Tuesday, May 13, 2014

End Times News and Gospel Message May 17

My friend Gwyne wrote this article. God is waking up America to what is going on against Christians."We gave you three days to recant but you insist on not returning to Islam," Judge Abbas Khalifa told Ibrahim, according to AFP. "I sentence you to be hanged to death."
But Ibrahim held firm to her beliefs.
“I was never a Muslim,” she answered. “I was raised a Christian from the start.”
Friends, let's pray this: Lord, we ask You in the name of Jesus to enable our country to confront the Sudanese government for this judgment against this woman, so she may have her right to live as a Christian and to raise her baby in the Christian faith with her Christian husband.  We pray that she will escape this judgment of being lashed and hung, once the child is two years old.  Since this woman was never a Moslem believer, we pray that our nation's leaders will break off ties with Sudan if they stand behind this outrageous act of intolerance.  
Lord, we ask You to raise up the awareness of what is Sharia law.  We ask You to raise up the prayers for this woman and for all others who are being persecuted as Christians.  We also ask for mercy on these persecutors and for persecutors even in our own country.  In Jesus' name we pray. Amen. 
Thanks for praying with me!  In God we trust, Gwyne

The enemy of my enemy is my friend, an ancient proverb, advocates that two parties can and should work together against a common enemy.

It seems that Turkey and Iran may be uniting against a mutual foe, Saudi Arabia, according to Middle East expert Walid Shoebat.

The two countries have had their differences, going back to the period of the Turkish Ottoman Empire, when Iran was known as Persia.

In the 20th century, Turkey became a republic and oriented itself more toward the West, especially during the Cold War period.

Turkey opposed the 1979 Iranian revolution that elevated Ayatollah Khomeini as the Supreme Leader, the highest ranking political and religious leader in Iran. 
Turkish officials believed Iran was sponsoring terrorist groups in Turkey with the intention of spreading Shi’a Islam.

In turn, the theocratic post revolutionary government of Iran viewed Turkey and its North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO), membership as a threat.

The relationship between the two nations began improving during the Iran-Iraq war because Turkey viewed Iraq, under Sadam Hussein, as a greater threat than Iran.

Increased cooperation between the rivals followed the Gulf War, particularly on the Kurdish issue which affected both nations.

With the election of Tayyip Erdogan as Turkey’s Prime Minister in 2002, relations improved as the government appeared to become more Islamic under Erdogan.

Since then, the two have increased trade, particularly with Turkey purchasing oil and natural gas from Iran, while Western nations imposed trade sanctions to deter Iran’s nuclear pursuit.
The Syrian War, a proxy war between Saudi Arabia, the Gulf States, the U.S. and Iran, furthered strengthened the burgeoning friendship between Turkey and Iran.

How does Turkey plan to benefit from the alliance?

Turkey intends to spread its more moderate form of Sunni Islam as opposed to the more fundamentalist Sunni Wahhabi version of Islam from Saudi Arabia.

Syrian President Bashar Assad, backed by Iran and the Shiite branch of Islam, has proven to be difficult to remove from power. 
The defeat of the rebels, backed by Saudi Arabia, will further erode the waning power of Saudi Arabia in the region.

Although Turkey disagrees with Iran’s support of the Shi’ite Alawite regime of Assad, the government in Ankara seems willing to put their opposition aside in pursuit of improved relations with Tehran.

Turkey and Iran, despite their divergence over Syria, are helping each other build and in some cases rebuild their influence in the region in the wake what appears to be the crumbling influence of Saudi Arabia among its Arab allies.

The leaderships of both nations have come to realize that striving to secure an undisputed leadership in the Middle East was pointless, “states Walid Shoebat, “Iran’s ambitions in the region will then succumb to Turkish dominance.”

Shoebat said the Saudi kingdom has been the catalyst for the 
two countries to work more closely together despite their own Sunni-Shi’ite divisions.

Some experts, including Shoebat and your Watchman on the Wall, believe that the increasingly Islamic Turkish government envisions a recreated Ottoman Empire, which would become the center of a Muslim Caliphate in the Levant and Arab world.

Iran on the other hand, seeks improved relations with Western nations, something they think Turkey can help them with.

Iranian Parliament Vice Speaker Mohammad Hasssan Aboutorabi-Fard recently met with Turkish Ambassador Umit Yardim and underscored that developing ties with Turkey was Iran’s “top priority.”

“The development and expansion of close friendly relations with Turkey in different arenas is among the priorities of the Islamic Republic’s foreign policy, and we hope that the trend of growth in bilateral ties, especially in the parliamentary and economic fields, will be further accelerated,” the Iranian Parliament’s Vice Speaker said.

“The relationship between Ankara and Tehran seems to be entering a new stage full of interests,” said Middle East expert Khorshid Dali, a Syrian. “Each party has its ambitions that motivate it to look for a common axis that will change regional equations at the expense of the Arab countries, especially in the Gulf.”

