Saturday, March 29, 2014

End Times News WR 14-86 1 Apr 14

Coronal Mass Ejection
If you live at a high latitude, be alert for a good display of auroras, or northern lights, beginning late tonight (April 1, 2014) and into tomorrow night. reports: The first of three or more CMEs en route to Earth are expected to arrive late in the day on April 1. None of the incoming clouds is squarely Earth-directed. The series of glancing blows, however, will rattle Earth’s magnetic field and possibly spark auroras. NOAA forecasters estimate a 60% chance of polar geomagnetic storms on April 2. 
Below is a video shows the X-flare that took place on Saturday, March 29. One of the incoming CMEs is from this flare.
What is a CME? It’s a coronal mass ejection.

Bottom line: Aurora alert for April 1 and 2, 2014. Activity on the sun has created conditions possibly ripe for good displays of the aurora borealis or northern lights.

Friends, Barry Barnett is in an Israeli court this week. Please say some prayers for him and Jews for Jesus. A foreign member of the Messianic Jewish ministry Jews for Jesus was detained in Israel in November 2013 while taking part in a witnessing campaign near the Negev city of Beersheva. Barry Barnett, from the UK, joined several Israeli members of Jews for Jesus on a local highway holding a large "Yeshua" banner including a telephone number for more information. According to Jews for Jesus, "a group of six immigration inspectors seized the banner and took Barnett into custody.” Dan Sered, the director of the Israel branch of Jews for Jesus, said none of his staff had ever been arrested despite engaging in open and direct sharing of their faith in Yeshua. It is believed the immigration authorities could be trying to define Barnett's activities as "work," which he is not allowed to perform in Israel on his B2 tourist visa. UK-based Messianic blog Rosh Pina Project suggested that the radical anti-missionary group Yad L'Achim likely had a hand in the arrest. 
"One thing Israel needs to be cautious of is the manipulation of its immigration laws by non-governmental religious groups," wrote Rosh Pina Project, noting that the current case could set a precedent whereby Israel becomes something of a police state where demonstrations of any type by foreign citizens are forbidden.

There are only 16 days until the first blood moon of the tetrad beginning on 15 April 2014, Pesach, or 15 Nisan 5774! 
Of course besides the tetrad, there is a lot going on prophetically in the Middle East and the world that we should be aware of.
You are one funny Jesuit, do you really think I am going to read your stupid book?
Obama just finished discussions with his occult mentor, the Pope, the false prophet, in Rome and now he is going to Saudi Arabia to show the King and the Gulf Cooperation Council members a new bus. 
Hey King, they are on to me, I can't bow to you publicly, I will do that in the privately in the back room

Then he will throw the leaders under their new bus. Obama continues to lean heavily toward his true Shia Muslim buddies in Iran. 
Obama is is going to directly enter the so-called peace talks, the pothole to peace, between Israel and the PA. Obama wants the peace agreement inked sometime in late April.Keep your eyes on God’s center piece Jerusalem. 
Friends, no politician can solve the problem surrounding Israel, Jerusalem and the other problems in the world. Only the return of Yeshua, Jesus Christ can solve our problems. The world will continue to sink into the abyss until that happens.
You Jews are wild and crazy guys, how many shekels for the Holy Sites? 
Then, we have the Pope visiting Israel in late May, probably to take Roman Catholic properties from Israel. This is sad but some Jews are selling out Israel to the Roman Catholic Church (RCC) and others. The RCC believes the Church has replaced (replacement theology) the Jews in God’s eyes and God's promises to the Jews have been replaced and given to the Church. 
Remember, generally RCs do not read The Book of Revelation. although I was incorrect the book is in the RCC Bible!  
Damascus, Syria, Egypt and Iran have not gone away. The 50 year Jewish jubilee is in 2017. The Shmittah with its consequent harbinger for the U.S. is in 2015. I wonder what harbinger God will send this time. 
Pastor Mark Biltz made this amazing discovery in 2008. Biltz had been studying prophecies that focus on the sun and moon.  These prophecies are God’s signal to his Chosen people and Christians, like 'one if by land, two if by sea.' The Hebrew word implies it's a signal for coming or His appearing. Pastor Biltz is correct these signals are divine appointments. A series of 4 blood moons is a warning to the nation of Israel while the 2 solar eclipses in between are warning to the world.

