Monday, June 2, 2014

End Times News and Gospel Message 4 June 2014

Russia Beyond The Headlines reported on June 4, 2014 that the active phase of the forceful operation near Slavyansk continues, head of the Kiev official information group Vladislav Seleznyov said. In the past 24 hours two Ukrainian servicemen died and 45 were injured. As to militants, the number of killed amounts to around 300 and of injured to about 500, Seleznyov said."
However, another news report indicated that the Ukrainian military offensive had stalled.
Pro-Russian insurgents in eastern Ukraine have taken two government bases in battles around Luhansk, seizing quantities of ammunition and explosives from a border guards post and taking another installation after National Guard forces ran out of ammunition.
Why is the Ukrainian military struggling against the pro-Russian troops?
Ukraine's fledging government has blamed the recent military failures on the administration of the former President Viktor Yanukovych which, they claim, has left the army penniless and poorly trained. The defense ministry set up a charity account to support the armed forces while volunteers across the country have been buying provisions for the soldiers.
Isn't it interesting that the pro-Russian President Yanukovych deprived the military of the funding and the training it so desperately needs at this hour, against the Russians? Remember, Yanukovych is the president deposed by pro-Western Ukrainians, and that he is now being protected in exile, in Russia. I wonder how many years President Putin has been planning this campaign to bring Ukraine into Kingdom #5.
Russia's President Putin and Germany's Chancellor Merkel are said to be cooperating to "de-escalate" the Ukrainian crisis.
Russian President Vladimir Putin and German Chancellor Angela Merkel have talked concerning the Ukrainian crisis. They exchanged opinions on the situation in Ukraine. The Russian president and German chancellor have supported developing coordinated measures to de-escalate the crisis. They will also talk at the bilateral meeting in Normandy on June 6, 2014,
Slowly, surely, Ukraine will be forced into the Eurasian Economic Union, as she is steadily strangled financially. She is far more dependent upon the nations in the Eurasian Union than most people realize.
Ukraine's trade ties historically spread across the former Soviet states. More than 60% of the country's exports go mostly to Russia, Belarus and Kazakhstan ... Germany, China, and Poland have been gaining importance in recent years, but so far Russia remains Ukraine's key trading partner. Exports to Russia fell by 30% in the first two months of this year compared with the first two months of 2013..."
What is the proposed solution to Ukraine's looming economic disaster? The answer is not to join the European Union. Such a move would only increase the level of economic difficulty.
Ukraine received the first tranche of the IMF bailout package last Wednesday totaling $3.2 billion. However, in return the fund is requiring implementation of quite a few reforms, which analysts say will turn out to be harsh austerity measures. Ukraine authorities would be forced to provide special measures to move budget to austerity path as this is one of the most important prerequisites for attracting IMF financing, said Oleg Kouzmin, an economist at Renaissance Capital in Moscow.
How harsh are the austerity measures demanded by the IMF? Just look at the internal dissent and rioting in Greece during these past two years. Austerity measures mean people lose jobs, lose incomes, lose pensions and lose heart. The IMF is a tool of the Illuminati to help de-stabilize and enslave targeted countries.

The time will come when Ukrainian authorities will embrace the Eurasian Economic Union!

Remember Yeshua's words of encouragement: "And when these things begin to come to pass, then look up, and lift up your heads; for your redemption draweth nigh." (Luke 21:28)
Russia Beyond The Headlines reported on June 3, 2014 that the leaders of Russia, Belarus and Kazakhstan have signed a milestone agreement on the formation of a Eurasian Economic Union. The historic deal envisages the establishment of a free trade bloc with unbarred financial collaboration and free movement of labor. According to Vladimir Putin, this document takes the three countries to an absolutely new level of integration. 'While fully preserving our state sovereignty, we ensure closer and better coordinated economic cooperation', he said."
"Over the past three years, trade inside the Customs Union (Eurasian Economic Union) has risen by nearly 50 percent, or by $23 billion (with 2013 taken into account, the figure reaches $66.2 billion). Taken together, Belarus and Kazakhstan have become Russia's third largest trading partner after the EU and China. "
This new kingdom #5 is planning to negotiate with other nations. The antichrist is anxiously awaiting behind the curtain, ready to burst upon the world scene just as soon as all 10 planned kings and their kingdoms have been fully formed.
This Russian 5th kingdom has always been considered to be the most difficult to establish. Therefore, the fact that its formation is now suddenly moving forward quickly is a good sign that it will not be long before all ten are established, so Antichrist can arise and so the Rapture of the Church can occur.

Questionable Beef
Questionable beef
Friends, God says in the "End Times" man will be Laboratory tests have confirmed a diagnosis of variant CJD (a fatal brain disorder) in a patient who recently died in Texas. The confirmation was made when laboratory results from an autopsy of the patient’s brain tested positive for variant CJD.
First described in 1996 in the United Kingdom, variant CJD is a rare, degenerative, fatal brain disorder in humans. It is believed to be caused by consumption of products from cows with the disease bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE, or “mad cow” disease).
Worldwide, more than 220 variant CJD patients have been reported, with a majority of them in the United Kingdom (177 cases) and France (27 cases). This case is the fourth to be reported in the United States. In each of the three previous cases, infection likely occurred outside the United States, including the United Kingdom (2 cases) and Saudi Arabia (1 case). The history of this fourth patient, including extensive travel to Europe and the Middle East, supports the likelihood that infection occurred outside the United States.
CDC assisted the Texas Department of State Health Services (DSHS)’s investigation of this case and will continue to help confirm further details of the patient’s history, including the potential source of infection.
A classic form of CJD, which is not caused by the BSE agent, occurs worldwide, including in the United States. Annually, for every 1 million people in the United States, 1 to 2 develops classic CJD. More information about variant CJD, including how it differs from classic CJD, is available in theVariant Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease Fact Sheet.