Support for the Muslim Brotherhood (MB), opposed by the Saudi’s has caused a split in the Gulf Arab countries traditionally ruled by Sunni monarchies.

Saudi Arabia, Bahrain and the United Arab Emirates, for example, withdrew ambassadors out of Qatar, a MB supporter, which also maintains a relationship with Iran, the Saudi royal family’s mortal Islamic enemy.

The Saudi government is accused of financially supporting Al Qaeda, in an effort to keep the terror organization out of Saudi Arabia.

Turkey seeks Iran’s help to cultivate influence with the Gulf Arab countries as they decide which Sunni country – Saudi Arabia or Turkey – will become the major influence in the region.

The prophet Ezekiel warns of a coming war in which Turkey and Iran are allies against Israel.  It is quite possible we are seeing the first steps to such an alliance in the making.

American scientists have for the first time ever made it possible for an organism to survive with artificial DNA, making it more likely new medicines can be developed, while raising ethical concerns among some advocates.
This phrase has been used for so many discoveries that go on unimpeded to their goal, thus rendering this concern null and void. Stating this concern slips a placebo to people who are really concerned about this scientific advance. While the concerned people go to sleep, scientists are left free to pursue their insidious goal.
The announcement is so remarkable because, for billions of years, all life has been made up of DNA subunits categorized by four letters: A, T, C and G. Scientists have now added two new DNA building blocks to E. coli bugs, which then reproduced as normal with the two extra letters in their genetic code. The research could eventually lead to the production of completely new proteins that could be used either for medicinal purposes or industrial products. It also lends credibility to the theory that life in outer space could exist entirely without the DNA found on Earth.
Therefore, one of the possible outcomes of this new discovery is that scientists can now claim that life is not necessarily limited to Earth, thus weakening the Biblical worldview. As mankind spins ever closer to the appearance of Antichrist, the elite welcomes every opportunity to weaken man's belief in the Bible.
This discovery could certainly accomplish this mission! Friends, can Antichrist be far away?

Satanism is nothing new. We know that Satan is alive and well on planet Earth, and that his minions have been building the foundation for the coming of Antichrist for centuries. But, we have never seen Satanism go so mainstream. And yes, Atheism is just another flavor of Satanism.
Satan actually isn’t a name. It’s a description, and it’s Hebrew – שָׂטָן. And, it’s pronounced Sah-Tahn, not Say-Taan. And, it means adversary. Of course, the description became a title, so here we are.
Are atheists really Satanists in disguise?
Yeah. They really are. Please understand that Atheists aren’t atheists because they don’t believe that God exists. That’s impossible to prove, so what they’re really saying is that they are upset at the idea of God and want to get rid of every mention of His name.
Does the rise of outright Satanism in the mainstream tell you something?
When Paul was speaking about the Antichrist, he said this: And now ye know what withholdeth that he might be revealed in his time. For the mystery of iniquity doth already work: only he who now letteth will let, until he be taken out of the way. 
There is something restraining Satan from bringing his Antichrist, and for two thousand years, Satanism has been an underground religion. But, something has changed. Satanism is no longer underground – it’s in the mainstream, and we are starting to see it’s effect.
Roman Catholic (RC) officials say that the decline of religious belief means we need more exorcists.  The RC Telegraph is publishing an article that talks about the dramatic increase in demon possession.
But, let’s not forget the most popular form of Satanism out there – Atheism. And, it’s getting its own TV channel: A whole TV channel will be devoted to the belief in… nothing.
Um… do you see a problem here?
Harvard has also reared its ugly head over the issue:
There is nothing like a good Satanic ritual to fill that spiritual void you’ve been carrying around with you.
And, as I did a quick search for more mainstream Satanism, I ran across this:

I’m a bit more shocked than you are, but look at just a few of the plot elements in this show:
·         A teenage witch using her powers to cause a bus accident the leaves the young men on the bus dismembered and dead (with their dismembered bodies and severed heads shown up close).
·         A flashback scene focuses on Madame LaLaurie (who is one of the many historical references on the show), a wealthy slave owner, keeping slaves chained in the attic of her mansion where they are tortured. They have the skin peeled from their faces and organs dug out of their bodies with a metal hook. The “Madame” then uses their blood as make up on her face to maintain her youthful look and for an enchantment spell to keep her husband faithful.
·         Two of the witches enact a spell that requires a pledge to Satan in order to resurrect a young man who had inadvertently died in the bus crash. They take his severed limbs and parts from other victims of the crash to reassemble his body (all shown on-screen).
·         A mother sexually abuses her injured son in extremely graphic fashion while he is laying in bed.
·         A young witch in the coven has sexual relations with an undead human-animal hybrid.
·         Zoe, the star of the show, has the ability to kill any man she has intimate relations with as they suffer violent brain aneurysm and their eyes explode in a bloody mess (shown on-screen). She uses this ability, (again shown in graphic fashion) to murder a young man while he is in a coma in the hospital.
And, this abomination is in its 3rd season!
Do you think that any of this would have been possible if our Churches hadn’t become filthy and degenerate?
As the RC Telegraph article illustrates, the fall of the church has brought the rise of Satanism. Our corruption has brought this about. We did this. And, when we should be on our hands and knees repenting of our sins and begging God for His forgiveness, we have doubled-down.