 “The priest is to go outside the camp and examine them. If they have been healed of their defiling skin disease …”
— Leviticus 14:3
The Torah portion for this week is Metzora, which means “diseased,” from Leviticus 14:1–15:33, and the Haftorah is from 2 Kings 7:3–20.
Professor David Weiss Halivni was raised in Romania and eventually came to Israel after the Holocaust. From the time he was a young child, it was apparent that Halivni was gifted. He was known as a child prodigy who had mastered the Bible and Judaism’s oral teachings at a very young age. When World War II broke out, Halivni was sent to Auschwitz, one of the harshest Nazi work camps. Halivni describes how he was endlessly hungry and bitterly cold. His dream was to work in the kitchen where it was warm and a worker could eat the potato peels, but his dream never materialized.
More than the Jews hated the Nazis, they hated the kapos – the Jews who were in charge of the other Jews. They could be even more harsh and cruel than the Nazis they served. Halivni hated hiskapo, who repeatedly dismissed his request to work for even an hour in the kitchen.
One day a different kapo was in charge, and he granted Halivni permission to work in the kitchen. But much to his dismay, not long after Halivni arrived to work in the kitchen, the old kapo showed up and took him away, and he was back to digging in the snow.
One day, Halivni heard that this cruel kapo had been killed and he cheered for joy. Upon hearing his glee, one of the inmates turned to Halivni and said, “You fool! That man saved your life! Anyone who works in the kitchen gets a meal – but it is his last meal. He is taken to be gassed shortly after. Thatkapo knew that you were a child prodigy. He wanted to protect you and your holy knowledge!”
In this week’s Torah portion, we learn about the individual who contracted the skin-defiling disease known as tzara’at. The word tzara’at is related to the Hebrew word tzar, which means “narrow.” This is because the sin of those afflicted with this disease was usually gossip – a sin that stems from a narrow view of another person, one in which we judge other people superficially. The skin disease teaches us that our understanding of another human being is often only skin deep. Since the diseased judged someone by their “skin,” that person’s skin was appropriately afflicted.
The Sages teach, “Do not judge your friend until you have stood in his place.” In other words, don’t pass judgment on anyone unless you have walked in his or her shoes – and, of course, we can never really walk in anyone else’s shoes, which means we should never judge anyone either. There is so much more to people than meets the eye, and we cannot pass judgment on what we do not know and cannot see.
With prayers for shalom, peace,

Rabbi Yechiel Eckstein

Below is a video about tetrads
The following information is from NASA. For people in the United States, an extraordinary series of lunar eclipses is about to begin.
The action starts on April 15th when the full moon passes through the amber shadow of Earth, producing a midnight eclipse visible across North America. So begins a lunar eclipse tetrad — a series of 4 consecutive total eclipses occurring at approximately six month intervals. The total eclipse of April 15, 2014, will be followed by another on Oct. 8, 2014, and another on April 4, 2015, and another on Sept. 28 2015.
“The most unique thing about the 2014-2015 tetrad is that all of them are visible for all or parts of the USA,” says longtime NASA eclipse expert Fred Espenak.
On average, lunar eclipses occur about twice a year, but not all of them are total. There are three types:
A penumbral eclipse is when the Moon passes through the pale outskirts of Earth’s shadow. It’s so subtle, sky watchers often don’t notice an eclipse is underway.
A partial eclipse is more dramatic. The Moon dips into the core of Earth’s shadow, but not all the way, so only a fraction of Moon is darkened.
A total eclipse, when the entire Moon is shadowed, is best of all. The face of the Moon turns sunset-red for up to an hour or more as the eclipse slowly unfolds.
Usually, lunar eclipses come in no particular order. A partial can be followed by a total, followed by a penumbral, and so on. Anything goes. Occasionally, though, the sequence is more orderly. When four consecutive lunar eclipses are all total, the series is called a tetrad.
“During the 21st century, there are 9 sets of tetrads, so I would describe tetrads as a frequent occurrence in the current pattern of lunar eclipses,” says Espenak. “But this has not always been the case. During the three hundred year interval from 1600 to 1900, for instance, there were no tetrads at all.” (Watchman comment: No tetrads from 1600 to 1900 and now 9 tetrads in the 21st century - that sounds like a God thing to me.

