Wednesday, February 12, 2014

"End Times News" and Gospel Message 12 Feb. 2014

There are 62 days until the first blood moon of the tetrad begin on 15 April 2014 or 15 Nisan 5774!

Pastor Mark Biltz made this amazing discovery in 2008. Biltz had been studying prophecies that focus on the sun and moon.  These prophecies are God’s signal to his Chosen people and Christians, like 'one if by land, two if by sea' during the American Revolution. The Hebrew word implies it's a signal for coming or His appearing. Pastor Biltz is correct these signals are divine appointments. A series of 4 blood moons is a warning to the nation of Israel while the 2 solar eclipses in between are warning to the world. Friends, 62 days is not very long.

We, the American people have begun the countdown to our next Shmittah! We have 577 days, let me repeat 577 days to our next Shmittah on 9-13-15, the 29th of Elul 5775 on the Hebrew calendar. Friends prepare yourself. Time is running short.
Let me remind you, America faced its first harbinger on 9-11-01 with the attacks on the WTC, in Pennsylvania and the Pentagon. Our second harbinger occurred on 2008 with the financial meltdown. Shmittahs occur every 7 years if a people or nation refuses to repent. To date we have refused to repent before our God. In fact, Tom Daschle and John Edwards and Obama all defied God and said the people of the U.S. would build bigger, better and stronger. This caused Daschle’s and Edwards downfall. Obama awaits his Shmittah. Look carefully at the date September 13, thirteen, of course, is Satan's number. Let me say it again, we a little less than 2 years to repent.

Rabbi Cahn says our next Shmittah will be financial in nature. Obama is facing his personal shmittah, if he does not repent God will cause his downfall. I do not know how or when that downfall will take place but it will happen. If you wish to read more about harbingers and the Shmittah See Watchman Report 13-109 concerning Blood Moons, tetrads and solar eclipses and the video below.

Below is the link to the latest Watchman Report. My guest was Don Prince and he discussed the 8 June 1967 attack on the USS Liberty by the Israelis. If you like these programs please send a donation so we can bring more quality programs to you.

Laurence M. Vance
Submitted by Laurence M. Vance via the Ludwig von Mises Institute [13],
This selection is from chapter 7 of Laurence Vance’s War, Empire, and the Military: Essays on the Follies of War and U.S. Foreign Policy [14], now available in the Mises Store.
The WikiLeaks revelations have shined a light on the dark nature of U.S. foreign policy, including, as Eric Margolis [15] recently described it: “Washington’s heavy-handed treatment of friends and foes alike, its bullying, use of diplomats as junior-grade spies, narrow-minded views, and snide remarks about world leaders.”
As much as I, an American, hate to say it, U.S. foreign policy is actually much worse. It is aggressive, reckless, belligerent, and meddling. It sanctions the destabilization and overthrow of governments, the assassination of leaders, the destruction of industry and infrastructure, the backing of military coups, death squads, and drug traffickers, and imperialism under the guise of humanitarianism. It supports corrupt and tyrannical governments and brutal sanctions and embargoes. It results in discord, strife, hatred, and terrorism toward the United States.
The question, then, is simply this: Can U.S. foreign policy be fixed? Although I am not very optimistic that it will be, I am more than confident that it can be.
I propose a four-pronged solution from the following perspectives: Founding Fathers, military, congressional, libertarian. In brief, to fix its foreign policy the United States should implement a Jeffersonian foreign policy, adopt Major General Smedley Butler’s Amendment for Peace, follow the advice of Congressman Ron Paul, and do it all within the libertarian framework of philosopher Murray Rothbard.
Thomas Jefferson, our first secretary of state and third president, favored a foreign policy of “peace, commerce, and honest friendship with all nations — entangling alliances with none.” This policy was basically followed until the Spanish-American War of 1898. Here is the simple but profound wisdom of Jefferson: “No one nation has a right to sit in judgment over another.”

“We wish not to meddle with the internal affairs of any country, nor with the general affairs of Europe.”

“I am for free commerce with all nations, political connection with none, and little or no diplomatic establishment.”

“We have produced proofs, from the most enlightened and approved writers on the subject, that a neutral nation must, in all things relating to the war, observe an exact impartiality towards the parties.”

