Monday, June 9, 2014

End Times News and Gospel Message 11 June 14

Do you think it is an accident that two total solar eclipses "crisscross" the heart of America on August 21, 2017 and again on April 8, 2024 smack dab over the most active area of the New Madrid Fault Line?  Is America, cultural "Babylon" being warned. Are our sins, reaching to the heavens, if they haven't already?


the room of the Last Supper above King David's tomb

Jews are so angry over the probability that the Israeli Government has secretly surrendered sovereignty of King David's Tomb to the Vatican, they physically prohibit any Catholics access to the "Upper Room".
Following the Christian Mass services at the David's Tomb Compound on Sunday, and in the very room of King David's Tomb marker on Monday, Jews took back the holy site later on Monday in a protest prayer at the Room of the Last Supper, preventing further breaches of the status quo. The protest  included roughly 30 Jews, among them MK Moshe Feiglin of Likud.
The one factor that no patriotic zealous Jew realizes is that their key political leaders, beginning with Prime Minister Netanyahu and Shimon Peres are not Jewish compatriots. They are working on behalf of the worldwide Illuminati and Free Masonry. Since the Plan of the Illuminati for Jerusalem is to give control of a portion of Jerusalem to the Vatican so a combination Jewish, Christian and Muslim Area of Jerusalem can be set aside for a One World Religion temple. That is what will happen, no matter what statements to the contrary have been uttered for public deception.
The Illuminati and Free Masons view a combination Temple as essential in their two major goals
What are these goals?
1) To have the Pope visit the Masonic Temple and declare all world's religions are now ONE, and that he is their leader. This action fulfills Revelation 13:11, as the False Prophet would instantly become reality.
2) This action would disarm the power of the Orthodox Jew and solve the intractable conflict between Jew and Arab.

This is the Plan, so it will occur, no matter what kind of protest the Orthodox Jew mounts against it.

A sign in the heavens? You decide....

Friends, we are getting very close to the One World Religion - keep your eyes on Jerusalem!!

Don’t be distracted by Berdahl or the VA scandal. 

Watch the Mystery Babylon video below. Pope Francis, Simon Peres and Abbas to pray together to a false god.......Christian clerics, rabbis and Muslim clerics also pray to a false god and not to the one true God Yahweh and His Son Yeshua.

Remember the bulk of the people at this prayer are Free Masons who are subservient to the Black Pope Francis.

Remember the Free Masons, the Pope, Godless Jews and the Muslims the want to build their false Solomon Temple on the Temple Mount where all the religions can come and worship to the false god.

Watch the video below, I think the U.S. State Department spokeswoman in this video is an arrogant, snot nosed elitist.  I don't know about you but I am sick of U.S. media officials and their arrogant, know-it-all, I don’t want to be second guessed attitudes.  The reporters have a fundamental, constitutional right and responsibility to ask tough questions and demand answers from the current regime.

Why would scientists name an asteroid "The Beast"?

Hatta Dam in the UAE, by Justin Ng.
God's amazing world, a composite photo of Hatta Dam in the UAE 
Justin Ng used these two photos to create the composite of Hatta Dam, day to night, on the page above.
day and night

The video below is a brilliant, it is a must watch item

Kim Jong Un, the current leader of North Korea, is guilty of the imprisonment and torture of Christians and their entire families and crimes against humanity.

As Christians we have a choice. We can remain silent, say an occasional prayer, or stand up against such atrocities.

The Voice of the Martyrs invites you to take part in a new ministry campaign. Sign a letter to Kim Jong Un, and let him know that we are committed to standing with our Christian brothers and sisters who are suffering in North Korea’s ungodly concentration camps.

Friends and fellow Americans , based on the information in the article below we are doomed!!  We will decline just as Russia declined when the Russian people and their leaders forgot about God and Russia descended into the abyss of communism. Our slavery is inevitable.
according to the findings of a Gallup poll released on 4 June 14, only 28% of Americans believe that the Bible is "the actual word of God" and that it should be "taken literally, word for word." 40% of Americans agreed with that statement in 1979 — a record high — though the number has since declined every year with the exception of 2012.

Those who claimed that the Bible is an "ancient book of fables, legends, history and moral precepts recorded by man" reached its record high this year with 21%. In 1976, only 13% of Americans agreed with the statement.

Gallup's study also sought to clarify what it identified as "two ongoing debates in Christian theology."

"One is about whether the words of the Bible came directly from God — essentially using the writers as scribes — or if they are the words of men, but guided by divine inspiration," its report stated. "The other debate involves the meaning of the words: whether they should be taken literally, or be viewed partly — or merely — as metaphors and allegories that allow for interpretation."

Consequently, Gallup offered half of respondents the opportunity to select multiple interpretations of what the Bible being the "actual word of God" meant to them. According to these results, just over 20% of Americans asserted that the Bible had to be taken literally; 28%  affirmed that it was the word of God but with "multiple interpretations possible."
Nearly 20% of those who identified the Bible as the "inspired word of God" agreed that it was "an ancient book of fables, legends, history, and moral precepts written by man." 28% called it "inspired" but did not believe its words should be taken literally.