The April 15th eclipse begins at 2 AM Eastern time when the edge of the Moon first enters the amber core of E arth’s shadow. Totality occurs during a 78 minute interval beginning around 3 o’clock in the morning on the east coast, midnight on the west coast. Weather permitting, the red Moon will be easy to see across the entirety of North America.
Why red?
A quick trip to the Moon provides the answer: Imagine yourself standing on a dusty lunar plain looking up at the sky. Overhead hangs Earth, night side down, completely hiding the sun behind it. The eclipse is underway.
You might expect Earth seen in this way to be utterly dark, but it’s not. The rim of the planet is on fire! As you scan your eye around Earth’s circumference, you’re seeing every sunrise and every sunset in the world, all of them, all at once. This incredible light beams into the heart of Earth’s shadow, filling it with a coppery glow and transforming the Moon into a great red orb.

The Illuminati strikes the Ukrainian Trident

Putin said Thursday that Russia’s central bank and the government are exploring a new payment system that he compared to ones that exist inside China and Japan. Creation of a Russian finance system could reduce the possible fallout from economic sanctions the West has imposed on Russian business and political leaders in the aftermath of Moscow’s annexation of Ukraine’s Crimean peninsula.
The Russian leader’s announced intentions came days after two U.S. credit card companies, Visa and MasterCard, temporarily blocked their transactions at Moscow banks.
The U.S. finance companies said they they were forced to take the action because of U.S. sanctions imposed on the owners of the banks to protest Russia’s takeover of Crimea. But the credit firms quickly resumed business in Russia when the U.S. said the sanctions were not aimed at the banks, but rather the bank officials, many of them friends of Putin.
The U.S. and European Union have condemned Russia’s annexation of Crimea and say they will stiffen their sanctions against Moscow if it advances farther into Ukraine. The world’s leading economies have removed Russia from the Group of 8 and say they will not attend a planned June summit in Sochi, Russia, site of the recent Winter Olympics.

Much of the information about the X-37B and its mission is classified, but the little that is public points to it being a development vehicle for new Air Force space capabilities while serving a secondary role for the U.S. military and intelligence community as a testbed for new space-based surveillance technologies.
The current mission, dubbed USA-240, is the third for the X-37B and began on Dec. 11, 2012, atop an Atlas V rocket at Cape Canaveral. The spacecraft is taken into orbit on a rocket but lands like the space shuttle by gliding down to Earth.
The X-37B, a classified reusable space plane being developed by the U.S. Air Force, has broken its own record for endurance. This week it surpassed the previous mission of 469 days in orbit.
That isn’t the only similarity it shares with the space shuttle. It looks visually similar, sort of like a mini shuttle, and it, too, started life as a NASA project. The space agency solicited proposals in 1998 for projects that would push the boundaries of space development and exploration, and later awarded Boeing a $137 million contract for the X-37.