No judgment, no meddling, no political connection, and no partiality: this is a Jeffersonian foreign policy.

U.S. Marine Corps Major General Smedley Butler was the most decorated Marine in U.S. history. After leaving the military, he authored the classic work War Is a Racket. Butler proposed an Amendment for Peace to provide an “absolute guarantee to the women of America that their loved ones never would be sent overseas to be needlessly shot down in European or Asiatic or African wars that are no concern of our people.” Here are its three planks:
1. The removal of members of the land armed forces from within the continental limits of the United States and the Panama Canal Zone for any cause whatsoever is hereby prohibited.
2. The vessels of the United States Navy, or of the other branches of the armed services, are hereby prohibited from steaming, for any reason whatsoever except on an errand of mercy, more than five hundred miles from our coast.
3. Aircraft of the Army, Navy and Marine Corps is hereby prohibited from flying, for any reason whatsoever, more than seven hundred and fifty miles beyond the coast of the United States.
Butler also reasoned that because of “our geographical position, it is all but impossible for any foreign power to muster, transport and land sufficient troops on our shores for a successful invasion.” In this he was echoing Jefferson, who recognized that geography was one of the great advantages of the United States: “At such a distance from Europe and with such an ocean between us, we hope to meddle little in its quarrels or combinations. Its peace and its commerce are what we shall court.”
And then there is our modern Jeffersonian in Congress, Rep. Ron Paul, the only consistent voice in Congress from either party for a foreign policy of peace and nonintervention. In a speech on the House floor several months before the invasion of Iraq, Ron Paul made the case for a foreign policy of peace through commerce and nonintervention:
A proper foreign policy of non-intervention is built on friendship with other nations, free trade, and open travel, maximizing the exchanges of goods and services and ideas.

We should avoid entangling alliances and stop meddling in the internal affairs of other nations — no matter how many special interests demand otherwise. The entangling alliances that we should avoid include the complex alliances in the UN, the IMF, the World Bank, and the WTO.

The basic moral principle underpinning a non-interventionist foreign policy is that of rejecting the initiation of force against others. It is based on non-violence and friendship unless attacked, self-determination, and self-defense while avoiding confrontation, even when we disagree with the way other countries run their affairs. It simply means that we should mind our own business and not be influenced by special interests that have an ax to grind or benefits to gain by controlling our foreign policy. Manipulating our country into conflicts that are none of our business and unrelated to national security provides no benefits to us, while exposing us to great risks financially and militarily.
For the libertarian framework necessary to ensure a foreign policy of peace and nonintervention, we can turn to libertarian political philosopher and theoretician Murray Rothbard:
The primary plank of a libertarian foreign policy program for America must be to call upon the United States to abandon its policy of global interventionism: to withdraw immediately and completely, militarily and politically, from Asia, Europe, Latin America, the Middle East, from everywhere. The cry among American libertarians should be for the United States to withdraw now, in every way that involves the U.S. government. The United States should dismantle its bases, withdraw its troops, stop its incessant political meddling, and abolish the CIA. It should also end all foreign aid — which is simply a device to coerce the American taxpayer into subsidizing American exports and favored foreign States, all in the name of “helping the starving peoples of the world.” In short, the United States government should withdraw totally to within its own boundaries and maintain a policy of strict political “isolation” or neutrality everywhere.
The U.S. global empire with its 1,000 foreign military bases and half a million troops and mercenary contractors in three-fourths of the world’s countries must be dismantled.This along with the empire’s spies, covert operations, foreign aid, gargantuan military budgets, abuse and misuse of the military, prison camps, torture, extraordinary renditions, assassinations, nation building, spreading democracy at the point of a gun, jingoism, regime changes, military alliances, security guarantees, and meddling in the affairs of other countries.
U.S. foreign policy can be fixed. The United States would never tolerate another country building a string of bases around North America, stationing thousands of its troops on our soil, enforcing a no-fly zone over American territory, or sending their fleets to patrol off our coasts. How much longer will other countries tolerate these actions by the United States? We have already experienced blow back from the Muslim world for our foreign policy. And how much longer can the United States afford to maintain its empire?
It is time for the world’s policeman, fireman, security guard, social worker, and busybody to announce its retirement.
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The U.S. has decided to participate in giving away God's land in Israel so God is hammering us with Snowpocalypse and Ice storms. Above is the latest snow and ice storm that is hammering the South and Northeast.

