ‘help’ America back on it’s feet and into some form of slavery.
That COULD happen, and like my previous scenario, there is indication that this could take place… but, wait.
From where would the eighth head rise?
Yes, I know that there is talk of a ‘Caliphate’ that could rise to take over the Earth And yes, there would be an opportunity to do this, once Ezekiel’s Fire hits us. But, I don’t see the manpower or resources for this to happen.
I’m trying not to discount it, but the Muslim world lacks the infrastructure and unity to make a global Caliphate a reality – for now. Having lived in Israel, and having spent a lot of time face-to-face with the Muslim world, it seems like quite a stretch.
Let’s Give Up And Go Back To The Bible
So, let’s turn to Revelation 13 for some help. And, I believe that verse three and four are important:
And I saw one of his heads as it were wounded to death; and his deadly wound was healed: and all the world wondered after the beast.  Revelation 13:3
And they worshipped the dragon which gave power unto the beast: and they worshipped the beast, saying, Who is like unto the beast? who is able to make war with him? Revelation 13:4
It’s The Reaction
You understand Revelation 13:3, ‘cuz I hammered on that yesterday. But, notice the response to the healing of the wound. It’s as if they said:
“whoa… THAT was amazing! Who can go up against THAT!?”
It’s that reaction that gives me pause. This reaction isn’t just an, ‘oh wow, you came in just the nick of time to help out those poor Americans.’ No, it’s something miraculous and awful that rises out of the rubble of a severely damaged United States. And, it will be magnificent, powerful and pure evil.

The Bad Part

I hinted at something ominous at the end of my article, yesterday. And, everything that I’ve described today, up to this point, is bad. But, it’s not the really bad part.
Because, as bad as this devastating future could be, nothing that I’ve described here is quite as awful as this thought:
If America suffers a deadly wound and rises from the rubble as The Beast…

…then YOU are on the home turf of the Antichrist and THAT is a horrifying situation to be in.

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