In the week that the European Central Bank cut its deposit rate for banks from zero to -0.1%, economist Martin Armstrong warns that negative interest rates are coming to the United States, meaning that Americans will be forced to pay just to keep their money in the bank.

In a mo
ve described as unprecedented, the ECB became the first central bank in history to cut any main interest rate to negative yesterday, part of a package of measures designed to encourage banks to provide more loans to businesses and households. Many view the policy as a desperate sign of Europe’s faltering economic recovery.

Critics claim that the action will do little to spur growth while threatening to cause inflation and unemployment. While banks in the EU have not indicated whether or not the costs will be passed on to consumers, some banking analysys assert that this is inevitable.

Banks will most likely pass these negative interest rates on to consumers, or at least try to. They may try to do so not by explicitly charging a negative interest rate, but by paying no interest and charging a fee for account maintenance.

What about Americans? Will they also soon be charged by the bank simply for depositing their own money? Yes, according to economist Martin Armstrong.

Armstrong, who is noted for calling the 1987 economic crash to the very day, warns that U.S. banks are preparing a raft of new account fees that will serve as a de facto negative interest rate.

“In the USA, we are more-likely-than-not going to get the negative rates directly passed to consumers by the banks who will claim it is the Fed who will do so at the requests of the banks. Larry Summers has set the stage. This is just how it works. He flew the balloon to get everyone ready. This is likely to be bullish for the stock market,” writes Armstrong, noting that, “The talk behind the curtain is to impose negative interest rates on the consumer.”

The Voice of Russia reported on 6 June 2014 that our
government lies daily to the American people. All facets of the Federal Government lie -- White House, Pentagon, Congress, and Mass Media. The current Bergdahl case is a perfect example.

(Watchman comment, since I retired from the U.S Defense Dept. my mind has totally changed. I no longer trusted the American government, nor any of its leaders, no matter which party they represent. Further, I especially did not trust American TV, newspapers or radio, what I call the “Lame Stream” media.
American news is either slanted or a bunch of lies.
I think it is only fair to my readers that they know where I stand on this issue.)
In the US the power structures inside and around the media, the so-called news and journalism system, the domain of news production, news gathering and generating, it’s a propaganda system. It always has been.
I know you are thinking that a Russian criticism of American mass media is like the "pot calling the kettle black and you would be right in thinking that. However, an expose’ of America's “Lame Stream” media from a country whose Communist government operated a nation-wide propaganda machine disguised as "news" does not make his criticisms invalid. Quite the contrary. Being familiar with the Soviet propaganda system might make it easier for the author to see the similarities.
Let us now examine the claim that American “Lame Stream” mass media has always been an exercise in propaganda. You will be shocked to realize that this assertion has been true in America and much of the West for 200 years!
In the Protocols of Zion principle #7 it states, “We must compel the governments of the goyim to take action in the direction favoured by our widely conceived plan ... by what we shall represent as public opinion, secretly prompted by us through the means of that so-called 'Great Power' -- the Press, which, with a few exceptions, is already entirely in our hands." 
Every American needs to understand that the entire national press is controlled by the Illuminati, and is simply giving you the "news" that they think you are supposed to have. Very soon, all alternative sources of news are going to be shut down. That time draws ever closer.
Now, let us review another quote from the Protocols:
"In order to put public opinion into our hands we must bring it into a state of bewilderment by giving expression from all sides to so many contradictory opinions and for such length of time as will suffice to make the average person lose their heads in the labyrinth and come to see that the best thing is to have no opinion of any kind, in matters political." (Protocol #5)
Now, you know why the Sunday Morning TV programming is full of "Talking Heads" that so fill the airwaves with opinions on everything, so that the average person is completely bewildered as to what is the truth! This type of TV programming was foreseen over 100 years ago in The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion.
We see extreme concentrations of wealth and concentrations of power in the mass media during the past 40 years. We can see changes and that it is becoming increasingly concentrated with only five major massive giant corporations that own and control 90% of all TV, radio, newspapers, magazines and book publishing in the entire US.
But that propaganda function has always been a part of the US media. You can go back to the era of the late 19th century, the US invasion of the Philippines, the so-called Spanish-American war. The term 'yellow journalism' was created in the late 19th century. So, we can see a long, sort of historical context that it tells us something about the very structure of power in the US and the functions of the mass media as a propaganda tool.
Citizens must stop this fanciful notion that our Mass Media is reporting well-balanced truth. The exact opposite is true; Mass Media is fully in sync with the ultimate agenda of the New World Order. Both Democrat and Republican oriented news services are merely exercises in in propaganda.
The greatest scandal of propaganda news is the refusal of Mass Media to report the Depleted Uranium debacle. Media refused to cover this story beginning with the American invasion of Iraq, March, 2003, under Republican George W. Bush; and this refusal to report has continued through the Administration of Democrat President Barack Obama.
However, this instance is but one of many proving that the Mass Media propaganda line is practiced by both Republican and Democrat news organizations. Were it not for the free-style Internet, true and objective news would be impossible to get. The time is soon coming when government begins dictating news on the Internet. No Absolute Government can tolerate a free and open news source like the internet.