- See more at:
Friends, in reference to the article below, I believe the persecution of Jews and Christians in America is beginning. Keep in mind we have begun the 2014-15 tetrad and blood moons are accompanied by violence and blood flowing. 
Personally, I do not view warning people about Hell as hatred. What if the person ultimately does go to Hell, I don't want someone saying to me from the bowels of Hell, "I would not be in Hell if you (me) told the truth about Jesus Christ being the true Messiah."  
Police investigated a Baptist church over a poster which suggested non-believers would burn in Hell.
A 20-year-old passer-by complained the sign did not tally with the message "love thy neighbour."
The poster read: "If you think there is no God, you better be right" with a picture of burning flames below the words.
Pastor John Rose of Attleborough Baptist Church in Norfolk, said the poster was an attempt to get people to engage with the Christian message and he regretted that it had been interpreted as inciting hatred.
A police spokesman said national guidance required them to investigate the complaint that the poster was offensive and the matter had been recorded as a "hate incident." After talking to the police the poster was taken down.

A Daily Mirror survey showed its readers were 2-1 in favor of the church displaying the poster.

Conspiracy theorists may chuckle when they learn a debate entitled “Does Privacy Exist?” is to feature at this year’s Bilderberg conference, the notoriously secretive gathering of the world’s most powerful bankers, politicians and business people.

There may be a further shaking of heads when they discover one of the participants at the heavily fortified, five-star Marriott Hotel in Copenhagen, Denmark, will be Keith Alexander, the former director of the National Security Agency (NSA), which was embarrassed by the mass-surveillance revelations leaked by Edward Snowden. 

The organisers of this year’s conference – which started on Thursday – have made efforts to be more transparent by publishing a list of all the prime ministers, chief executives and military chiefs in attendance, as well as the topics up for discussion.

Chancellor George Osborne and his Labour counterpart, Ed Balls, are among the hand-picked group of British politicians who will visit Copenhagen to hob-nob with the global elite behind closed doors.

Other guests from the political sphere include the former “Third Man” of New Labour, Lord Mandelson, the current International Development Secretary, Justine Greening, and the veteran American foreign policy expert, Henry Kissinger.

Billionaire captains of industry who landed invitations include the heads of Shell, BP, Airbus, HSBC, Saab, AXA, Google, and Linkedin. They will sit alongside key global powerbrokers such as Christine Lagarde, the head of the International Monetary Fund, and senior officials from the European Central Bank.

The chairmen from Goldman Sachs and Lazards will perhaps reflect on how their investment banks “advised” Whitehall over the controversial flotation of Royal Mail, which left the UK taxpayer £1bn out of pocket.

Keeping a discreet eye over the exchanges will be the intelligence chiefs such as Mr Alexander from the United States and Sir John Sawers, the head of MI6.

Items on the agenda include “The future of democracy and the middle-class trap”, “The new architecture of the Middle East” and the major geopolitical crisis of the moment: “Ukraine”. The event is used to shape global policy at the expense of democratic oversight. The idea of the Euro was said to have been spawned at one meeting in the Nineties.

Paul Flynn, Labour MP for Newport West, asked a series of parliamentary questions about Bilderberg last year when the conference was held at a five-star hotel near Watford. He said, “I don’t regard the Bilderberg as a great threat but we would all like to know what is going on with these things. Secrecy inspires concern.”

Despite its new efforts at openess, the conference is still acutely sensitive about radical infiltration. On Tuesday night, three journalists – self-styled “InfoWarriors” – were arrested by Danish police after they tried to ambush the organizers outside the Marriott.

The red arrow indicates how the water has decreased at Lake Assad
Friends, the Lord says: in Re 9:14 Saying to the sixth angel which had the trumpet, Loose the four angels which are bound in the great river Euphrates.
In Re 16:12  And the sixth angel poured out his vial upon the great river Euphrates; and the water thereof was dried up, that the way of the kings of the east might be prepared.
Residents of the Syrian city of Aleppo have not suffered from a water shortage since 1776, when they sang the popular Aleppan song “Quench the Thirsty.” But thirst is hitting Aleppo today because of a Turkish caused water shortage. the Turks have opened a new deadly front in the Syrian war and the U.S. and other nations say nothing as the Syrian people continue to suffer misery and death.
The Turkish government recently cut off the flow of the Euphrates River, via a man-made water reservoir on the Euphrates called Lake Assad. This threatens primarily Syria but also threatens Iraq with a major water crisis. The water level in Lake Assad in Syria has dropped by about six meters, leaving millions of Syrians without drinking water.
Two weeks ago, the Turkish government further violated international norms by cutting off the water supply of the Euphrates River. In fact, Ankara began to gradually reduce pumping Euphrates water about a month and half ago.
A further drop of one additional meter would put the Lake Assad dam out of service.”
The red arrow indicates the lower water at Tishrin Dam
The terrorist group Islamic State in Iraq and Syria (ISIS) controls the Lake Assad dam. Employees of the General Institution of the Euphrates Dam are running the lake under the supervision of al-Qaeda linked ISIS.
The tragic repercussions of the new Turkish assault began to reveal themselves when water levels dropped in al-Khafsa in Aleppo’s eastern countryside (where a water pumping station from Lake Assad is located to pump water through water channels to Aleppo and its countryside).
The reservoirs are expected to run out of water completely this week. Meanwhile, water supplies in auxiliary reservoirs in al-Khafsa are close to being depleted. This threatens to leave seven million Syrians without access to water. Also, Tishrin Dam stopped receiving any water stopping its electricity generating turbines and thus decreasing the power supply in Aleppo and its countryside, further intensifying the already severe water drought.
In Raqqa, on the northern side of Lake Assad is today completely out of service. Two million Syrians living in the region covering the villages of Little Swaydiya to the east until al-Jarniya to the west will lose their drinking water supply. “Losing water supplies in the dam means that the silt in the lake will dry off which would pressure its structure, subjecting it to fissures and eventually total collapse,” Officials warned, adding “it is crucial to shut down the dam to stop its collapse.”
Shutting down the dam will cause a massive human and ecological, zoological and agricultural catastrophe in Syria and in Iraq.
A halt to the water supply is now inevitable and can’t be resolved unless the Turkish government takes the decision to resume pumping Euphrates water.
In any case, it is worth mentioning that the water in Lake Assad would take about a month, after resuming pumping, to return to its normal levels.
A historical conflict
The Euphrates River has historically been at the center of a conflict between Turkey on the one hand and both Syria and Iraq on the other. Ankara insists on considering the Euphrates a “trans-boundary river” and not an “international river,” hence it is “not subject to international laws.” Also, Turkey is one of the only three countries in the world (along with China and Burundi) that opposed the Convention on the Law of the Non-Navigational Uses of International Watercourses adopted by the General Assembly of the UN in 1997.
In 1987, a temporary agreement between Syria and Turkey was signed to share the water supplies of the Euphrates during the period when the basin of the Ataturk Dam was being filled. Turkey pledged to provide an annual level of over 500 cubic meters of water a second on the Turkish-Syrian borders, until reaching a final agreement about sharing the water supplies of the river between the three countries. In 1994, Syria registered the agreement at the UN to guarantee the minimum amount of Iraq and Syria’s right to the water from the Euphrates River.

