Tuesday, February 25, 2014

The Great Starvation Watchman Report 14-64


The article below is from this link. We are currently in a Depression. It has not hit us full force yet because we can print money to feed 48 million Americans on Food Stamps. I have previously said Depressions are caused by the accumulation of Unpayable Debts. Unpayable Debts are created because we allow bankers to charge us interest on money they create out of nothing. Depressions are periods of time when Unpayable Debts are cancelled en masse. I would prefer a systematic and worldwide Debt Cancellation over a 1930s style Great Depression which starved a minimum of 3 million Americans to death.

I should point out that plagues are likely to occur in America because our government allows Level 4 germ warfare bio-hazard research to be conducted at Level 2 facilities on college campuses. Any pretty girl or pick pocket can steal a researcher’s ID card and use it to get past a swipe card door to steal pathogens that could kill millions. The US Congress is too busy passing resolutions on Syria, the Ukraine and Iran to do something serious about either the safety of the Level 4 facilities or to hold hearings on Debt Cancellation to avoid another Depression. Wall Street is planning to starve us to death on several levels and not just by deliberately crashing the dollar.

Lab tests on Genetically Modified food fed to animals reveal that the first generation has enormous tumors and that by the third generation the animals that survive are sterile runts. Many European nations passed laws against GMO crops. Some even burned the crops in the field. But the European Union Commission stepped right in and proved me right when I said the EU is Rothschild land. The 27 member EU Commission overruled the member states and legalized GMO crops. This is an appointed body not elected. GMO crops produce less food than traditional farming. And none of it is safe.

If I were in the EU parliament or were a candidate for office, I would raise holy hell about GMO food and even demand a guarantee that the Epicyte gene not be allowed anywhere in Europe. The Epicyte corporation received $75 million dollars to go to Mexico to isolate a gene that caused sterility in women. They spliced that gene into corn and presumably subsequently into other crops to sterilize anyone who eats it. 
GMO food is not only reducing our total food supply but combined with radiation from Fukushima it is making safe food scare and therefore expensive. This will soon contribute to starvation amongst younger educated people. The elderly will probably die before irradiated GMO food kills them.

The food additive MSG excites and confuses the brain into eating 7% more than when it is not present. The additive aspartame also causes consumers to eat more carbohydrates. Banning or restricting these additives could slightly ease food price increases.

The US Congress in its infinite stupidity has mandated that nearly one fourth of America’s corn crop go to making ethanol to add to gasoline. This drives up food prices. John Williams of Shadow Stats has said the current rate of inflation in the US is 9%. The federal government specializes in fraudulent consumer price and employment numbers. They exclude the price of food and gasoline from their Consumer Price Index. They then calculate the poverty level by multiplying the cost of food by three but do not adjust the rise in the cost of medical care since 1952. The National Science Foundation has concluded that American poverty rates are a lot higher than the government admits.

Hint: If we subtract a 2% rise in GDP from 9% inflation, then the economy is contracting at 7% in real terms. That is about what Karl Denninger has seen in a decline in US retail sales.

We are also experiencing higher energy bills because Obama has the EPA shutting down clean burning coal fired electrical generation plants. He has declared carbon dioxide to be a pollutant when plants need it to breathe. He has reduced coal generated electricity and raised utility prices. This is at a time when America’s aging nuclear power plants are also producing less electricity. San Onofre reactor in San Diego had to be completely shut down because the criminally negligent operators replaced pipes with substandard material to save money. The other factor is that the US has added 14 million people since 2007 when its electrical generation peaked.

This is making it harder for the poor to pay their utility bills. To put this in perspective utility bills went up more in the past 12 months than they did in the whole decade of the 1960s when America was increasing its electrical output. Other costs hurting working families are the rising cost of insurance premiums under Obamacare. The deductibles run from $3,000 to $5,000 for most but on some run up to $12,000 a year. What this means is that later this year if a family needs hospital care they will have to pay for it out of their pocket until they go past their deductible. Most American families do not have $5,000 sitting around in a bank account. This will hurt retail sales and seriously hurt the stock market. The S & P 500 Price/Earnings ratio at 25 to 1 is currently 50% higher than its historic average of 16.5 since 1871.

I am seriously leaning towards concluding that we are entering a global cooling period because we are seeing fewer sun spots than normal as we did during the Maunder Minimum. Global warming would be great if we had it. The people of England used to raise grapes during their last warm period. During the Maunder Minimum people used to skate on the river Thames during the winter. In 1816 we had a ‘Year without a summer.’ It was caused by a reduction in sunspots as we have today combined with one volcano erupting at Mt Tambora in the Dutch East Indies. Today we have several candidate volcanoes that could produce that much ash if not more. This year or next could be a real famine disaster.