Originally envisioned as something that would be launched from the shuttle to test reusable launch vehicle technology, the X-37 never made it into space and eventually was transferred from NASA to the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) in 2004.
That’s when it moved into the shadows.
It didn’t emerge again until April 22, 2010, when the Air Force launched an Atlas rocket carrying what had been renamed the X-37B. Details of the mission were kept secret, but soon after launch, amateur satellite hunters spotted the X-37B orbiting the Earth at about the same altitude as military satellites.
The mission lasted 240 days, ending with a landing at Vandenberg Air Force Base in California on Dec. 3, 2010.
A second mission, using a second spacecraft, took to the skies just under three months later, on March 5, 2011. The gap allowed engineers to make some changes to the craft based on what had been learned in the first flight.
Again, little information was forthcoming from the Air Force, but the flight turned out to be a record breaker. Though the mission was designed to last up to 270 days, the Air Force said it would push past that point and kept the X-37B in orbit until June 16, 2012 — a total of 469 days in space — ending again at Vandenberg.
The current mission has now surpassed that record-breaking second flight.
The X-37B program appears to be aimed at giving the Air Force a space plane that can stay aloft for long periods, return to Earth and then be turned around fast and put back into orbit, said Jonathan McDowell, an astrophysicist at the Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics and an authority on satellites and launches.
“The Air Force now has a policy of acquiring capabilities rather than missions, so some general somewhere probably thinks it would be spiffy to have a space plane that can launch at short notice,” he said. “It’s worthwhile learning lessons from the shuttle and how to do turn-arounds cheaper.”
Mystery surrounds the actual missions being undertaken during these flights, but McDowell thinks it’s serving a similar role as the space shuttle by carrying a science or intelligence payload.
“I believe it’s testing some kind of experimental sensor for the National Reconnaissance Office; for example, a hyperspectral imager, or some new kind of signals intelligence package,” said McDowell. “The sensor was more successful than expected, so the payload customer asked the X-37 folks to keep the spacecraft in orbit longer.”
That theory is backed up by comments made by the Air Force to The Christian Science Monitor before its first flight that it would be involved in “various experiments” that will allow “satellite sensors, subsystems, components and associated technology” to be taken to space and back.
Another clue to the X-37B’s role might be in its control within the Air Force’s Rapid Capabilities Office, a Washington, D.C., unit that attempts to fast-track new technologies to help deal with specific threats that might have a short lifespan. That’s distinctly different from the rest of the Air Force’s space operations.

The Rapid Capabilities Office officially reports to senior U.S. military leaders but also, according to Aviation Week and Space Technology, exists as a “little acknowledged interface between the Air Force and the intelligence community.”

Below is a video displaying how the Illuminati previewed 9/11 and evidence linking David Rockefeller to 9/11.

It is God talking to us

Scripture Preservation
God promises to preserve His words.
The words of the LORD are pure words: as silver tried in a furnace of earth, purified seven times. Thou shalt keep them, O LORD, thou shalt preserve them from this generation forever. (Psalms 12:6-7)
You shall not add or take away, says God.
Now therefore hearken, O Israel, unto the statutes and unto the judgments, which I teach you, for to do them, that ye may live, and go in and possess the land which the LORD God of your fathers giveth you. Ye shall not add unto the word which I command you, neither shall ye diminish ought from it, that ye may keep the commandments of the LORD your God which I command you.
(Deuteronomy 4:1-2)
God cares about every one of Hiswords.
Every word of God is pure: he is a shield unto them that put their trust in him. Add thou not unto his words, lest he reprove thee, and thou be found a liar. (Proverbs 30:5-6)
God's words will never pass away.
Heaven and earth shall pass away: but my words shall not pass away. (Jesus Christ, Son of God) (Mark 13:31)
God will curse those who change His Word.
For I testify unto every man that heareth the words of the prophecy of this book, If any man shall add unto these things, God shall add unto him the plagues that are written in this book: And if any man shall take away from the words of the book of this prophecy, God shall take away his part out of the book of life, and out of the holy city, and from the things which are written in this book. (Revelation 22:18-19)

This doesn't sound like God inspired only the "concepts" in Scripture. He clearly directed every word and will not tolerate man's meddling with it. He calls them "His Words."

The shift of Christianity's center of gravity away from Europe especially into the Global South over the last 100 years has been the most dramatic since the advent of Christianity 2,000 years ago. Quantitatively, this may well be the largest shift in religious affiliation that has ever occurred, anywhere.