On college campuses worldwide – in the U.S., Canada and the U.K. among other countries – Jewish students are experiencing and witnessing a growing antagonism fueled more recently by the surge in aggressive student-led campaigns to pressure universities to divest from any corporations that do business with Israel and/or violate Palestinian human rights.

The SJP (Students for Justice in Palestine), a pro-Palestinian activism group originating out of UC Berkeley in 2001, is leading the Boycott Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) movement against Israel, and boasts of as many as 80 chapters across American college campuses. Its aim is to expose university investment portfolios and purge them of the participators in “Israel Apartheid” or the “Israel Occupation.”

The Anti-Defamation League refers to the SJP as “one of the primary organizers of anti-Israel events on campus since its founding in 2001,” saying the group “has consistently demonized Israel, describing its policies toward the Palestinians as racist and apartheid-like, and comparing Israelis to Nazis.”

Jewish university students are increasingly finding themselves in the crosshairs amid a tense campus atmosphere where discrimination is openly practiced and safety is quickly diminishing. Bigotry against Jewish students across a number of University of California campuses has increased dramatically since the mid-2000s, according to the Orange County Independent Task Force on Anti-Semitism, who reported on their blog (Oct. 2010) that Jewish students have been subjected to a disturbing stream of abuse.

The task force reveals that swastikas and other anti-Semitic graffiti have been found sprayed on walls; acts of physical and verbal aggression have occurred, both in the classroom and in open forums; films and exhibits display anti-Semitic imagery; Muslim student groups who condone terrorist organizations’ call for the murder of Israelis and Jews are supported on college campuses.

Discrimination is openly practiced by professors who proudly demonstrate an Arab bias; organized disruptions take place at Jewish student-sponsored events and, more recently, the promotion of student government resolutions for divestments that seek to delegitimize the Jewish state are happening with regularity all over the world.

Just last month, Jewish students were allegedly targeted on the New York University campus with mock eviction notices that were slid under doors in their dorm, according to An SJP chapter was suspended in March at Northeastern University due to a similar occurrence there. Jewish students said they felt “violated and unsafe.”

Brett Cohen, National Campus Program Director for the pro-Israel group StandWithUs, was quoted in the article. “The outright harassment and intimidation of pro-Israel students is commonplace wherever BDS rears its hateful head,” Cohen said. “Shocking events have occurred at Vassar College over the past few weeks, ranging from BDS supporters violently shouting down opponents and posting actual neo-Nazi anti-Semitic propaganda images to their social media accounts. A hostile takeover of the Student Government agenda at the University of Michigan last April included BDS supporters shouting racial epithets at student senators.”

Last week, a student coalition at DePaul University in Chicago voted in a referendum to approve a divestment resolution targeting Israel. The student government ballot initiative passed with 54.2 percent of the vote, reported by The DePaulia student newspaper.

DePaul Divest, the student coalition behind the referendum, is attempting to pressure the university into divesting from 12 multinational companies. "It's become a really aggressive campaign," said Rachel Ginsberg, vice president of DePaul Hillel Campus Leadership. "It's creating a lot of unhappiness on this campus."

Two months ago (March, 2014), Britain’s King’s College Student Union was accused of a “hateful and divisive” move after backing a BDS motion during a session when chants of “from the river to the sea” were heard.

The 348-to-252-vote decision came just as Britain’s Universities Minister was in Israel stressing the Government’s opposition to boycotts and urging increased cooperation.

The motion – which branded BDS (boycott, divestment and sanctions) “an effective tactic” – resolved to carry out research into King’s College “investments, partnerships and contracted companies that may be implicated in violating Palestinian human rights,” according to

While the university stressed its constitutional separation from the student union and opposition to boycotts of academic institutions, the Board of Deputies condemned the vote and the “shameful scenes” that surrounded it.

“When BDS supporters chanted ‘from the river to the sea’ they sent a message of hate to Israel and once again demonstrated that the true agenda of BDS is not to influence Israel but to destroy it,” said Board Vice President Jonathan Arkush.

In the Canadian province of Ontario, another university student union has voted in support of the anti-Israel BDS campaign. In a tense Annual General Meeting held in April, several hundred Ryerson University students voted “overwhelmingly in favour” of supporting BDS.

The resolution’s organizers claim to be the 11th such student union in the province to sign on to the BDS drive, according to The vote provides the mandate for student politicians to encourage the university administration to cut ties with all companies and investments that support “Israeli apartheid.” Those companies include Home Depot, Canadian Tire and Sabra Hummus – owned by a parent company that supported the Israeli Defence Forces.

The student union vote however, remains symbolic since Ryerson’s administration said it does not support the resolution. Michael Forbes, a spokesperson for Ryerson, said, “The student union is a corporation independent of the university, we have to be clear there. The university does not support a boycott. We don’t support divestment, nor do we support sanctions against Israel. We’ve been consistent on this point.”

Last March, the University of Michigan’s Central Student Government, or CSG, voted to reject a divestment resolution against entities argued by proponents to be in violation of Palestinian human rights. When the CSG indefinitely postponed a vote on the matter to allow for widespread discussions to run their course, it prompted a week-long campus sit-in by student supporters of the resolution.