Right Wing News reported that after young and healthy Marine Matt Parker fought for his country in the Middle East, he mysteriously came down with tumors. Now, he finds himself without adequate help from the country he fought for. A friend of his said, “I have known Matt since he was a small child; our families grew up together in church, and in high school I taught his sister violin lessons. Matt is a straight shooter; a bright, honest guy raised with solid values by outstanding Christian parents.”
Matt’s unit was tasked in part with arming Cobra helicopters in Kuwait with special 20mm rounds tipped in depleted uranium (DU). No one instructed the Marines to wear gloves or protective clothing. Upon finishing his service and returning to civilian life a few years later, he started having mood swings, joint pain, insomnia and severe headaches. Sinus infections led to a seizure in 2011, and after he was rushed to the hospital, doctors discovered a massive tumor in the front of his head. The doctors successfully removed the tumor, and asked him if he had been exposed to radiation. Friends, I am afraid that thousands of my fellow veterans are going to succumb to cancer from being exposed to DU. I believe DU weapons should be banned.

Pastor Tunde Bakare

"Latter Rain" Pastor Tunde Bakare, said during his sermon on Sunday May 11th “I call your attention to the orchestrated war against our nation. It appears that our government of Nigeria and her armed forces have become powerless against this terrorist enemy. Even though they are faceless, few in number, even compared to our own military there is an orchestration of evil that is going on.

In the vision, in 2009 Pastor Bakare rode on God's back into former US President Bush's war room and saw the former president plotting on how to destabilize Nigeria by 2015.
I have stated repeatedly that this plan to achieve the New World Order was created originally by the International Illuminati, and that its implementation is supported by both American political parties. This plan is neither Democrat nor Republican, but both.
And right on schedule, Democrat President Barack Obama is faithfully executing the plan.
The Pastor concluded: "Foreigners have invaded our country and are looking for excuses to destabilize us. this is war, war on terror, war on terrorists and war on their sponsors ... the government does not exist, it suddenly looks as though we have no government......one of God's judgments upon a nation is that low-quality people will rule .. "
The alleged terrorists do not have the resources or the sophistication to carry this operation out,. they are controlled by foreign forces. Can't you see the conspiracy?

Satellite view of the San Diego county fires

On Wednesday, May 14, 2014, pockets of wildfires developed across parts of San Diego County in Southern California. The fires appeared quickly in the afternoon hours and forced thousands of people to evacuate from homes and businesses. The mixture of drought conditions, dry weather, and very hot temperatures contributed to the spread of the fires across several acres of land. 

Location of fires across Southern California. Image Credit: Fox 5 San Diego
The fires were primarily located north of downtown San Diego. Nine separate wildfires have been accounted for and has burned over 9,100 acres in San Diego County this week. For now, it is unknown as to how the fires were started.

A new study has concluded that, while largely ignored by the scientific community, abortion is undoubtedly the most consequential issue determining the socioeconomic and demographic composition of the United States. 

This startling conclusion is drawn from a study conducted by Dr. James Studnicki, professor of Public Health Sciences at the University of North Carolina, and colleagues Sharon J. MacKinnon and John W. Fisher, utilized data from the 2008 national summary of pregnancy outcomes. 

The study is based on the most recent and latest-available multi-year national summary of pregnancy outcomes, covering the years 1990-2008, and was recently reported on by Breitbart.com with the following highlights:

- 64.6% of all pregnancies ended in a live birth, while 18.4% ended in abortion;

- The overall pregnancy rate for non-Hispanic black women (144.3 per 1000) was 65% higher than the rate for non-Hispanic white women (87.5 per 1000);

- Black women have an average of more pregnancies in a lifetime (4.3) than white women (2.7).

- While 69% of white pregnancies resulted in a live birth, only 49% of black pregnancies led to live births. 

- The abortion rate for white women was 12.4%, and the rate for black women was nearly three times higher, at 35.6%. Thus, despite a higher pregnancy rate than whites, black pregnancies are much less likely to result in a live birth, largely because of their dramatically higher abortion rate.

- The metric most often used to measure premature death is called Years of Potential Life Lost (YPLL). Based on this, and accepting induced abortions as a cause of death, the study discovered that abortion accumulates more years of preventable premature death than all other causes of death combined.

- The researchers found that, for non-Hispanic (NH) whites, abortions in 2008 contributed 59% of total years of potential life lost, while, for NH blacks, abortions contributed 76% of the same, leading to the conclusion that “induced abortion is the overwhelmingly predominant contributing cause of preventable potential lives lost in the North Carolina population, and NH blacks are disproportionately affected.”