I would be remiss if I did not mention the drought in California which will soon raise the price of fruits and vegetables in America and force prices higher in neighboring countries as Americans try to make up for shortages by importing someone else’s dinner. California produces nearly half of America’s fresh fruits and vegetables. California’s cattle are being sold to operators in Texas who are also experiencing drought. The latest news is that the federal government will provide no water to farmers in the Central Valley and cut back 50% in deliveries to urban areas like Silicon Valley. This is at a time when the cattle herds are the lowest since the 1950s. The price of food will soon skyrocket but the price of safe food will go even higher.

At least half a dozen nations are operating ionospheric heaters such as the American HARP facility in Alaska. It has been charged that HAARP is being used to manipulate weather and to send rain storms from Fukushima further north where the precipitation falls as snow. This operation has cut rainfall in California to the lowest level since records were kept in 1850. This radiation has not disappeared. It has fallen to the ground over Canada and the American Midwest. The Aurora is red indicating radiation from Fukushima. I have seen multiple videos made in St Louis showing radioactive rain and snow. The Great Lakes region of the US and Canada is very humid and acts as a radioactive sink. Background radiation for a woman who measures it in Michigan is twice what it is in my area further south.

The radiation from Fukushima to date is 300 times worse than Chernobyl. This is according to studies Dr Chris Busby did of Japanese auto filters after the March 11th event. If Spent Fuel Pool 4 collapses, it will release a huge cloud of radiation from the 1,400 fuel rod assemblies not yet removed. Dr David Suzuki said this would make Tokyo and California uninhabitable. There are two reactors in California and at least 6 in the Midwest sitting on long overdue earthquake fault lines. There are additional reactors that could be partially damaged in the Midwest.
Lest anyone think there is no solution I should point out that the US government seized 155 boxes of lab notes and equipment from Nikola Tesla 71 years ago upon his death. The Secret Government very likely has an alternative source of energy to replace both nuclear power and fossil fuels. If we got rid of the idiots currently running Washington and New York, we could develop Tesla energy at a far cheaper price to first replace nuclear power and then fossil fuels.

Wall Street is taking several actions to raise the price of food and energy even higher. Matt Taibbi revealed that all of the markets are rigged to benefit the banks. Earlier he wrote about Goldman Sachs and Morgan Stanley buying and selling every barrel of oil 27 times before it reached the pumps in your neighborhood. Blythe Masters, the billionaire inventor of Credit Default Swaps, is Vice-President of Global Commodities at J P Morgan. She bought up half the commercial crops of Brazil to manipulate food prices. She also bought older coal fired electrical generating plants and benefited when Obama’s EPA shut down her cleaner competitors. These actions drove up our utility bills. They have placed a serious strain on family budgets at a time when a cutback in hours worked is reducing income.
Food Stamps have been cut twice since November of 2013 at a time when prices are increasing 9% a year. Food prices should spike even higher in the very near future while family incomes are declining in real terms.

Suggestion: You might want to stock up on food before prices rise. You can sprout seeds indoors. If you do not have outdoor space sufficient for a green house or for aquaponics, you might get a network of friends and family to invest in safe food sources. We might soon experience serious shortages of safe food at any price. Hint: Koreans test their fish with Geiger counters before they buy it.

China is heading to a serous credit crunch. Half of their loans are from high interest Shadow Banks. They have created more money than Ben Bernanke over the past five years which is an amazingly stupid thing to do. They are headed to a crash. Their leaders have stashed $4 trillion in offshore tax havens in the Caribbean. They are buying all the gold they can and are selling US Treasury bonds. One day soon (some say April 2014) they will announce that they have 5,500 tons of gold or maybe 7,500 or even 10,000 tons. That would be proof to the world that there is no gold left in Fort Knox.  Gold would be reset at $7,000 an ounce.The dollar would be devalued 50% which would cut wages and pensions in half.

China could use its remaining Treasury bonds and cash to buy the US banks and the NYSE for pennies on the dollar. This would give the Chinese ownership of the Federal Reserve and of the millions of mortgages the banks and the FED hold. After wages are cut 50% overnight, China could expand their production in America as soon as they retool all the bankrupt facilities they bought. That would make them America’s largest landlord and employer.

I think you might understand why I have been predicting Nationwide Food Riots if we do not have worldwide Debt Cancellation. And we do not end fractional reserve banking and issue a non-interest bearing currency like President Lincoln’s Greenbacks.

There is an alternative to this near term economic squeeze from China. We could invade the offshore tax havens seizing all the assets stolen from us by Wall Street and from the Chinese people by their leaders. The Chinese people would probably gratefully receive the $4 trillion we could clean out of the banks. It would along with worldwide Debt Cancellation and bank and monetary reform greatly improve the future of everyone on this planet who did not own a bank.

The Great Starvation need not be.

So If 30,000 People within 50 Miles Of Your House Starve To Death
I have written in depth about a Racial Civil War as Wall Street’s preferred Exit Strategy. Try this:
The Uber Rich Want Us To Have A Racial Civil War.
Arab Gulf States Join Chinese Campaign To Dump The Dollar
2014: Bank Runs, Depressions, Austerity and Food Riots

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