Christian scholars who spoke at the 10th Assembly of the World Council of Churches in Busan, South Korea late last year reported that for the last 100 years, Christians made up approximately one third of the world's population and were overwhelmingly located in Europe – 66% of the world total. 

If the number of Christians in North America was added to that figure, it would mean that over 80% of all Christians in the world were to be found in the Global North. And of the remaining 20%, the majority was in Latin America leaving only 2% in Africa, Asia and Oceania.

Kenneth Ross, co-author of "The Atlas of Global Christianity" reported that while Europe's share of the world's Christians has fallen dramatically from 66% in 1910 to just over 25% in 2010, Africa's share has rocketed from a mere 2% to 21.6% during that period of time. This new trend actually reverses an earlier demographic situation in the history of Christianity globally. 

Ross said: "The European domination of global Christianity which we noted in 1910 is, in fact, a recent phase of world Christianity which now seems to have passed. Since 1981, Southern Christians are once again in the majority.”

And while Africa and Asia are seeing a huge swelling of the number of Christians, Europe is suffering from a serious decline. All the while, the total number of Christians as a percentage of the world's population has remained remarkably constant. 

Ross also added: "The majority of Christians now live in Africa, Asia Latin America or the Pacific and the proportion is rising. With the retreat from Christianity in the West in the 20th century things went just as the visionaries of 1910 hoped they would go."

Less than 10% were Christians in 1910 but today 50% are Christians and in absolute terms the number of Christians in Africa has risen from 12 million in 1910 to almost 500 million today. A hundred years ago there were 25 million Christians in Asia. Today, that figure is 358 million.

Among some of the top countries showing the most rapid rate of growth in Christianity include, surprisingly, Afghanistan, Cambodia, Burkina Faso, Mongolia, Timor, Nepal and Gambia.

Another panel of Christian experts and observers met at a different event in February this year to discuss how Western Christianity needed to react and understand the growth of the non-Western Church. 

Entitled "World Christianity, Immigration and the U.S.: The Non-Western Church Comes to America," the experts observed that between 1910 and 2010, the global center of Christianity shifted from Spain to Timbuktu and that on any given Sunday, there are more Christians attending church in China than in the United States or Europe.

Wesley Granberg-Michaelson, former General Secretary of the Reformed Church in America, said that 1 out of 4 Christians today are now charismatic or Pentecostal. 80% of those converted to Christianity in the continent of Asia are Pentecostal. 

In total, one out of every twelve people alive today is Pentecostal. What makes these numbers all the more impressive is that Pentecostalism was only founded a century ago.

Speakers also noted that in Africa, a century of evangelism saw the percentage of Sub-Saharan Africans who are Christian rise from 9% to 63%, and also that most Africans are converted by other Africans, to the tune of 23,000 new Christians a day.

Phillip Jenkins, a professor of history at Penn State, chronicled the rise of "The Next Christendom." He writes in The New Faces of Christianity: Believing the Bible in the Global South, (2006) that 60% of the estimated two billion Christians in the world live in Africa, Asia, or Latin America. By 2050, there will be an estimated three billion Christians, 75% of whom will live in what is the "Global South." 

Jenkins also made the following projections:

The number of African Christians is growing at around 2.36% annually, which would lead to a doubling of the continent’s Christian population in less than thirty years. 

If these figures were extrapolated to the year 2025, the southern predominance would become still more marked. Assuming no great gains or losses through conversion, there would be around 2.6 billion Christians, the number of which would be living in the following locations:

- 595 million in Africa
- 623 million in Latin America
- 513 million in Europe
- 498 million in Asia. 

By 2050 Christianity would become chiefly the religion of Africa and the African diaspora, and the largest Christian populations would be the United States (many of Hispanic, Asian, and African origin), followed by Brazil, Mexico, the Philippines, Nigeria, the Congo, Ethiopia, and China. 

The shift of Christianity's center of gravity away from Europe especially into the Global South over the last 100 years has been the most dramatic since the advent of Christianity 2,000 years ago. Quantitatively, this may well be the largest shift in religious affiliation that has ever occurred, anywhere.