- Based on separate reports, the New York City Department of Health report that found more black babies were killed by abortion in the city than were born there in 2012 – more than half of pregnancies were aborted.

Studnicki stated that aid Public Health agencies must be informed by sound science, while expressing regret as to its omission: “Nevertheless, as a nation we have allowed induced abortion to be relegated to the ideological ‘shadows’ and thereby hidden from valid and objective science”. As an example, Studnicki cited the fact that some states, including California and Maryland, still do not report abortion data to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).

Studnicki asks why a year of life lost to abortion is less valuable or worthy than a year of life lost to cancer, heart disease or diabetes, given that the nation routinely spends billions of dollars annually for therapies which may extend the lives of terminally ill patients a few weeks or months. 

The answer seems to lie in society’s largely ungodly perception of the value and sanctity of human life prior to birth, or in Studnicki’s words: “Yet induced abortion was never, before our study, considered as a cause of death for YPLL calculations because it was assumed that you cannot count a potential life without first a live birth.”
What is most needed for people from across all racial groups, socio-economic backgrounds and income brackets is however an emphasis on Biblical moral values and standards including abstinence, faithfulness, equitable treatment, and upholding the sanctity of unborn human life. 

If upheld, such values would eliminate abortion and poverty. By extension, the impact of abortion on demographics, and poverty on abortion, would cease to exist. Simply put in Biblical terms:

Righteousness exalteth a nation: but sin is a reproach to any people (Proverbs 14:34)

Russia is an interesting place with an interesting history. Few countries in the world have as difficult a geopolitical situation, as Russia. But, it has made the best of its circumstances and carved out a name for itself.
President Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin understands Russia’s place in history and knows how to ensure a future for his vast country. So, even though the psychopaths of the New World Order sought to challenge Russia in her own back yard, Putin chose a measured response to their outrageous provocations.
Unfortunately, it’s one step closer to the biggest catastrophe since Noah’s Flood , Europe and America, via the Illuminati, appear desperate for a shooting war. And, they have been attempting to provoke Russia into ‘starting one’ for months. Unfortunately, for the Euro-American alliance, Russia hasn’t been easy to provoke. In fact, Russia has been exceptionally restrained, and now we’re starting to see why.
Russia has Europe over a barrel. If Europe wants natural gas for manufacturing and warmth in the Winter, they need Russian natural gas. This is doubly true for Ukraine.
So, when the Illuminati staged their coup in Kiev, Russia knew that it held all the cards and could bring Ukraine back under their control. They started with a series of referendums that brought Crimea back to Russia and whittled away at eastern Ukraine.
Now that they’ve gotten as much as they can from these referendums, Russia has now moved on to their ace – natural gas. Starting in June, natural gas will not be delivered to Ukraine if it is not paid for in advance. And, Ukraine doesn’t have the money to pay for it.
So, what’s going to happen next?
That’s a really good question. The EU and the US didn’t get the war that they wanted, and now they’re stuck with having to help Ukraine pay for their natural gas. The alternative is to let Ukraine fall back even more deeply into the hands of Russia.

All that the US State Department will have achieved is a damaged relationship with Russia, billions of dollars spent, and a reputation for insane stupidity. However, there is one other result that we can point to.

Ben Stein's confession:
I don't like getting pushed around for being a  Jew, and I don't think Christians like getting pushed around for  being Christians.  I think people who believe in God are  sick and tired of getting pushed around, period. I have no idea where the concept came from, that America is an explicitly  atheist country. I can't find it in the Constitution and I don't like it being shoved down my throat.

Or maybe I  can put it another way: where did the idea come from that we  should worship celebrities and we aren't allowed to worship God  as we understand Him?  I guess that's a sign that I'm  getting old, too. But there are a lot of us who are  wondering where these celebrities came from and where the America we knew went to.

In light of the many  jokes we  send to one another for a laugh, this is a little  different: This is not intended to be a joke; it's not  funny, it's intended to get you thinking.
In light of recent events--terrorists attacks, school shootings, etc. I think it started when Madeleine Murray O'Hare (she  was murdered, her body found a few years ago) complained she didn't want prayer in our schools, and we said OK. Then someone said you better not read the Bible in school .

The Bible says thou shalt not kill; thou shalt not steal, and love your neighbor as yourself.  And we said  OK.

Then Dr. Benjamin Spock said we shouldn't spank our  children when they misbehave, because their little personalities  would be warped and we might damage their self-esteem (Dr.  Spock's son committed suicide).  We said an expert should  know what he's talking about.  And we said okay.

Now we're asking ourselves why our children have no conscience, why they don't know right from wrong, and why it  doesn't bother them to kill strangers, their classmates, and themselves.

Probably, if we think about it long and hard  enough, we can figure it out. I think it has a great deal to do with, 'WE REAP WHAT WE SOW.'