Finally, on March 25th, the proposal was rejected entirely during a 6-hour CSG session with an unprecedented number of attendees and speakers. Student reps reconvened to reconsider their initial vote on the resolution, ultimately voting 25 to 9 (with five abstentions). After the decision was announced, supporters of the resolution left the room to rally outside an administrative building, announcing their plans to take the divestment proposal to the University’s Board of Regents.

Students Allied for Freedom and Equality (SAFE) was the organization responsible for the resolution and had asked the University to divest its interests in United Technologies, General Electric, Heidelberg Cement, and Caterpillar, Inc. – companies that are contracted with the Israeli military.

That same night, Chicago’s Loyola University’s Student Government Association voted to pass a similar resolution 12-10, with nine abstentions. Pedro Guerrero, the president of the University’s Student Government Association, vetoed the measure, though with a two-thirds majority, the student senate can override the veto.

"No matter what viewpoint you hold on the larger issue, this resolution caused harm among the student community," Guerrero said in a statement to USGA and the Loyola University Chicago community.

Regardless of the veto, Loyola's administration pledged not to adopt the resolution. "This is not the position of Loyola University Chicago and we will not adopt this proposal," the university stated.

Students for Justice in Palestine (SJP) had initiated the resolution process as part of a national anti-Israel public relations effort which gained traction because nine of the 35 Loyola student senators were themselves SJP members, reported on its website. Ultimately the testimony of students opposed to divestment significantly tipped the balance of the vote, despite SJP's long-term preparation for this student government maneuver.

The SJP organization was active at Marquette University as well last March, when it sponsored a series of programs intended to “educate people about the plight of the Palestinians,” according to one of the group’s members, who said the group hopes eventually to persuade the Jesuit university to divest itself of any holdings that perpetuate the oppression of Palestinians in the occupied territories
In a failed attempt by the anti-Israel divestment movement at Cornell University, its student government voted on April 10th against a Resolution recommending a divestment of the school’s holdings in Israeli companies. Specific companies named in the Resolution include SodaStream, IngersollRand and Raytheon.

The Electronic Intifada reports that on May 4, student representatives at Wesleyan University in Middletown, Connecticut, voted in support of divestment. Students involved in the initiative said in a statement, “While the resolutions passed by student governments at other universities have had largely symbolic implications, the Wesleyan Student Assembly (WSA) holds a separate endowment that will soon be divested from companies implicated in the Israeli occupation.”

The resolution calls on the university to divest its own holdings from such companies and also requests the WSA to withdraw its money from the university endowment if the university is not transparent about its investments and refuses to divest.

In April, a non-binding resolution was passed by the Graduate and Professional Student Association at the University of New Mexico, calling for divestment from companies that operate in Judea and Samaria. A similar resolution was voted down by the Associated Students for the University of New Mexico.

The meeting was not attended by campus Jewish groups. Sara Abonyi, Lobos for Israel President, told the Daily Lobo that the agenda was not made available in advance, nor did the group know that the resolution would be debated.

In 2012, UC Irvine became the first university in California poised to divest from Israeli “apartheid and occupation” when its student government passed a divestment resolution with a 16-0-0 vote, according to The website states that similar resolutions have passed at Hampshire College and Evergreen State College in prior years.

The resolution was penned and proposed by UC Irvine students, requiring the university to divest from corporations and businesses profiting from “Israel’s occupation of Palestinian territories and its systematic abuse of human rights.” Entities accused were Caterpillar, General Electric, Hewlett-Packard, among others.

Despite a significant increase in divestment votes, and the rolling out of divestment as a “truly national strategy,” Max Samarov, senior research assistant with the Israel advocacy group StandWithUs, notes in a article:

“On campus after campus, student government meetings to discuss divestment resolutions have been heated affairs often stretching into the night. But with only a couple exceptions, student governments this academic year have rejected divestment measures, a worse showing than the previous year for pro-Palestinian activists.”

“In terms of actually winning votes, it’s been an overwhelmingly unsuccessful year for divestment activists,” Samarov said. “They may consider it a success because they’ve managed to introduce more total resolutions at more total universities in this country, but at the same time, the anti-divestment movement on campuses has become more cohesive and more prepared to push back.”

Reports state that according to the Bank for International Settlements (BIS), the total notional value of derivatives contracts around the world has ballooned to an astounding 710 trillion dollars ($710,000,000,000,000), with other estimates putting the grand total at well over a quadrillion (a thousand trillion) dollars. Michael Snyder, writing in the, states that the global derivatives bubble is now 20 percent bigger than it was just before the last great financial crisis struck in 2008 and concludes that: “A financial crisis far greater than what we experienced in 2008 is coming, and it is going to shock the world.”

So what exactly is a derivative? One definition offered is that a derivative is simply a contract between two parties whose value is determined by changes in the value of an underlying asset. Those assets could be bonds, equities, commodities or currencies. The majority of contracts are traded over the counter, where details about pricing, risk measurement and collateral, if any, are not available to the public.

Based on this definition, Snyder explains: “In other words, a derivative does not have any intrinsic value. It is essentially a side bet. Most commonly, derivative contracts have to do with the movement of interest rates. But there are many, many other kinds of derivatives as well. People are betting on just about anything and everything that you can imagine, and Wall Street has been transformed into the largest casino in the history of the planet.”

An perspective of how just how mind –boggling the size of this 710 trillion –dollar derivatives bubble is, can be illustrated based on projections that the U.S. GDP will be in the neighborhood of around 17 trillion dollars for 2014. Although insignificant in amount relative to the total notional value of derivatives contracts globally, 17 trillion dollars still represents a major and crippling debt crisis for the United States.