There are layers to former Missouri defensive end Michael Sam's coming-out. The first is that it happened, and the sun came up. Second, the “Lame Stream Media” has jammed the Sam's story down our throats for the last 4 days. I say who gives a flying leap about this. This is all part of the numbing down of America, to get our young people to think homosexuality is normal. Unfortunately, our young people and others are falling for the satanic bait. I also believe pro sports feeds on a player's narcissism. This could be such a case. Some players, actors and actresses feed on the fan's adoration for them and they love the spot light. some find it very difficult to give up when their career ends and the spot light is turned off. 

The timing of the announcement is fascinating: Two weeks before the combine, three months before the draft. Plenty of time for NFL teams to do their homework, come to grips with the possibility of making history, and maybe let the controversy die down. Let me warn you this will not go away until the gay agenda gets its way. They have become political and social bullies pushing their agenda. This guy is being promoted by hidden forces and people.

But while initial reaction from players has been almost universally welcoming, the executives who will actually make decisions on drafting Sam have been intersting. 

Sports Illustrated, unable to contain itself, has two separate articles speaking with 12 different NFL GMs, coaches, and scouts, and to a man, they say that being gay will either hurt Sam's draft stock, or cause him to not be drafted at all. The key concern to NFL coaches and office executives is what an openly gay man would do to the locker room chemistry. In a locker room, both before and after a game, players walk nude or almost nude throughout the entire facility. Since they are heterosexual, no one is afraid that a gay player will be sexually motivated by the sight of his body. Think of the sheer narcissism involved in perfectly toned bodies. Is there anything more vain?

Are you kidding me, this guy is not the first homosexual pro football player. The previous gay players just didn’t scream it to the world. It is like the military, there have always been homosexuals in the military. Why are we deluding ourselves. This guy just wants to scream to the world and I suspect if he doesn't get drafted he will sue the NFL and then the gays will launch a boycott of the evil NFL. I always say follow the money.

But according to NFL coaches and executives, if a player is openly gay, he is likely to be sexually aroused by the sight of all those muscled and toned bodies. And, according to these executives, a proper attitude in the locker room can be the difference between and excellent year and a terrible one. Listen to some of the comments by the executives making the draft decision.

“In the coming decade or two, it's going to be acceptable, but at this point in time it's still a man's-man game. To use a gay slur is still  commonplace. It'd chemically imbalance an NFL locker room and meeting room."

"There's nothing more sensitive than the heartbeat of the locker room. If you knowingly bring someone in there with that sexual orientation, how are the other guys going to deal with it? It's going to be a big distraction. That's the reality."

As we close the "Church Age" and proceed to the Rapture and the beginning of “End Times”, the Bible tells us we can expect to see a resurgence of homosexuality within society. Jesus stated that, at the End of the Age, conditions will return to the way they were during the days of Lot (Luke 17:26-30)
Based upon a rigorous examination of this passage, Bible scholars have long predicted that one of the "signs of the times" shall be a dramatic resurgence of society's public acceptance of homosexuality.
I think the National Football League, our nation and the world is fighting a losing battle. Homosexual conditions and situations are deteriorating in society.
Jesus told us that, when we saw prophecies coming true all together, we were to look up, for our Redemption draweth nigh! This current news story is one of those instances where we are to look up and expect Jesus soon.