Funny how simple it is  for people to trash God and then wonder why the world's going to  hell. Funny how we believe what the newspapers say, but  question what the Bible says.  Funny how you can send  'jokes' through e-mail and they spread like wildfire, but when  you start sending messages regarding the Lord, people think  twice about sharing.  Funny how lewd, crude, vulgar and obscene articles pass freely through cyberspace, but public discussion of God is suppressed in the school and workplace. 

Are you laughing yet?

“I will send you rain in its season, and the ground will yield its crops and the trees their fruit.” — Leviticus 26:4
Ask anybody, and most will agree that if they won the lottery tonight, their lives would be a whole lot better. For some people that may be true, but certainly not for all, and studies suggest that winning the lottery would not make most of us any happier in the long run than we are right now. Even more shocking are the numerous stories about lottery winners whose lives were destroyed as a result of their big win. For all who pray to win the lottery, after reading Jack Whittaker’s story, we might just thank God for that unanswered prayer.
Whittaker won the $315 million Powerball jackpot in 2002; at the time, it was the largest jackpot ever won by a single ticket. Yet, in the ensuing years, Whittaker was plagued with a series of misfortunes and tragedies. He was robbed on numerous occasions and faced numerous legal problems. But nothing compared to the personal tragedies that shook his family. In 2007, Jack’s granddaughter died of a drug overdose, and then his daughter was found dead in 2009 under similar circumstances. At the time of his granddaughter’s death, Whittaker told reporters that he wished he had never won the lottery. Later on he told reporters that he wished he had torn up the winning ticket.
The lesson is clear — blessings can only be enjoyed when we are ready to receive them. Too much at the wrong time could lead to the opposite of what we desired in the first place.
In the Bible we read a list of blessings that will be bestowed upon Israel if they were obedient in following God. Among the blessings we read: “I will send you rain in its season, and the ground will yield its crops and the trees their fruit.” Now, when it comes to the Bible, there is not one extra word or extra letter. So we must ask, why does Scripture specify “rain in its season”? Couldn’t it have been simply stated, “I will give you rain and the ground will yield its crops”?
To those who know about agriculture, the answer is obvious. Certainly a lack of rain in the seasons when rain is most needed will have adverse effects on crops. But it is also true that too much rain in the wrong season can also harm the corps. The ideal conditions for the best crops would be to have the right amount of rain in the right season.
It works the same way with our blessings. We need the right amount at the right time in order to thrive. Too little might hurt us, but so will too much in the wrong season. You might be going through a dry season right now, but that may be the ideal situation to yield your maximum benefits. So when we pray, we should pray that our blessings come in abundance — but only in the right way and in the right season.

The MERS virus

Jer 28:8  The prophets that have been before me and before thee of old prophesied both against many countries, and against great kingdoms, of war, and of evil, and of pestilence
Eze 33:27  Say thou thus unto them, Thus saith the Lord GOD; As I live, surely they that are in the wastes shall fall by the sword, and him that is in the open field will I give to the beasts to be devoured, and they that be in the forts and in the caves shall die of the pestilence.
Mt 24:7  For nation shall rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom: and there shall be famines, and pestilences, and earthquakes, in divers places.

The virus is MERS, or Middle East Respiratory Syndrome. It is a respiratory illness that begins with flu-like fever and cough but can lead to shortness of breath, pneumonia and death.
Most cases have been in Saudi Arabia or elsewhere in the Middle East. But earlier this month a first U.S. case was diagnosed in a man who traveled from Saudi Arabia to Indiana.
That man was a health-care worker at a hospital in Saudi Arabia's capital city who flew to the United States on April 24. After landing in Chicago, the man took a bus to Munster, Indiana where he became sick and went to a hospital on April 28.
The man, an American, improved and was released from the hospital late last week. Tests of people who were around the man have all proved negative, health officials have said.
Details about the newest case were not immediately released Monday.

MERS belongs to the coronavirus family that includes the common cold and SARS, or severe acute respiratory syndrome, which caused some 800 deaths globally in 2003.
The MERS virus has been found in camels, but officials don't know how it is spreading to humans. It can spread from person to person, but officials believe that happens only after close contact. Not all those exposed to the virus become ill.
But it appears to be unusually lethal — by some estimates, it has killed nearly a third of the people it sickened. That's a far higher percentage than seasonal flu or other routine infections. But it is not as contagious as flu, measles or other diseases. There is no vaccine or cure and there's no specific treatment except to relieve symptoms.

Overall, at least 400 people have had the respiratory illness, and more than 100 people have died. So far, all had ties to the Middle East region or to people who traveled there.

Many miracles have been associated with the rebirth of the nation of Israel. Perhaps one of the least appreciated of these miracles is the revival of the Hebrew language, the language of the Jews.