Snyder states that the United States has contributed to this imminent global derivatives crisis with some of the following actions:

1. U.S leaders have allowed the derivatives bubble and the big Wall Street banks to get larger than ever. Snyder explains: “They are collectively 37 percent larger than they were just prior to the last recession. “Too big to fail” is a far more massive problem than it was the last time around, and at some point this derivatives bubble is going to burst and start taking those banks down. When that day arrives, we are going to be facing a crisis that is going to make 2008 look like a Sunday picnic.”
2. Goldman Sachs has been increasing its derivatives volumes since the crisis, and it had a portfolio of about $48 trillion at the end of 2013 and is reportedly planning to sell more derivatives to clients. Citibank, too, has been increasing its derivatives portfolio which has risen by over 65 percent since the crisis to $62 trillion. In percentage terms, this derivatives portfolio growth is the highest of any of the four banks: JP Morgan, Citibank, Goldman Sachs and Bank of America. Collectively they are responsible for about 218 trillion dollars of derivative products, compared to a paltry $4.8million estimated value of their combined assets.

3. Virtually none of the underlying problems that caused the last financial crisis have been fixed: the problems and the financial bubbles have just kept on growing. According to official government numbers, the top 25 banks in the United States now have a grand total of more than 236 trillion dollars of exposure to derivatives.

Snyder decries the fact that most Americans are blissfully ignorant of imminent disaster, trusting that their leaders are able and willing to sort out the mess, and lulled into complacency by “the bubble of false stability that we have been enjoying for the last couple of years.”

Is there any way to avert this catastrophe? Snyder infers that there may be little hope left other than a stay of execution, a temporary reprieve: “If the stock market keeps going up, interest rates stay fairly stable and the global economy does not experience a major downturn, this bubble will probably not burst for a while. But if there is a major shock to the system, we could easily experience a major derivatives crisis very rapidly and several of those banks could fail simultaneously.”

With the five largest banks reported to account for 42 percent of all loans in the entire United States, and the six largest banks controlling 67 percent of all banking assets, they would certainly bring down the whole country with them.

It’s worth remembering however that it’s not just a U.S problem either: German banking giant Deutsche Bank is said to have more than 75 trillion dollars of exposure to derivatives, which is more than any single U.S. bank has. Matters are not helped by indications that the global community seems to equally hapless in this respect.

A recent report from The International Financing Review in an article titled ‘Derivatives: Work needed to spot next crisis’ highlighted some grave concerns that were raised at the Centre for Economic Policy Studies in Brussels (excerpted below):

•There remains widespread concern within the regulatory community over their ability to spot future blow-ups due to cross-border fragmentation and the sheer volume of data being collected. According to Uzma Wahhab, member of the secretariat at the Financial Stability Board, “Regulators are concerned they may not know how to predict the next crisis. I’m not sure anyone is in the position to say they have the confidence… to know specifically what they’re looking for.”

• Trade reporting is seen as a vital plank of the G20 reforms to help regulators identify AIG-like scenarios, but the practical implementation of the mandate has left many participants disillusioned. Rather than designating a single trade reporting utility to which global regulators enjoy unfettered access, around 20 trade repositories have sprung up worldwide, leading to issues around data fragmentation and potential duplication.

• Discrepancies in privacy laws and financial regulation across jurisdictions have caused further headaches. For instance, the European Market Infrastructure Regulation requires two-sided trade reporting for both futures and OTC transactions, while the US Dodd-Frank Act holds no such provision. The overall result is a complex web of reporting entities and venues, which leaves substantial room for overlap of data, or for it to slip through the cracks altogether.

Not a pretty picture. What hope is there to forestall any doomsday scenarios, when even global experts seem to be grasping at straws and seem more reminiscent of the language-confused builders of the historic Tower of Babel rather than capable solution providers who are in control?

No wonder Snyder commented: It is a financial bubble far larger than anything the world has ever seen, and when it finally bursts it is going to be “a complete and utter nightmare for the financial system of the planet.”

Below you will find the newest Watchman Report with special guests Ron Arnow and Lee Kresser. Ron Arnow is a descendant of Aaron and a Messianic Levite Jew.  This was our first Skype telecast. In this program we discussed “End Time” events in Israel and Jerusalem.

map of asteroids in our inner solar system

Turmoil in Ukraine has put the civilian population in great risk and need. With the economy in chaos — and amid escalating fear — food, medicines, and security is scarce. 
"The orphans, elderly Jews, and Holocaust survivors living in the Ukraine have already suffered too much in their life. We need to respond to the desperate cries of these Ukrainian Jews who aren't able to flee on their own." — Rabbi Yechiel Eckstein
Watch the video below about poor Ukrainian Jews and increasing persecution in Ukraine. Friends, we had the first blood moon of the tetrad on 15 April 2014. Violence against Jews always accompanies blood moons. There was violence during the etrads of 1492-93, 1948-49 and 1967.
Part of Muhammad’s profit came from slave trading. During this time the Arabian desert became famous for slave trading. They would kill all the men and sell the women and children as slaves. When Muhammad first fought with the people of Mecca, he predicted victory. Instead his group was defeated. He was hit in the mouth with a sword. He lost several teeth and almost died.
This makes him a false prophet by Biblical standards. In fact, he failed both tests of a prophet in the Old Testament.
“20 But the prophet, which shall presume to speak a word in my name, which I have not commanded him to speak, or that shall speak in the name of other gods, even that prophet shall die. 21 And if thou say in thine heart, How shall we know the word which the LORD bath not spoken? 22 When a prophet speaketh in the name of the LORD, if the thing follow not, nor come to pass, that [is] the thing which the LORD hath not spoken, [but] the prophet hath spoken it presumptuously: thou shalt not he afraid of him.”Deut, 18:20-22,
“1 If there arise among you a prophet, or a dreamer of dreams, and giveth thee a sign or a wonder, 2 And the sign or the wonder come to pass, whereof he spake unto thee, saying, Let us go after other gods, which thou hast not known, and let us serve them; 3 Thou shalt not hearken unto the words of that prophet, or that dreamer of dreams: for the LORD your God proveth you, to know whether ye love the LORD your God with all your heart and with all your soul. 4 Ye shall walk after the LORD your God, and fear him, and keep his commandments, and obey his voice, and ye shall serve him, and cleave unto him. 5 And that prophet, or that dreamer of dreams, shall be put to death; because he hath spoken to turn [you] away from the LORD your God, which brought you out of the land of Egypt, and redeemed you out of the house of bondage, to thrust thee out of the way which the LORD thy God commanded thee to walk in. So shalt thou put the evil away from the midst of thee.”Deut. 13:1-5.
Later Muhammad made a treaty for peace with Mecca. The treaty was supposed to last for ten years. Within a year, he broke the treaty and defeated Mecca. He then destroyed their idols, but rebuilt the Kaba and continued the ancient pilgrimage there.

