Monday, February 10, 2014

Victoria Nuland Has Ukrainian Egg On Her Face Watchman Report 14-49

Can you hear me now?

Assistant Secretary of State Victoria Nuland said on 9 February 2014, “That's some pretty impressive tradecraft” when speaking to US Ambassador to Ukraine Geoff Pyatt. Her call to Pyatt was intercepted and leaked. Nuland and US Ambassador to Ukraine Geoff Pyatt were plotting to install a US puppet government in Ukraine after overthrowing the current, democratically elected government.
In the world of diplomacy, "tradecraft" means spying. In this case, Nuland was lying by saying that the Russians were able to spy and record her candid conversation over a "secure" phone between herself and the American Ambassador to the Ukraine. But, that turned out to be false; Nuland was talking with the American Ambassador over an insecure cell phone! How foolish and reckless can a top-level diplomat be?

(You will recall April Gillespie committed a grievous mistake when she told Saddam Hussein that the U.S. does not get involved in Arab arguments. Gillespie's comments gave Saddam the green light to invade Kuwait. )
What did Assistant Secretary of State Nuland say that may have far-reaching implications, regarding Russia, Ukraine, America and the European Union?
The conversation was a confirmation of US involvement in the current unrest in Ukraine. It was not simply US well-wishing toward the opposition parties. It was not simply a bit of advice and a wink toward the opposition. It was wholesale planning and brokering a post-regime change governing coalition in Ukraine, with the UN being ordered to come in and 'glue' the deal. They agreed to nominate Batkyvshchina Party leader Arseniy Yatseniuk as Deputy Prime Minister, to bench Udar Party leader Vitaly Klitschko from the game for a while and to discredit neo-Nazi Svoboda party chief Oleh Tiahnybok as 'Yanukovychs project'."
The Obama Administration is strongly attempting to overthrow the current government -- a "Regime Change" as President Bush and Dick Cheney liked to call it. This reality is sheer hypocrisy, for the White House has long been accusing Russia of acting to suppress the will of the Ukrainian people by keeping the current pro-Russian government in power. The "Lame Stream Media" has long portrayed the American Government as being righteous in just wanting a government that the average citizenry wants, and of not taking sides.
But, now, we understand that our government is actively supporting the opposition so that a "regime change" can occur.
"Shortly after 'Ukraine-gate' broke, Serge Glazyev, advisor to Russian president Putin claimed that the US was spending $20 million per week on the Ukrainian opposition, including supplying opposition with training and weapons. Is the US training and funding the Ukraine opposition? Nuland herself claimed in December that the US had spent $5 billion since the 1990s on "democratization" programs in Ukraine. What was all that money spent on?"
The Ron Paul Institute believes that America is trying to re-create the tensions of the Cold War by attempting to gain control over The Ukraine. While this view seems reasonable, a quick glance at the Illuminati Plan to reorganize the world into only 10 Kingdoms envisions that The Ukraine would come under Russian control.
The club of Rome's 10 Kingdoms
Might The Ukrainian Government request Moscow militarily intervene? There must be a point to where Russia will take steps to concretely limit its losses. In December Russian president Vladimir Putin said in a meeting with his Ukrainian counterpart Viktor Yanukovich that Russia and Ukraine should resume comprehensive military cooperation. Other bilateral defense agreements are already in place.
What would have to happen to trigger a Ukrainian request to Russia  for assistance putting down a bloody and illegal coup d'etat instigated by foreign governments? Will US  miscalculation and Russian resolve over Ukraine lead to a deepening crisis?
End Times prophecy forbids such a clash before Antichrist arises, telling us, instead, that all leaders of the 10 Kingdoms are going to be cooperating with each other.
Revelation 17:17 is being stunningly fulfilled in current events and here is what God says, "And the ten horns that you saw ... God has put it into their hearts to carry out His own purpose by acting in harmony in surrendering their royal power and authority to the beast, until the prophetic words (intentions and promises) of God shall be fulfilled."
Revelation 17:17 reveals that, at the End of the Age, all 10 leaders will agree to a plan which shall cause them to act in harmony until God's prophesied Antichrist is on the world scene.
Other ministries view actions of America, Russia, China, in terms of the old Cold War rhetoric, constantly warning their readers of a possible all-out war between East and West. The “Lame Stream Media” continually promotes this false concept. But, once you grasp prophecy, your understanding of world events will completely change. 
America, Russia and the European Union are going to cooperate in this conflict in Eastern Europe, delivering The Ukraine to the Russian-led Kingdom #5.

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