The Hebrew language was spoken by the Jewish people from the second millennium BC until the fall of Jerusalem and the subsequent deportation of the Israelites to Babylon, in 587 BC. For the next 1500 years, the Jews spoke Aramaic.
Hebrew continued to be used liturgically but was not used widely outside of religious and cultural institutions. It was its use during religious observances that allowed some of the language to survive it’s disuse during most of the Diaspora.

This is one reason for the Jewish expression, “The Torah has kept Israel more than Israel has kept the Torah.”

According to figures by the Central Bureau of Statistics in Israel, 9 million people worldwide speak Hebrew. Nearly a million and a half Israelis do not speak Hebrew as a first language, thus complicating their religious and civil lives.

The revival of the Hebrew language began in the late 1800’s with the Zionist movement, as Jew’s from over 80 countries began to emigrate from Europe to Palestine.

The leader of the movement to revive and reestablish Hebrew as the primary spoken language of the Jews was Eliezer Ben-Yehuda, a lexicographer and Zionist.

Ben Yehuda saw Hebrew as a necessary component of Zionism and a means to unite the various Jewish communities migrating to Palestine, who spoke an assortment of European languages and Yiddish, the vernacular language of most European Jews prior to the 2nd World War.

He began an advocacy movement in 1886 for Jewish parents, encouraging them to teach their children Hebrew and for schools and universities to teach classes in Hebrew.

On November 29, 1922, Hebrew was officially recognized, by the British mandate Authority of Palestine, as the official language of the Jewish people in Palestine.

Modern day Hebrew is made up of Biblical Hebrew, and 80% modern day Hebrew and 20% of new Hebrew words that have been created over the last 130 years. Ben Yehuda put together the first Hebrew dictionary for Modern Hebrew.

Throughout the ensuing years through Israel’s rocky history, the Hebrew language has been seen as a uniting influence among the Jews returning to their ancestral homeland.

The account of how Hebrew was revived for modern usage is an evidence of how Bible prophecy is being fulfilled in the present day.

Jeremiah,the ancient Jewish prophet wrote 2500 years ago that when the Jews returned to the land of their forefathers, detailed in Jeremiah 31:8-17, the Lord would give them back the language of their forefathers, and they would use that language to bless the Lord,

( Jeremiah 31:23).

Another Jewish prophet, Zephaniah, also predicted that the” pure language” of Hebrew would be revived in the last days, when the Jews once again lived in Israel. (Zephaniah 3:9). 

The Bible also predicted that Israel’s enemies would surround and seek to destroy the re-born nation.

Recently, the enemies of Israel have sought to use the “pure language” of Hebrew against the Jewish Nation.

Islamist Hamas authorities are expanding Hebrew-language classes in the Gaza Strip's high schools to help Palestinians comprehend the enemy in times of conflict with Israel.

Hamas's promotion of Hebrew learning in the Israeli-blockaded Gaza Strip seeks to make linguistic skills a useful weapon in the dispute against the Jewish state. The ability to understand and speak Hebrew is seen as a strategic advantage in the ongoing struggle between Hamas and Israel. 

Twenty years ago, many of Gaza's 1.5 million Palestinians could speak and understand Hebrew, today that figure is only about 50,000, who retain some knowledge of the language.

Conversely, the Hebrew language is seen as a means to unite Jews and to maintain the Jewish heritage in an ever increasing globalized society.

Last year, the World Zionist Organization, along with the Education Ministry and several other groups, announced “the establishment of a council dedicated to the promotion of the Hebrew language among Diaspora Jewry.”

The council was established in the wake of a Pew Research Study revealing increasing intermarriage and waning religious identity among Jews.

It is felt that the “pure language” can, as it did in the early days of the Zionist movement, unite the Jewish population

Ultimately, the Jewish people will be united under the rule of Yeshua Hamashiach, Jesus Christ, and the Anointed One of God. This was foretold 2500 years ago and revealed to the Hebrew prophets who recorded these promises for our day.

Watch the interesting video above; Yeshua said, in the End Times there shall be an increase in knowledge with men running to and fro; bottom line: NASA says the March 29, 2014 X-flare was the best observed X-flare in history. 

When Brandon Jenkins, a bright and promising applicant for entry into the radiation therapy program at Maryland’s Community College of Baltimore County, received a notice informing him that he was not selected for the fall 2013 term after completing his exam and interview process, he inquired further.

Jenkins had exceeded the minimum requirements for entry into the program and planned on reapplying for the next term. When he followed up with CCBC staff members to find out why he was not being admitted, he was told that he was not selected because, among other reasons, his chosen field is "not the place for religion."

During his interview process with a five-person panel, Jenkins responded to the question, "What is the most important thing to you?" with the reply, "My God."

The director and coordinator of radiation therapy, Adrienne Dougherty, told Jenkins: "I understand that religion is a major part of your life and that was evident in your recommendation letters, however, this field is not the place for religion."