Friends, I believe Slender Man is a demon and possesses young people. 

The mother said...."Slender Man has struck again.
An Ohio girl, under the apparent influence of the fictional Internet horror meme, attacked her mother last week with a kitchen knife, authorities said.
“I came home one night from work, and she was in the kitchen waiting for me, and she was wearing a mask, a white mask,” the suburban Cincinnati mother told a local television station. “She was someone else during the attack.”
The mother suffered multiple minor injuries, including a puncture wound on her back. The girl, 13, is facing charges as a juvenile.

The knife assault follows a Slender Man-inspired attack days earlier by a pair of 12-year-old girls on their 12-year-old classmate, who was left for dead in a Wisconsin park.
The Wisconsin victim, who was stabbed 19 times, is now recovering at home, while her alleged assailants and so-called friends, Morgan Geyser and Anissa Weier, face first-degree attempted intentional homicide charges.

As many as 500,000 people have been forced to flee the Iraqi city of Mosul after hundreds of Islamist militants took control of it, the International Organization for Migration (IOM) says. Troops were among those fleeing as the jihadists from the ISIS group took the city and much of Nineveh province.
How could the regular Iraqi Army be routed by only hundreds of Islamist militants?
the flag of Kurdistan
This type of military fiasco reminds me of the way in which the South Vietnamese Army fled once the North Vietnamese Army invaded, some two years after America had left.
During the last several years of the American occupation of Iraq, we repeatedly warned that the regular Iraqi recruit could never defeat the much more motivated Islamic Jihadist fighter. We made our prediction based on the way the South Vietnamese collapsed under the invasion of their country.
Iraq is now entering the last phase of her final End Times judgment of Isaiah 13 – Iraq, Ancient Babylon, is nearing the “End Times” final annihilating judgment just as God foretold 2,700 years ago in Isaiah 13. "Mighty Babylon" is falling and her days shall not be prolonged!"
The final stage of God's End Times prophecy at the End of the Age is that the Kurds (Medes) from the north would attack southern Iraq and annihilate both Sunni and Shi'ite. The only possible scenario by which this prophetic slaughter would occur is if the Kurds wait until Sunni and Shi'ite bleed each other white beforehand in a massive civil war.

This civil war is now occurring. The Kurds are just waiting until the right moment to strike.

Christians and religious minorities face a unique form of religious freedom restrictions in Saudi Arabia, noting that not a single church is allowed to exist in the country.

"Not a single church or other non-Muslim house of worship exists in the country," says Bandar al-Aiban, the director of the Saudi National Human Rights commission. Churches are not allowed to exist because the entire country is a sacred mosque for Islam's holiest shrines in Mecca and Medina.

International Christian Concern has highlighted the extent of the restrictions in Saudi Arabia, which is officially an Islamic state, and the consequences they have on the millions of Christians, who are mostly foreign workers, living there.

Saudi Arabia remains unique in the extent to which it restricts the public expression of any religion other than Islam, the United States Commission on International Religious Freedom said in its 2014 Annual Report.

Close to 2 million non-Muslim foreign workers live in Saudi Arabia, and around 1.5 million of them are Christians. Statistics on how many Saudis are Christians are harder to come by, as the government does not recognize such believers, but they face a situation in which there is not a single church in the entire country where they are allowed to publicly meet.

Saudi Arabia has close to 4,000 religious police officers entrusted to enforce its Islamic laws. Leaving the Islamic faith is considered apostasy and punishable by death, with non-Islamic prisoners often pressured to convert to the religion.

Other Christian groups have also documented the intense persecution Christians face in Saudi Arabia. Open Doors ranks it at No.6 on its list where Christians face the most persecution. In 2013, it was ranked at No.2, behind North Korea.

ICC pointed out that the United States government maintains a close relationship with Saudi Arabia, and in March President Barack Obama met with King Abdullah during an overseas trip. Obama failed to call out Saudi Arabia on its severe religious freedom violations, however.

"This visit was an excellent opportunity for the president to speak up on an issue that affects millions of Saudi citizens and millions more foreign workers living in Saudi Arabia," ICC Middle East Regional Manager Todd Daniels said.

Only last month the president clearly stated that promoting religious freedom is a key objective of American foreign policy, and then reaffirmed that opinion in remarks following his meeting with Pope Francis on Thursday, according to the White House. 

On top of this, 70 members of Congress specifically asked him to publicly address the issue, as well as other human rights concerns, with King Abdullah today. How, despite all of this, the president could stay completely silent about religious freedom during his meeting is remarkable.

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