Christian scholars who spoke at the 10th Assembly of the World Council of Churches in Busan, South Korea late last year reported that for the last 100 years, Christians made up approximately one third of the world's population and were overwhelmingly located in Europe – 66% of the world total.

If the number of Christians in North America was added to that figure, it would mean that over 80% of all Christians in the world were to be found in the Global North. And of the remaining 20%, the majority was in Latin America leaving only 2% in Africa, Asia and Oceania.

Kenneth Ross, co-author of "The Atlas of Global Christianity" reported that while Europe's share of the world's Christians has fallen dramatically from 66% in 1910 to just over 25% in 2010, Africa's share has rocketed from a mere 2% to 21.6% during that period of time. This new trend actually reverses an earlier demographic situation in the history of Christianity globally. 

Ross said: "The European domination of global Christianity which we noted in 1910 is, in fact, a recent phase of world Christianity which now seems to have passed. Since 1981, Southern Christians are once again in the majority.”

And while Africa and Asia are seeing a huge swelling of the number of Christians, Europe is suffering from a serious decline. All the while, the total number of Christians as a percentage of the world's population has remained remarkably constant.

Ross also added: "The majority of Christians now live in Africa, Asia Latin America or the Pacific and the proportion is rising. With the retreat from Christianity in the West in the 20th century things went just as the visionaries of 1910 hoped they would go."

Less than 10% were Christians in 1910 but today 50% are Christians and in absolute terms the number of Christians in Africa has risen from 12 million in 1910 to almost 500 million today. A hundred years ago there were 25 million Christians in Asia. Today, that figure is 358 million.

Among some of the top countries showing the most rapid rate of growth in Christianity include, surprisingly, Afghanistan, Cambodia, Burkina Faso, Mongolia, Timor, Nepal and Gambia.

Another panel of Christian experts and observers met at a different event in February this year to discuss how Western Christianity needed to react and understand the growth of the non-Western Church. 

Entitled "World Christianity, Immigration and the U.S.: The Non-Western Church Comes to America," the experts observed that between 1910 and 2010, the global center of Christianity shifted from Spain to Timbuktu and that on any given Sunday, there are more Christians attending church in China than in the United States or Europe.

Wesley Granberg-Michaelson, former General Secretary of the Reformed Church in America, said that 1 out of 4 Christians today are now charismatic or Pentecostal. 80% of those converted to Christianity in the continent of Asia are Pentecostal.

In total, one out of every twelve people alive today is Pentecostal. What makes these numbers all the more impressive is that Pentecostalism was only founded a century ago.

Speakers also noted that in Africa, a century of evangelism saw the percentage of Sub-Saharan Africans who are Christian rise from 9% to 63%, and also that most Africans are converted by other Africans, to the tune of 23,000 new Christians a day.

Phillip Jenkins, a professor of history at Penn State, chronicled the rise of "The Next Christendom." He writes in The New Faces of Christianity: Believing the Bible in the Global South, (2006) that 60% of the estimated two billion Christians in the world live in Africa, Asia, or Latin America. By 2050, there will be an estimated three billion Christians, 75% of whom will live in what is the "Global South."

Jenkins also made the following projections:

The number of African Christians is growing at around 2.36% annually, which would lead to a doubling of the continent’s Christian population in less than thirty years.

If these figures were extrapolated to the year 2025, the southern predominance would become still more marked. Assuming no great gains or losses through conversion, there would be around 2.6 billion Christians, the number of which would be living in the following locations:

- 595 million in Africa
- 623 million in Latin America
- 513 million in Europe
- 498 million in Asia.

By 2050 Christianity would become chiefly the religion of Africa and the African diaspora, and the largest Christian populations would be the United States (many of Hispanic, Asian, and African origin), followed by Brazil, Mexico,
 the Philippines, Nigeria, the Congo, Ethiopia, and China. 