She further stated, "We have many patients who come to us for treatment from many different religions and some who believe in nothing at all. If you interview in the future, you may want to leave your thoughts and beliefs out of the interview process."

The ACLJ (American Center for Law and Justice) is suing the university, asking for an injunction against it, demanding admittance for Jenkins into the program, and for damages to be paid to him for unplanned expenses he incurred while believing he would be a full-time student. As a result of being denied entry, he was forced to restart his business.

ACLJ Senior Counsel David Frenchsaid that Dougherty’s comments were both "flatly illegal” and “bigoted," noting his personal belief that the question posed to Jenkins – "What is most important in your life" – is not an academic question.

"It's not related to the radiation therapy program,” he said. “They asked a question that went far beyond the bounds of the academic program itself, and they got an honest answer, from a Christian, about what's most important to him; and then they discriminated against him on that basis. It's absurd."

Describing Jenkins as a “high-character individual” and “model citizen”, French argued, "Under what circumstance would answering that God is the most important thing in his life mean that he would be unable to treat people from other religions or from no religion? That was an assumption on the college's part and had no basis on anything Jenkins said at any point during the interview process."

French said that in all the years he's been litigating religious liberty cases, never has he encountered one like Jenkins,' where a university denies admission specifying an applicant's religion as one of the reasons.

The Bill of Rights, contained in the First Amendment of the U.S. Constitution, states:

"Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances."

Advocates for the preservation of religious freedoms must constantly stay one step ahead of the rampant upswing in these types of discrimination cases, and like the ACLJ, must tackle the blatant distortions, abuses and misuses of the law before legal precedence is set, which would further release a floodgate of education discrimination incidents against Christians.

In another case back in 2006, pro-life associate professor Mike Adams applied for promotion to full professorship at the University of North Carolina-Wilmington. His credentials included three teaching awards (one was Faculty Member of the Year) and more published peer-reviewed articles than most of his colleagues. Yet Adams was not only denied a promotion, but UNCW refused to provide a written explanation.

Adams believes that it was because he happens to be an evangelical Christian and a popular conservative author at Townhall.com. He is known for not mincing his words, particularly in his attacks on abortion, which can be delivered in a mocking and satirical manner. 

More than seven years after Adams filed a lawsuit against the University of North Carolina-Wilmington for religious and political discrimination, he finally won his case in March. After years of litigation, a jury in a U.S. District Court concluded that, “… the University of North Carolina Wilmington retaliated against Dr. Adams by denying him a promotion in 2006 and they retaliated against him because they did not like the views he expressed in his books and columns and speeches,” according to Adams’s lawyer, Travis Barham. “Basically, they didn’t like what he said in his own time,” Barham told a local news station.

Meanwhile, up north in Canada, yet another controversial and potentially pivotal case is brewing for Trinity Western University, in Langley, B.C. Trinity, an evangelical Christian university, has as part of its community covenant, a requirement that all of its students, administrators and faculty abstain from "sexual intimacy that violates the sacredness of marriage between a man and a woman." 

Trinity’s staff and students voluntarily agree to adhere to the covenant, which is mandated for its university community and not for the whole of Canada.

At issue is Trinity’s endeavor to open a law school and obtain the necessary accreditation approvals from various law societies. The Law Society of Upper Canada has condemned the university’s covenant as "abhorrent", which for Trinity’s law school graduates will mean they cannot practice law in Ontario. On April 24th, the benchers of the Law Society of Upper Canada declined the accreditation of TWU’s Law School.

In addition, Nova Scotia’s law society also condemned the covenant the very next day, but granted conditional approval for accreditation, provided that TWU drops the policy prohibiting same-sex intimacy. British Columbia law society is reviewing its previous approval for accreditation because a petition subsequently circulated, with enough votes to require the B.C. benchers to hold a special general meeting to consider a reversal of their decision.

Alberta, Saskatchewan and other provincial law societies have effectively adopted the original position of B.C. as well as the Federation of Law Societies, which favor accreditation.

What complicates matters is that a mobility agreement exists among all Canadian provincial law societies which permits graduates from an institution in one province to article and practice in another.

“Obviously, there are many other law schools that have different requirements, but why should Trinity be so brutally attacked and its students discriminated against because of their values?” asks author Jakki Jeffs of guelphmercury.com. “Why is this such an offence in a nation that prides itself on human rights, diversity and pluralism?” 

The Globe and Mail published a piece last week on this topic, penned by one of their regular business columnists, Tony Wilson, who is a Vancouver lawyer and a bencher of the Law Society of British Columbia. Tony, a self-professed atheist, ruled along with 20 out of 26 other benchers in favor of approving accreditation for a law school at Trinity Western.

Wilson notes in his Globe and Mail article, “I voted the way I did because of something called the rule of law, which among other things, dictates that courts and administrative bodies like ours shouldn’t cherry pick the laws we like from the ones we don’t. I don’t believe we can choose to disregard the leading case on this issue just because we don’t like the case or we don’t like the covenant. From what I saw, I don’t think anyone liked the covenant.”