Friends, it seems to me that Bergdahl was successful in his attempts to get prisoners released from Guantanamo Bay, Cuba detention. The Bible says in the "End Times" right will be wrong and wrong will be right. 
Clare Lopez is a former CIA operations officer, a strategic policy and intelligence expert with a focus on Middle East, national defense, WMD, and counter terrorism issues, and a friend of mine.
Below is Clare’s analysis of Bob Bergdahl’s statement. She knows the Arabic language and has an expert’s knowledge of Islam.
“What none of these media is reporting is that the father’s (SGT Bowe Bergdahl’s father Bob) first words at the WH were in Arabic – those words were “bism allah alrahman alraheem” – which means “in the name of Allah the most gracious and most merciful” – these are the opening words of every chapter of the Qur’an except one (the chapter of the sword – the 9th) – by uttering these words on the grounds of the WH, Bergdahl (the father) sanctified the WH and claimed it for Islam. There is no question but POTUS knows this.”

Friends, there is a lot to this whole episode, like Benghazi, that we may never know. This is not conspiracy theory, it is truth based upon Arabic and Islamic dogma and tradition.

Obama continues his quest to force queer values on mainstream America
"For this cause God gave them up unto vile affections: for even their women did change the natural use into that which is against nature: And likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust one toward another; men with men working that which is unseemly, and receiving in themselves that recompence of their error which was meet." Romans 1:26,27
The White House on Friday issued a proclamation by President Barack Obama calling on people to celebrate the "great diversity of the American people” declaring June as Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender Pride Month.
NOW, THEREFORE, I, BARACK OBAMA, President of the United States of America, by virtue of the authority vested in me by the Constitution and the laws of the United States, do hereby proclaim June 2014 as Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender Pride Month. I call upon the people of the United States to eliminate prejudice everywhere it exists, and to celebrate the great diversity of the American people.
My Administration proudly stands alongside all those who fight for LGBT rights. Here at home, we have strengthened laws against violence toward LGBT Americans, taken action to prevent bullying and harassment, and prohibited discrimination in housing and hospitals. Despite this progress, LGBT workers in too many States can be fired just because of their sexual orientation or gender identity; I continue to call on the Congress to correct this injustice by passing the Employment Non-Discrimination Act. And in the years ahead, we will remain dedicated to addressing health disparities within the LGBT community by implementing the Affordable Care Act and the National HIV/AIDS Strategy -- which focuses on improving care while decreasing HIV transmission rates among communities most at risk.
Our commitment to advancing equality for the LGBT community extends far beyond our borders. In many places around the globe, LGBT people face persecution, arrest, or even state-sponsored execution. This is unacceptable. The United States calls on every nation to join us in defending the universal human rights of our LGBT brothers and sisters.
NOW, THEREFORE, I, BARACK OBAMA, President of the United States of America, by virtue of the authority vested in me by the Constitution and the laws of the United States, do hereby proclaim June 2014 as Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender Pride Month. I call upon the people of the United States to eliminate prejudice everywhere it exists, and to celebrate the great diversity of the American people.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this thirtieth day of May, in the year of our Lord two thousand fourteen, and of the Independence of the United States of America the two hundred and thirty-eighth.

Simulating brain controlled flying at the Institute for Flight System Dynamics. Photo credit: A. Heddergott/TU München
A whole new meaning to "heads up" display
God tells us in the Bible that in the "End Times" there will be an increase in knowledge with people running to and fro.
Pilots in the near future could be able to control their aircraft by merely thinking commands. Scientists have now demonstrated the feasibility of flying via brain control – with astonishing accuracy.
The pilot is wearing a white cap with myriad attached cables. His gaze is concentrated on the runway ahead of him. All of a sudden the control stick starts to move, as if by magic. The airplane banks and then approaches straight on towards the runway. The position of the plane is corrected time and again until the landing gear gently touches down. During the entire maneuver the pilot touches neither pedals nor controls.
This is not a scene from a science fiction movie, but rather the rendition of a test at the Institute for Flight System Dynamics of the Technische Universität München (TUM). Scientists working for Professor Florian Holzapfel are researching ways in which brain controlled flight might work in the EU-funded project “Brainflight.” “A long-term vision of the project is to make flying accessible to more people,” explains aerospace engineer Tim Fricke, who heads the project at TUM. “With brain control, flying, in itself, could become easier. This would reduce the work load of pilots and thereby increase safety. In addition, pilots would have more freedom of movement to manage other manual tasks in the cockpit.”
Surprising accuracy
The scientists have logged their first breakthrough: They succeeded in demonstrating that brain-controlled flight is indeed possible – with amazing precision. Seven subjects took part in the flight simulator tests. They had varying levels of flight experience, including one person without any practical cockpit experience whatsoever. The accuracy with which the test subjects stayed on course by merely thinking commands would have sufficed, in part, to fulfill the requirements of a flying license test. “One of the subjects was able to follow eight out of ten target headings with a deviation of only 10 degrees,” reports Fricke. Several of the subjects also managed the landing approach under poor visibility. One test pilot even landed within only few meters of the centerline.
The TU München scientists are now focusing in particular on the question of how the requirements for the control system and flight dynamics need to be altered to accommodate the new control method. Normally, pilots feel resistance in steering and must exert significant force when the loads induced on the aircraft become too large. This feedback is missing when using brain control. The researchers are thus looking for alternative methods of feedback to signal when the envelope is pushed too hard, for example.
Electrical potentials are converted into control commands
In order for humans and machines to communicate, brain waves of the pilots are measured using electroencephalography (EEG) electrodes connected to a cap. An algorithm developed by scientists from Team PhyPA (Physiological Parameters for Adaptation) of the Technische Universität Berlin allows the program to decipher electrical potentials and convert them into useful control commands.
Only the very clearly defined electrical brain impulses required for control are recognized by the brain-computer interface. “This is pure signal processing,” emphasizes Fricke. Mind reading is not possible.