The continuous war predicted by George Orwell's novel, "1984" is rumbling southward into Central and Southern Africa.
 More European nations are now committing troops to another Western war without end.
All backward nations will accept the New World Order (NWO) and will be boot-kicked into modernization so they can integrate with the rest of the world.
Germany is preparing to contribute troops to a European Union (EU) training mission in Mogadishu, less than a year after security concerns led Berlin to abandon a similar training operation when it relocated from Uganda to the Somali capital ... the situation in Somalia had since improved and Germany's new government, a coalition of Angela Merkel's conservatives and the Social Democrats (SPD), was considering joining."
German troops are already stationed throughout the developing world, the world of the "Non-Integrating Gap".  
Almost 5,000 German personnel are currently taking part in nine international missions, including more than 3,000 in Afghanistan, mostly working on training local security forces.
The EU has a variety of troops in this area of constant warfare.
Last May, the EU agreed to move military training of Somali soldiers from Uganda to Mogadishu in a show of confidence in Somalia's growing stability after two decades of turmoil.
The United States is also kicking its commitment to a higher rung. The United States has stepped up its military operations in Somalia in recent months, after al-Shabab fighters attacked an uptown shopping mall in Kenya’s capital Nairobi. Washington has significantly increased its drone operations in Somalia since October 2013.
Drone operations are a real public relations disaster; you see, they kill more innocent civilians that they do terrorists. When a drone kills an entire wedding party, survivors feel such anger that many of them join jihadist militant groups in an effort to right the wrong they have suffered. But, both Presidents Bush and Obama did not care. Obama continues to order more and more drone operations, creating immense pools of angry terrorist eager to gain vengeance.
If and when a terrorist strike occurs in America, we have brought the attack on ourselves through our drone strikes, our brutal warfare in Afghanistan and Iraq, by our use of chemical and uranium weapons.
God help us, because His judgment is quite clear and is overdue to fall upon America. What is this "pattern of judgment"?
The invasion of Iraq sounded very much like the incredible warfare by which God predicted He would use to destroy Ancient Babylon (Iraq).
God chose the U.S. to be His hammer of judgment against Iraq. The pattern of judgment is revealed in the Old Testament. On numerous occasions, God used a more wicked nation as His physical arm of judgment against Israel; but then, in every case, once God had delivered his judgment against Israel, He then turned around and destroyed the nation He had just used against Israel. Bible scholars call this His "Pattern of Judgment".
Therefore, if America was being used to deliver God's judgment upon Iraq, He will then turn around and bring us into physical judgment. Is this the reason America is not specifically mentioned in Tribulation prophecy, while our enemies are mentioned?

Iraq, Ancient Babylon, is nearing the End Times' final annihilating judgment just as God foretold 2,700 years ago in Isaiah 13. "Mighty Babylon" is falling and her days shall not be prolonged!"
The clock of death continues to tick in Iraq, and soon, Iraq will be history's first "Dead Nation", a place where no person or animal can possibly live. Mighty Babylon is clearly succumbing to God's inexorable judgment and Skull & Bones George W. Bush, drove the prophetic stake through the heart of the ancient nation of Nimrod.

Most Americans believe that they understand the profile of a typical terrorist, based on actual terror attacks, examples of which date mainly back to September 2011 and even before. But do you know that you may easily be branded a potential terrorist by your own government?

There is a disturbing trend that is slowly but surely gaining ground in the United States: the profiling and targeting by The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) of certain groups: mainly 2nd Amendment proponents, Christians and “right-wingers” in general, as “domestic terrorists”.

In a recent example, documents from an Ohio National Guard (ONG) Civil Support Team training drill conducted in January reveal the details of a mock disaster, where Second Amendment supporters with “anti-government” opinions were portrayed as domestic terrorists.

The report from outlines the training scenario, which involves a plot from local school district employees to use biological weapons in order to advance their beliefs about “protecting Gun Rights and Second Amendment rights.” The biological weapons demonstrated during the drill involved the poisoning of school lunches with mustard gas by two Portsmouth Junior High School employees, acting on orders from white-nationalist leader William Pierce.

This then necessitated the activation of containment and decontamination procedures. Another aspect of the disaster drill involved the discovery of documents expressing the school employees’ “anti-government” sentiments.

No apology appears to be forthcoming to Ohioans who support limited government and the Second Amendment. Instead, Scioto County Emergency Management Agency director Kim Carver refused to comment, while Ohio National Guard Communications Director James Sims II suggested Media Trackers was merely “inferring” from the ONG document’s contents and that it was “not relevant” to understand why conservatives may feel unduly targeted by ONG’s training scenario.

The Media Trackers report further quotes Buckeye Firearms Association spokesman Chad Baus: “It is a scary day indeed when law enforcement are being trained that Second Amendment advocates are the enemy.” In a separate Media Trackers interview, Portage County TEA Party Executive Director Tom Zawistowski states: “The revelation of this information is appalling to me, and to all citizens of Ohio who are true conservatives and patriots, who don’t have guns for any other reason than that the Second Amendment gives them that right.”