The leading case that Wilson is referring to in his comment goes back to 2001; Trinity Western University v. B.C. College of Teachers, a case still considered the law of Canada by some of Canada’s leading lawyers. The Supreme Court of Canada determined in 2001 that the B.C. College of Teachers could not deny accreditation of TWU’s teaching degree or graduates from such program because TWU insisted upon a similar covenant from its students. “For better or for worse” the Court said, “tolerance of divergent beliefs is a hallmark of a democratic society.”

Some suggest that the TWU 2001 B.C. Teachers ruling might be decided differently today, with the legalization of gay marriage in the Civil Marriage Act. Wilson believes that there are indications within the many legal opinions obtained by the B.C. law society on this matter that the Supreme Court would not reverse itself on that issue today.

In 2010, student Jennifer Keeton, pursuing counseling studies at Georgia’s Augusta State University, was expelled from the graduate program for honoring her disagreement with the same-sex lifestyle. In defense of her religious beliefs, she took the matter to court, subsequently losing the case in 2012.

the university’s program apparently advised students that they couldn’t discriminate against others based on any indicators including sexual orientation. Keeton, citing her religious views, refused to change the manner in which she engaged with gay students and clients. Most likely, her religious beliefs played a role in how she related to those she was counseling, though it’s unclear exactly what Keeting said inside or outside of the classroom that caused the controversy.

The university initially placed her on probation, requiring her to follow a “remediation plan” to remain in good standing, which included sensitivity training, writing papers about tolerance and the lessons she had learned, and attending gay pride events. After Keeton refused to comply she was removed from the program.

The Alliance Defense Fund Center for Academic Freedom represents Keeton and filed the initial lawsuit in 2010 against officials at Augusta State University. Former ADF Senior Counsel, David French, stated on speakupmovement.org, “Jennifer’s counseling professors have told her she must change her Christian beliefs to graduate, told her that she cannot share her faith with students even outside of class, and have imposed impossibly vague speech codes on her in an effort to implement a comprehensive program of thought reform.”

The Milky Way's magnetic field as seen by ESA's Planck telescope. Image redit: ESA and the Planck Collaboration
Another example of "the increase in man's knowledge - The best view yet of the magnetic field of the Milky Way
A new map of the entire sky offers a remarkably detailed picture of the magnetic fields that shape the Milky Way, including field lines that run parallel to the plane of the galaxy and great loops and whorls associated with nearby clouds of gas and dust.
Researchers created the map using data from the Planck Space Telescope, which since 2009 has charted the light from the universe shortly after the Big Bang known as the cosmic microwave background (CMB).
But Planck also observes light from much closer than the farthest reaches of time and space. With an instrument called the high frequency instrument (HFI), Planck detects light from microscopic dust particles within our galaxy. The density of the dust is incredibly low; a volume of space equal to a large sports stadium or arena would contain one grain.
Planck’s HFI identifies the non-random direction in which the light waves vibrate—known as polarization. It is this polarized light that indicates the orientation of the field lines.
“Just as the Earth has a magnetic field, our galaxy has a large-scale magnetic field—albeit 100,000 times weaker than the magnetic field at the Earth’s surface,” says team member Douglas Scott, a professor at the University of British Columbia. “And just as the Earth’s magnetic field generates phenomena such as the aurorae, our galaxy’s magnetic field is important for many phenomena within it.”
For example, the magnetic field governs the coupling of the motions of gas and dust between stars, and so plays a role in star formation and the dynamics of cosmic rays.
“And now,” says Scott, “Planck has given us the most detailed picture of it yet.”
The “fingerprint” and other results are described in four papers published in the journal Astronomy & Astrophysics.
Don’t overlook galaxy dust
Researchers use Planck data to study the dust found throughout our galaxy, says Peter Martin, interim director of the Dunlap Institute for Astronomy and Astrophysics at University of Toronto.
“Dust is often overlooked but it contains the stuff from which terrestrial planets and life form. So by probing the dust, Planck helps us understand the complex history of the galaxy as well as the life within it.”
Also, for cosmologists studying the origin and evolution of the universe, data to be released later this year by scientists from the Planck collaboration should allow astronomers to separate with confidence any possible foreground signal from our galaxy from the tenuous, primordial, polarized signal from the CMB. In March 2014, scientists from the BICEP2 collaboration claimed the first detection of such a signal.
The Planck data will enable a much more detailed investigation of the early history of the cosmos, from the accelerated expansion when the Universe was much less than one second old to the period when the first stars were born, several hundred million years later.
“These results help us lift the veil of emissions from these tiny but pervasive galactic dust grains which obscure a Planck goal of peering into the earliest moments of the Big Bang to find evidence for gravitational waves created in that epoch, as reported by BICEP2,” says J. Richard Bond, professor at the Canadian Institute for Theoretical Astrophysics.

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