President Obama is acting in accordance with the global Illuminati Plan by announcing higher emissions standards for power plants.
Against massive scientific evidence that Climate Change is a trumped up "crisis", Obama's EPA is shoving tough new regulations down our throats.
What is the wording of the Illuminati Plan?
"... the secret societies were planning as far back as 1917 to invent an artificial threat from outer space in order to bring humanity together in a one-world government which they call the New World Order." You can read about this in a book entitled "Behold A Pale Horse".
It says in the Protocols of Zion that "When we come into our kingdom, our orators will expound great problems which have turned humanity upside down in order to bring it at the end under our beneficent rule."

Now that President Obama is declaring that Climate Change is a "great problem which has turned humanity upside down"

President Barack Obama is about to unveil the centerpiece of his agenda to fight climate change, a much anticipated rule to slash the emissions of planet-warming gases from power plants.
The president will call for major reductions, according to sources familiar with the planning, with each state given its own target for greenhouse gas emissions and the power to decide how to meet it. The Environmental Protection Agency is putting the plan together, and Obama will announce it Monday.
The plan could have major impact in Kentucky and other states with power plants that burn coal to produce electricity.
The plan could push states to require more renewable energy use and to lower demand by investing in efficiency programs for homes and businesses. States also could use so-called "cap-and-trade" systems, in which emissions are limited and polluters buy and sell rights to release greenhouse gases, according to indications the Obama administration has given to environmental groups and others.
California already has such a cap-and-trade system, as does a coalition of Northeastern and mid-Atlantic states including New York, Massachusetts and Maryland.
The new rule could prompt other states to join in similar regional cap-and-trade ventures, or to take other measures to cut down on coal burning.
"This is going to make a big difference for people's health and our kids' future," said David Doniger, climate director for the Natural Resources Defense Council.
The NRDC's proposals helped shape the Obama administration's plan, which is scheduled to go out for public comment before becoming final next year.
Doniger said he expects the president's plan to make "meaningful reductions," but he said it is not clear exactly what percentage of carbon emissions reductions the president will demand. There's been discussion of a 25 percent cut, but Doniger is skeptical that will end up as the real number. And he said it makes a huge difference whether it's calculated as a cut from 2005 levels — which the administration has used as a baseline in other carbon goals — or from current levels.
"The EPA and the White House are holding that quite close," Doniger said.
Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Ky., issued a statement Thursday night saying that McConnell plans to introduce legislation next week that would block the administration's efforts to impose "this new national energy tax."
McConnell said he will further discuss his legislation during a speech on the Senate floor next week.
Power plants are responsible for some 40 percent of the nation's carbon dioxide emissions, and coal burning accounts for three-quarters of that total, according to figures from the federal Energy Information Administration.
Major coal states such as Kentucky, West Virginia and Wyoming are likely to be affected by the new greenhouse gas emissions rule more than other states. Coal has historically shaped the economy of Eastern Kentucky, which already has been hit hard by mine closures in which thousands have lost their jobs. Lawsuits and a fierce political battle over the president's plan are expected.
"What the president is doing is going to severely harm the domestic coal market, which is going to create more hardship across Kentucky and especially in areas like Eastern Kentucky already at Ground Zero for what's happening to our industry," said Bill Bissett, president of the Kentucky Coal Association.
Kentucky relied on coal for about 93 percent of its electrical generation last year. Bissett said the new rule is "going to have to have a tremendous economic impact on Kentucky."
The rule is expected to demand bigger power plant emission rate cuts in states such as Kentucky and Indiana than in places like California, where the plants on average already produce far less carbon dioxide.
But the Natural Resources Defense Council's Doniger argued it doesn't have to be expensive for states such as Kentucky to cut emissions.
"If you're looking at this from a point of economic efficiency, Kentucky has a cheap source of reductions that California doesn't. Kentucky could switch to natural gas or to renewable resources, which California can't do in the same measure because they already have," he said.
"And Kentucky or Indiana, they haven't focused that much on energy efficiency, while California really has. ... The states that have the highest emissions and the most to do also have a lot of opportunities and cheaper opportunities than the states which have already done a lot. So this is in some way fair," he said.
Electrical utilities are watching closely and emphasize they've already been moving away from coal.
Charlotte, N.C.-based Duke Energy, the largest electric power holding company in the United States, said its carbon emissions are down 20 percent from 2005 by increasing the use of natural gas and replacing old coal plants.
"Cheap natural gas has helped significantly reduce our carbon emissions, and we've accelerated the retirements of coal units," said Duke spokesman Tom Williams.
Other nations are watching closely as well to see how serious the Obama administration is about climate change. The president said last summer that the United States would be a leader on the issue, which would be a turnaround for a country that effectively torpedoed the 1997 Kyoto agreement to cut global emissions.
Bissett argued that Obama is now moving the United States in a direction away from the rest of the world, as Europe and Japan as well as emerging economies such as India turn to coal. He said Obama's action against U.S. coal plants isn't going to have much of a climate impact when considered alongside what's happening in the rest of the world with carbon emissions.
National Mining Association President Hal Quinn said inefficient U.S. coal plants already have been weeded out. Little more can be done to cut emissions at the remaining plants short of closing them, which he said would mean less affordable and less reliable power.
"We're going to need a lot of flexibility from the EPA, because I can tell you that there's not much left in the coal fleet to squeeze out in terms of carbon emissions," Quinn said at a conference this month in Washington sponsored by the consulting firm Deloitte Energy.
But Daniel J. Weiss, director of climate strategy at the Center for American Progress, said the states are going to have a lot of options for meeting the new emissions standards in a cost-effective way. Greater energy efficiency saves consumers money on their utility bills, said Weiss, whose Washington think tank was founded by influential Obama adviser John Podesta. "Climate change isn't a future threat, it is a current threat. That is the number one conclusion from the National Climate Assessment," Weiss said. Watchman comment: If you believe the government is going to save us money on our utility bills think again. 