The past year has been a good indication that these trends initiated by the DHS are by no means arbitrary but are instead by design. Below are some key examples:

1. A report published in on January 17, 2013 states: “Following Obama’s choreographed attack on the Second Amendment earlier this week, the Department of Homeland Security announced it will join the administration, the Justice Department and the FBI in a renewed attack on firearms.”

The report concludes: “Law-abiding Gun Owners Are the Target, Not al-Qaeda Terrorists… in the wake of Sandy Hook – the establishment is finally pulling out the last remaining stops in its long envisioned disarmament of the American people in accord with its ultimate plan to usher in a one-world government and financial system. A well-armed and educated populace prevents the global elite from realizing this objective.”

2. A news report from released on April 5, 2013 titled “Colorado State Police and Homeland Security Target Christians”, also illustrates the DHS tendency to target Christians. Below is a summary of quotes attributed to Sheriff Ron Trowbridge , Undersheriff in Prowers County, Colorado in a letter he wrote detailing a Colorado State Patrol (CSP) training session that he attended:

“Trooper Joe Kluczynski taught a 2-hour section on sovereign citizens and gave a generalized list of those groups that have sovereign citizen views. Among those groups, Kluczynski had listed, were those who believe America was founded on godly principles, Christians who take the Bible literally, and “fundamentalists”.

Kluczynski did not explain what he meant by “fundamentalists” but from the context it was clear he was referring again to those who took the Bible literally or “too seriously.” While Kluczynski emphasized that sovereign citizens have a right to their beliefs, he was clearly teaching that the groups he had listed should be watched by law enforcement and should be treated with caution because of their potential to assault law enforcement.”

3. In another analysis, the on May 19, 2013 in its report DHS Training Local Police to Enforce Martial Law comments: “The real reason that DHS has been created is now becoming obvious to all. With the advent of the MIAC Report which listed gun owners, Second Amendment supporters, Ron Paul supporters, Libertarians, Constitutionalists, Veterans and Christians as “domestic terrorists”….

Recently, DHS sponsored a self-study entitled, “Homeland Security and Intelligence: Next Steps in Evolving the Mission”, in which DHS proclaims that they are no longer concerned with foreign inspired terrorism. They are only going to focus on domestic terrorism, ostensibly, against the American people. 

Does the DHS purchase of 2.2 billion rounds of ammo, the acquisition of 2700 armored personnel carriers and the beta test of martial law in Boston last April begin to make any sense?...Incredibly, DHS says that other agencies can deal with what once was the omnipresent and all-encompassing threat of terrorism that was initially used to justify DHS’s creation, powers and huge budget.”

4. on October 25, 2013, comments : The Secretary of the Army has halted training programs that characterize conservatives as radical extremists in light of numerous media reports which highlighted how recruits were being taught that Christians were to be considered “domestic hate groups”…

As reported on October 24th, Fort Hood soldiers were told that Christians, Tea Party supporters and anti-abortion activists were a radical terror threat, enemies of America, and that anyone found to be supporting these groups would be subject to discipline under the Uniform Code of Military Justice… it also emerged that several dozen active duty and reserve troops at Camp Shelby in Mississippi were taught that the American Family Association, a well-respected Christian ministry, was a “domestic hate group,” prompting five Congressmen to complaint that the “mislabeling of a Christian organization reflects what appears to be a troubling trend of religious intolerance in the military.”

With all these recurring types of incidents, concern is mounting as to where the U.S is heading to: focusing on internal “enemies” while the real enemies of America have less resources and attention allocated to monitor and stop them.