The King reads the royal decree

Saudi Arabia on Friday 7 March blacklisted by royal decree, the Muslim Brotherhood as a terrorist organization, along with three other Middle East-based militant groups. The Saudi terrorism list also includes the kingdom’s branch of the Shiite movement Hezbollah and Syria-based militant groups the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS) and the al-Qaeda linked al-Nusra Front.
Kerry stands next to the Ukrainian flag

It has become a truism in discussions of Crimea's reunification with Russia that in the post-World War II international order, countries no longer rewrite borders through force — or if they do, rarely find themselves faced with determined opposition from other states. As Secretary of State John F. Kerry put it, the Crimea campaign is a "19th century act." Such statements ignore major pieces of inconvenient history. Though it is too early to say much about the 21st century, the late 20th century saw countries gobble up foreign territory. Indeed, even the more modest claim that such territorial conquest is unknown in Europe is not true. Sometimes these actions met determined international opposition, but just as often they did not. Immediate objections fade. Indeed, a comprehensive study of post-WWII conquest finds that United Nations condemnation happens in well under half the cases. By the way, Ukraine was part of the Soviet Union until Nikita Khrushchev came to power. Khrushchev was a Ukrainian and granted the Ukraine Soviet Republic status.  

Bowing to new pressure from the powerful Arab Group in the race to replace controversial official Richard Falk, the president of the U.N. Human Rights Council has decided to ignore the vetting committee’s official choice, and instead appoint Christine Chinkin — co-author of the Goldstone Report, (an anti-Israeli report) law professor at the London School of Economics and anti-Israeli– as the UN’s next special rapporteur on “Israel’s violations of the bases and principles of international law.” In a second highly controversial move, the president also announced that he would name Falk’s wife, former Turkish government adviser Hilal Elver, to another top U.N. human rights post.

Cry insult and let loose the enemies of freedom.
Late last week, following days of media clamor, ABC Family canceled a pilot for Alice in Arabia. The show was to have centered upon a young American woman as she attempted to escape from family kidnappers in Saudi Arabia.
To be sure, ABC’s critics were vociferous, both in volume and in number. But they should never have been able to succeed.
At a basic level, consider the hyperventilating banality that defined the censorship crew’s arguments. BuzzFeed’s Ayesha Siddiqi scoffed at the comparison of Saudi Arabia to Wonderland. In the Guardian, Raya Jalabi declared that “the very premise of the pilot is deeply problematic — not least because it carries the very real potential for perpetuating negative stereotypes of Arabs and Muslims.” The Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) echoed this sentiment, claiming that Alice in Arabia might lead to “things like bullying.” Coincidentally, CAIR receives quite a lot of money from Riyadh. 

Japan has been ordered to halt hunting whales in the Antarctic by an international court, after ruling it was 'not scientific'. Australia brought the case against Japan in a bid to end whaling in the icy southern ocean ... The meat, considered a delicacy by some in Japan, is sold commercially. How does Japan respond? Does she tell this World Court to take a leap off a tall building? No, Japan says she will abide by this ruling, which simply gives credence to the Court. Japan's willingness to obey this World Court will condition many people throughout the world that this Court has the legal right to force sovereign nations to obey its dictates.

Why is this movement toward a global government and judicial system so dangerous to our lives, our liberties and our way of life?
March 30, 2014 earthquake in Yellowstone
A 4.8-magnitude earthquake lightly shook Yellowstone National Park yesterday, March 30, 2014. It Looks like it occurred north, outside the modern caldera boundary. Remember, the Yellowstone area is riddled with faults. 
Yellowstone National Park is riddled with faults, and thus earthquakes are common there.  Image via USGS
The biggest Yellowstone earthquake in recent times occurred on August 17, 1959. It was a 7.3-magnitude quake that caused over 28 fatalities and left $11 million in damage to highways and timber. The slide blocked the flow of the Madison River resulting in the creation of Quake Lake. Effects of the earthquake were also felt in Idaho and Wyoming. The 1959 quake was the strongest and deadliest earthquake to hit Montana since the 1935-36 Helena earthquakes left 4 people dead.

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