“Speak to Aaron and say to him, ‘When you set up the lamps, see that all seven light up the area in front of the lampstand." Numbers 8:2
This week’s Torah reading describes one of the most powerful symbols associated with Israel — the menorah, or lampstand. In fact, the menorah, which once lit the ancient Temple, is the emblem of Israel today. It is emblazoned on the Arch of Titus, which depicts the Roman conquest of Jerusalem in 70 C.E., and it stands at both the entrance of the Knesset, the Israeli Parliament, and the stairs to the Western Wall, the last remnant of the Temple. The menorah encapsulates Judaism both now and in the past. But what does it stand for?
In Proverbs 6:23 we read, “For this command is a lamp, this teaching is a light …” The light of the menorah represents knowledge. However, in this week’s Torah portion, we learn something critical about the nature of wisdom and knowledge. The verse reads, “When you set up the lamps, see that all seven light up the area in front of the lampstand.” The Sages explain this commandment meant that the six outer branches of the menorah had to “face” the central seventh branch.
According to the Sages, the six outer branches of the menorah represent the six areas of knowledge: medicine, physics, mathematics, art, psychology, and sociology. From these bodies of knowledge have come heart transplants, classical music, skyscrapers, and many of the wonderful developments and inventions that have shaped our world. However, they must all be connected to the seventh central branch of the menorah. The seventh branch represents God and His Word. Without the guiding light of the central flame, these other fields of knowledge are empty at best and destructive at worst.
This idea was powerfully demonstrated in a scene from the Academy Award-winning movieSchindler’s List. In it, the Nazis were going from home to home seeking hidden Jews. At first all was quiet, then, as the Jews were discovered, the sound of machine guns and screaming filled the air. In the midst of this chaos and tragedy, classical music was heard. Puzzled, two Nazis looked for the source and discovered a fellow Nazi playing impeccably on a piano. “Bach?” one Nazi asked. “No, Mozart,” the other corrected him. The scene continued to unfold with the cold-blooded murder of innocent men, women, and children while Mozart was played in the background.
Knowledge without God is not wisdom. Nine out of the 13 experts who devised Hitler’s “Final Solution” had doctorate degrees.
Our job is to combine our wisdom with the light of God’s Word. In that way, “you will be a light to guide the nations” (Isaiah 42:6 NLT) and will truly illuminate the world with wisdom, beauty, goodness, and godliness.

The religious and cultural battle between secular and religious elements in Jeruslaem

A fundamental divide exists in Jerusalem as religious groups passively combat a slightly smaller, but equally influential, community of secular residents, for the cultural character of the holy city, a Central Bureau of Statistics census released on Wednesday revealed.

Just over 815,000 citizens live in Jerusalem according to the census, 515,200 of which are either Jews or of other ethnic background, and 301,100 are Arabs. Of the 500,000 Jewish residents, 51.3 percent are Haredi. The steady emigration of Jerusalem's secular population would seem to suggest a victory for religious Jews, but the 48.7 percent are still clinging to possible light at the end of the tunnel. 

The secular community has no doubt lost some key battles in the last few years, including the closure of the restaurant Resto Bar whose landlord wouldn't tolerate their non-kosher food and Shabbat working hours, and the ruling that Jerusalem's Cinema City complex would remain closed on the weekends.

However, those who don't keep Shabbat can lay claim to other numerous smaller victories. The First Station shopping center is open on the weekends and small businesses like Cafe Betzalel and the Talvia bar next to Jerusalem's theater also refuse to surrender their Shabbat hours. 

The planned Sheruber complex in Abu-Tor will house movie theaters, restaurants, and other venues that will be open on the Shabbat. Municipality officials even suggest that the tide of businesses making profits on Shabbat will eventually lead to the opening of the Cinema City complex.

Ezer Aviv, part-owner of Cafe Betzalel, explained why he and his business partner decided to open their doors on Shabbat. "We always wanted to open on the weekends, but it never happened because it conflicted with another business. 

"One day we just decided that there isn't any alternative in the neighborhood. We didn't want it to be seen as defiance, but there's still a large secular community that looks for a simple alternative for coffee that's not in a restaurant and there aren't very many options. 

"We see this as a service to Jerusalem and we're very pleased with the results," said Aviv.

When asked what it means to be secular and live in Jerusalem, Aviv, who grew up in the city, said, "It's complicated. What's happening in the city is difficult, but my every-day life is nice. Our Cafe fits into a niche of secular people who are just like me." 

Deputy Mayor Ofer Berkovitch recognizes the significant advancements in Jerusalem's secular life in the last few years, but said that there is still work to be done for those who want to experience a truly capitalist freedom of choice. 

"As a secular man, I enjoy the city's secular culture and multi-culture atmosphere," said Berkovitch. Regarding opening businesses on Shabbat, he said, "I don't think we're where we should be on that issue." 

"We're managing a meaningful struggle in places like Cinema City. I think bars and restaurants should be open on Shabbat and I see a trend headed in that direction in the last two years. Of course a secular person in Jerusalem doesn't have the option on Shabbat to pick and choose. With all the complications of Jerusalem, we're determined to achieve that," concluded Berkovitch. 

Several other important figures arose from the census released on Sunday. Jerusalem's Arab community makes up 37 percent of the population, while the city as a whole suffered from negative immigration during 2012 meaning that the population of the capital actually decreased by 8,700. With birth rates included the overall population of Jerusalem increased by 12,400. 

Jerusalem Day commemorates the unification of Jerusalem under Israeli control during the 1967 Six Days War. The event was agreed to be marked as an official Israeli holiday, though it remains a normal work day except for those taking part in official ceremonies. 

These events include a remembrance ceremony at Mount Herzl and the president, prime minister, chief of staff and other officials will attend an event at Givat HaTachmoshet where Israeli troops fought a key battle in the taking of Eastern Jerusalem during the Six Day War.

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