Ohio National Guard 52nd Civil Support Team
Documents from an Ohio National Guard (ONG) training drill conducted last January reveal the details of a mock disaster where Second Amendment supporters with “anti-government” opinions were portrayed as domestic terrorists.
The ONG 52nd Civil Support Team training scenario involved a plot from local school district employees to use biological weapons in order to advance their beliefs about “protecting Gun Rights and Second Amendment rights.”
Portsmouth Fire Chief Bill Raison told NBC 3 WSAZ-TV in Huntington, West Virginia that the drill accurately represented “the reality of the world we live in,” adding that such training “helps us all be prepared.”
Internal ONG documents provided to Media Trackers after repeated delays provide further context to what WSAZ-TV reported last winter.
In the disaster-preparedness scenario, two Portsmouth Junior High School employees poisoned school lunches with mustard gas, acting on orders from white-nationalist leader William Pierce.
The ONG team discovered biological weapons being produced in the school, requiring activation of containment and decontamination procedures.
Participants in the disaster drill located documents expressing the school employees’ “anti-government” sentiments, as well as a note identifying Pierce as the fictional right-wing terrorists’ leader.
ONG’s 52nd Civil Support Unit participated in a similar drill involving left-wing terrorists with Athens County first responders last year; public officials apologized for that training the next day in response to complaints from local environmentalist groups.
No apology to Ohioans who support limited government and the Second Amendment appears to be forthcoming.
Scioto County Emergency Management Agency director Kim Carver refused to comment, telling Media Trackers she was “not going to get into an Ohio Army National Guard issue that you have with them.”
Ohio National Guard Communications Director James Sims II suggested Media Trackers was “inferring” from the ONG document’s contents as opposed to “what’s actually in the report.”
After excerpts of the report were read to him, Sims said it was “not relevant” to understand why conservatives may feel unduly targeted by ONG’s training scenario.
“Okay, I’m gonna stop ya there. I’m going to quit this conversation,” Sims concluded. “You have a good day.”
Buckeye Firearms Association spokesman Chad Baus told Media Trackers that “it is a scary day indeed when law enforcement are being trained that Second Amendment advocates are the enemy,”
“The revelation of this information is appalling to me, and to all citizens of Ohio who are true conservatives and patriots, who don’t have guns for any other reason than that the Second Amendment gives them that right,” Portage County TEA Party Executive Director Tom Zawistowski said in a separate Media Trackers interview.
Media Trackers reached out to Portsmouth-area state legislators Representative Terry Johnson and Senator Joe Uecker for comment about the drill, which took place within their respective districts. Neither replied to phone calls or emails in time for publication.
ONG’s January 2013 training exercise is one of many instances where government officials have identified those with limited-government or pro-Second Amendment opinions as potential terror threats.
In 2009, the U.S. Department of Homeland Security warned law enforcement agencies that a predicted rise in “right-wing extremism” would be fueled by “proposed imposition of firearms restrictions and weapons bans” and “the election of the first African American president.” The U.S. government will use “false flag” incidents to provoke ill will and a reaction against Tea Party and other liberty lovers.
Throughout modern history, groups and individuals associated with left-wing causes have proven far more likely to commit acts of domestic terror.
Last year, leftist groups Earth First and the Animal Liberation Front (ALF) claimed responsibility for the sabotage and property destruction of businesses in Washington and Van Wert counties.

Jim Willie of wrote this article.
The overriding global message is that Russia & China are leading a movement across the entire East to dump the USTBond, to work toward alternative trade settlement, and to replace the USDollar in its key role as trade settlement medium and global reserve currency. A Global Paradigm Shift is in progress. Downward pressure in the USTreasury 10-year bond yield (TNX) will be seen in the poor economic results and application of the interest rate derivative machinery. Upward pressure in the TNX will be seen from the global USD/USTBond rejection and recognition of the USFed Taper Talk falsehood deception. The USFed is on course to lose all remaining credibility. Their prestige vanished with the introduction of the Quantitative Easing against the ZIRP zero bound rates. Five key important points dominate the global landscape like a gigantic billboard.

1)    QE to Infinity is being recognized, the Taper Talk widely seen as a ruse and propaganda to defend the broken USDollar, another turn in the road.
2)    The Geneva Iran Talks can be better described as the Petro-Dollar Surrender Talks, another turn in the road.
3)    The Boyz might misjudge that the derivatives can prevent a powerful breakout above the critical 3.0% and toward the 3.7% target, as the London Whale incident was a turn in the road.
4)    The Indirect Exchange seen in broad USTBond dumping is a new dangerous disruptive trend, yet another turn in the road.
5)    The pension and bond funds as well as insurance sector demand higher bond yields for carry income, a breakdown coming.

The JPMorgan metal futures unit is actually included in a commodities sale, despite bank denials. The ploys continue to keep the ongoing gold price suppression active. One side attempts to comply with regulatory requirements, while the other side attempts to maintain gold inventory management scheme tied to deep gold market fraud. The JPM folks are liars to the end. The big bank is under siege by regulators who slowly grow teeth. Being revealed is the inter-relations with the brokerage business, like in providing credit.

