Wednesday, June 11, 2014

7 June 1967

General Moshe Dayan walks in Jerusalem
June 7th marke the 47th anniversary of the beginning of the Last Days. On June 7th, 1967, Motta Gur, an Israeli, shouted the cry heard around the world:
haHar haBayit b’Yadenu! – (The Temple Mount is in our hands!)
From that moment on, a clock started ticking. A generation would not pass before the events described in Luke 21 would all be fulfilled. This is an appropriate time for a bit of a review because this past week centered on America and ended with a dire warning.
The importance of this day lies in the words of Yeshua, when His anxious disciples asked about the destruction of Jerusalem (which happened in AD 70) and the coming of the Last Days and His return. Christ goes on to give us a prophecy in one verse that spans two thousand years:
And they shall fall by the edge of the sword, and shall be led away captive into all nations: and Jerusalem shall be trodden down of the Gentiles, until the times of the Gentiles be fulfilled. – Luke 21:24
That prophecy was fulfilled on this day, June 7th – 47 years ago in 1967. As that day came to a close, the Jewish government of Israel controlled all of the city of Jerusalem, and the Laws of Israel reigned supreme in every square inch of that ancient city. Luke 21:24 was no longer a moment for the future, but was now a historical fact.
And, for those who wish to claim otherwise, allow me to explain that Jewish Israeli policemen and Jewish Israeli Law controls all parts of Jerusalem and the Temple Mount. The gentiles do not control any part of Jerusalem.

But, it is this verse that should concentrate our minds: So likewise ye, when ye see these things come to pass, know ye that the kingdom of God is nigh at hand. Verily I say unto you, This generation shall not pass away, till all be fulfilled. – Luke 21:31-32

Yeshua was saying that seeing the Last Days events come to pass meant that we were in that final time period that we call the Last Days, and He was saying that it was just a generation long. And, 47 years have already passed us by.

How much time do we have left?

Not much. Not much at all. Just 23 Years Left
According to Moses, in Psalm 90, the predetermined lifespan of a man is 70 years. If this is the span of time that Jesus it talking about in Luke 21:31-32, this means that we have 23 years (or less) to fit in all the prophecies of the Last Days. This must include the salvation of Israel, seven years of cleanup after Gog and Magog, The rise of the Antichrist (yes, it takes time) and the Great Tribulation.

Subtract all of that from the 23 years that appear to be left… and this means that events must get started very, very soon. Very soon.

And a very prominent cycles expert, Martin Armstrong, says that the cycles of War and Civil War converge for the first time in centuries, this year. And, the cycle for financial collapse begins either this year, or in late 2015. Moreover, the tetrad is in 2014-15 and Jewish jubilee in 2017. If you want to count the 70 years from 1948 then that time is up in 2018. Friends, all the evidence is piling up that we are entering the "End Times".

All of this means that, in just a few short years, our world will be devastated by cataclysmic war and a solar flare larger than any that has ever been seen in the history of mankind – Ezekiel’s Fire. Nuclear war  is the most realistic scenario. And, it’s one that many devout brothers in Christ have seen in dreams and visions.

What Should You Do?

It should not surprise us that such events are on their way. The fact that the future looks like it has been torn from the pages of the Book of Revelation… well, it’s a shock, but we knew that this was coming.
Ask yourself what the Lord wants you to do.

Do you know where God wants you to be as these events of the Last Days unfold?

If you don’t, it is time to get on your hands and knees and ask for direction, and then take it. If God does not give you clear direction, then I believe that you should get out of harm’s way until God shows you what you are supposed to be doing.
We have a job to do, and it is time for us to be about our Father’s business.
These are the Days of the End
So, what did we talk about this week?

This week we talked about the abominations being done in our name and the threat ready to consume us. The US government provides 90% of the world’s Heroin, and is keeping its grip on Afghanistan for that purpose. That is bad enough, but America also produces 89% of all the pornography in the world. And now, we find that the US government has been actively promoting homosexuality around the world. And, she backs all of that by going to war anywhere and everywhere in the world. Evidence points to a nuclear attack against America that will succeed, because she has backed Russia and China into a corner – and because it will be the vengeance of a holy and just God.

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