Shadow warehouses are hoarding industrial metals, as the world's metal is slipping into the shadows of a convenient system beyond regulation. The power centers slip away from the light as they attempt to retain control. Banks, hedge funds, commodity merchants, and other seamy firms (like offshore subsidiaries) are hiding tens of millions of tons of aluminum, copper, nickel, and zinc in a vast system of private warehouses. The network spans the globe. These facilities are known to some in the industry as shadow warehouses, since unregulated and not subject to disclosure.Their purpose is to operate outside the London Metal Exchange system of warehouses, their traditional home.

London and Frankfurt are way ahead in the Renminbi hub game. The Chinese Yuan currency trade will solidify the non-USDollar alternative movement. Great irony comes, since the final nail in the USDollar coffin will come from London, Frankfurt, and Switzerland, with their hands on the hammer. The Swiss business community is not enthusiastic at all about Yuan-based bond trading, as extreme competition has been sensed.

The Turkish Govt might be the casualty of a $119 billion Petro-Dollar loophole. The Great Silk Road is making a return, with gilded center stripes. An incredibly powerful reaction to the Iran sanctions has occurred, which should astonish analysts. Iran has built a Petro-Gold highway out of necessity and expedience. Iran has brought the King Dollar to its knees. The Iran talks are about USDollar surrender, to assure no nuclear proliferation in its wake. The Geneva Iran Nuclear Talks should instead be called the Petro-Dollar Surrender Summit, as the Iran crime of selling energy outside the USD sphere has come full circle. The 21st century equivalent of the Great Silk Road is beginning to emerge. It has been constructed in the last year. The Iran workaround of the Iran sanctions has constructed the prototype of the Petro-Gold machinery. The rat has escaped the maze built by the USGovt and has wandered off the table.

The Petro-Dollar is being carted to the global cemetery, where war usually is triggered. Amazingly, the feisty maverick Iran has constructed the embryonic lanes for trade settlement in gold. The gold trade has long been at the center of controversial financial ties between Halkbank of Turkey and the oil ministry in Iran. Research conducted in May 2013 by the Foundation for Defense of Democracies and Roubini Global Economics revealed the Halkbank exploited a golden loophole in the punitive extensive sanctions by the USGovt against the Iran regime. The ruse was the public declaration of design to curb Iran's nuclear program. The reality was to halt energy sales outside the USDollar. Its detailed workings are as simple and elegant as they are powerful.

India has a long history of tremendous gold demand. The private citizens own between 20,000 and 30,000 tons, apart from the banking system. Together with China, the pedal is held to the metal on gold demand, which works to break the paper gold price suppression schemes. Turkey after all is a key pivot ally in the region, as will be seen in the Eurasian Trade Zone as well. At the same time, Turkey was playing a key role in US policy in Syria. Possibly, the USGovt wished to appease its own allies, who regarded the Iran sanctions as far too punitive not only to Iran, but also to Western European nations. It appears the US under the clumsy Obama hand lost on all fronts, a regular occurrence on the geopolitical stage. The man has the anti-Midas touch. Possibly, the compromise had more to do with coaxing Iran into signing a nuclear deal. There might have been an American olive branch extended to Iran via Turkey, done to persuade its leaders to continue back-channel negotiations with the United States, under other hidden agendas. Again though, the US is not on any winning side, since the Iran Talks are not about nuclear disarmament or dismantled weapons programs. The main nuclear topic in discussion at the Geneva-based Iran Talks is the usage of nuclear weapons by the United States in retaliation for abandoning the USDollar, a highly secretive table topic. The gain for the USGovt is the appearance of taking the high ground of diplomacy, while guilty of genocide in civilian killings in several war zones and of earth crimes in HAARP usage on earthquakes, hurricanes, and rainfall. The USGovt is playing an absurd end game strategy to save face as it falls into the Third World.

The birth of the Petro-Gold trade will coincide with the birth of the Petro-Yuan, and later usher in the Gold Trade Settlement in full glory. It remains to be seen what the new gold-backed currencies will be, but they will arrive in a powerful stream, probably in direct response to a unmistakable systemic collapse that cannot be painted over in the financial press. The Saudis will find themselves scrambling to retain their plundered wealth, even to save their skins. They will return as very wealthy bedouins on the move, if they fail to make significant reforms at home.

What comes in the year 2014 will be amplified global USDollar rejection and widespread USTreasury Bond divestiture. It will cause fireworks aplenty. Russia will pull some strings in Saudi Arabia and the Persian Gulf. Expect Putin to use Dubai and China together with Iran to weaken the House of Saud, and possibly to knock them off their exploitative throne. Russian vengeance is coming very soon. Notice Putin and the Chinese president meeting numerous times during the Sochi Winter Olympics, taking advantage of the venue without Western leaders in the room. Russian tactics will likely force the Saudis to adopt certain financial devices on oil pricing. Their adoption will wreck the US relations, like massive lobs of grenades into the USTBond and Big Bank Stock windows. In 12 to 18 months, expect the House of Saud Royals will be on the run in Southern Europe, as in running for their lives from both Russian and HezBollah hit squads. The attack on the Saudis does not necessarily mean the fall of the House of Saud, only tremendous changes, concessions, maybe even public payouts.

Greece, Turkey, and Ukraine are critical linchpins, each with a critical pivotal role to plan in the global Paradigm Shift and in the development of the Eurasian Trade Zone. Many are the deceptions in the last couple years. To be sure, Cyprus might stay in the European Union, but it will keep a big window open to Russia with the GazpromBank. Then Greece will be a battleground for its energy pipeline access to Europe, perhaps the main reason why the EU continues to throw good money after bad in Athens. Then Turkey and Ukraine are critically important to tip the entire table East for the Eurasian Trade Zone. The Turkish gold routes will be extraordinarily important. The Ukraine energy pipeline routes will be extraordinarily important. The East can afford to lose Cyprus. The West is on the verge of losing Greece, which could be bought over the weekend by Russia with pocket change. But the East must have Turkey (for gold) and must have Ukraine (for energy) in the skeletal structure, as the paradigm shift continues to move and the trade zone takes form. It is interesting that the Bosporus Straits were crucial in ancient times, where fees were paid. Nowadays Turkey commands the NATO airbase and the gold trade routes.

China has begun to support the Arab states, making promises toward regional development and political stature. They must shmooze in order to create a fertile seedbed for the Petro-Yuan defacto standard to be born. Large projects and oil client relations over the last decade have helped. The new Persian Gulf protectorate role is being reshaped, slowly but surely. Arab monarchies eye stronger ties with China, and have conducted high level meetings. The Persian Gulf nations prepare for the Petro-Yuan. The Gulf Cooperation Council will serve as the platform for wider Chinese protectorate role. It will eventually usher in the Petro-Yuan Standard more formally, but only after more wine, more lamb, more deals, and more head nodding. Any strategic partnership between the Saudis and China means dumping WashingtonDC, simply put. The fallout will be tremendous.

As the United States embarks on a new path, with the Saudis perceived and painted at the extremists who discard the USDollar in favor of Asian devices, watch relations between the US and Iran warm slowly. The process has already begun. This point has been made by the Jackass in past analysis and interviews. Look for growing evidence that the USGovt will see Iran as a stability rock in the Persian Gulf after the Saudis piss on the US Embassy gates, after the Saudis discard the Petro-Dollar in favor of a tighter deal with Russian oil pricing and Chinese Yuan oil payments. Meanwhile, the Saudis are being painted with a nasty ugly new brush by the USGovt and its dutiful press like the New York Times. The Saudis will be forced to apply the crowbar that collapses the very Petro-Dollar that the kingdom has depended upon for 40 years to plunder their nation. The great divestiture of the Saudi USTreasury Bonds will take place while London and New York bankers continue to rehypothecate (steal) Saudi gold. All the Saudi gold outside their nation will disappear. Most Saudi gold has already been stolen. In the aftermath, no nation on earth will trust the Americans and British, who will have tossed the Saudis under the bus and stolen their gold. As Washington DC paints the Saudis as terrorists, watch the royals reveal who really took the lead role on 911. (Willie’s assessment of the Saudi situation bolsters my assessment that the Saudis will get the bomb from Pakistan.)

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