Thursday, February 6, 2014

"End Times News" and Gospel Message 8 Feb 2014 Watchman Report 14-44

In the 1976 a military junta seized power in Argentina in. Prior to the coup Roman Catholic Church (RCC) leaders met with junta leaders and blessed the military’s takeover of Argentina. The junta ruled until 1983. The RCC and Pope Francis/ Jorge Bergoglio supported the military and collaborated with the military in Argentina’s “dirty war”. Bergoglio was Jesuit Provincial at the time. In 2005 Bergoglio was sued because of his inhumane actions during Argentina's “dirty war”. 
There was also a coup in Chile and Allende seized power there. The Illuminist, Henry Kissinger was deeply involved in both coups via “Operation Condor” in Argentina and Chile. 
Pope Francis is not a man of the poor or a man of the people; he undermined poverty programs in Argentina. If he was a man of the people he would have opposed the junta. He targeted “progressive” clergy in the RCC. Bergoglio handed Argentinians over to the “death squads”; hence he has committed crimes against humanity. Watch the interesting video below.

Below is an excellent video about Israel, enjoy:  

Friends, this decision by Godless Israelis will only bring chastisement and judgment on Israel and its people. In the Book of Habakuk God says he will use Godless, evil nations and people to discipline his “chosen people”. Some of these Israelis and Gentiles are engaging in the current peace talks that will culminate in an agreement in a few months. May God have mercy on their Godless souls because his punishment will cut like buzz saw.
The Israeli government has announced that it will begin offering free abortions to women who are between the ages of 20 and 33.
According to The Times of Israel, Dr. Yonatan Halevy—head of Israel’s Health Ministry commission—recently announced changes to the country’s government-subsidized “health basket.” As a result of the changes, which were approved by the cabinet, the government will offer 20- to 33-year-old women free, state-subsidized abortions.
“We want large families in Israel,” Halevy said. “We definitely encourage birth. But when pregnancy occurs and it is undesired or inadvertent, I think we should supply the means to end the pregnancy properly.”
For several years, the Israeli government has offered subsidized abortions to women who are under the age of 20 or over the age of 40. However, this year’s policy changes will dramatically expand the coverage and availability of free abortions.
The new measures will not require women to present any medical reason for ending the life of the child, thus enacting abortion on demand.
Political observers say the new abortion law is “among the world’s most liberal.”
“There is no country in the world where its citizens are entitled to public funding for such a wide basket of services,” Halevy stated.
Though abortion advocates are heralding the new abortion policy as a significant victory, pro-life Israeli leaders are strongly criticizing the law. Chief Rabbi of Israel Yona Metzger and Chief Sephardic Rabbi of Israel Shlomo Amar issued a letter, in which they called abortion “murder.”
“As in [the] past,” their letter reads, “we call on all rabbis in Israel … [to support] the severe prohibition of abortion.”
Life Site News reports that Dr. Eli Schussheim, director of the pro-life organization Efrat, believes abortions present a major threat to Israel’s small population.
“Israel has lost more than one and a half million Jewish children to abortion since 1948,” he said. “In a country of about 5.5 million Jews, this number has great demographic significance. Imagine how much stronger Israel would have been today with one million more Jews.”
Despite the widespread availability of abortions in Israel, pro-life leaders plead with women to not terminate their pregnancies. In an open letter on their website, Efrat spokespersons say “abortion means ending the life of child who is not sufficiently developed to survive outside its mother’s womb.”
“Although the vast majority of abortions are performed on socio-economic grounds, an abortion does not resolve financial or social difficulties,” the letter states. “Very often, the psychological scars caused by an abortion only serve to complicate existing problems. Sometimes, it takes women a lifetime to resolve these issues.”
“Economic and social problems can be worked out,” the letter adds. “Situations can—and do—change. But a life can never be restored.”
“In our thirty-five years of experience educating women,” the Efrat letter concludes, “we have never seen a woman who regretted having her baby.”

By Paul Joseph Watson
January 31, 2014
A third banker has committed suicide within the space of a week, once again prompting speculation that some kind of financial collapse could be just around the corner.

Mike Dueker, the chief economist at Russell Investments, was found dead at the side of a highway that leads to the Tacoma Narrows Bridge in Washington state, according to the Pierce County Sheriff’s Department. He was 50,” reports Bloomberg.
Dueker fell down a 50 foot embankment in what police are describing as a suicide. He was reported missing on January 29 by friends, who said he had been “having problems at work.”
Bill Broeksmit
Gabriel Magee
Dueker’s apparent suicide follows those of London banking executives Gabriel Magee and Bill Broeksmit.
Magee, a 39-year-old senior manager at JP Morgan’s European headquarters, jumped 500ft from the top of the bank’s headquarters in central London on Tuesday, landing on an adjacent 9 story roof.
Last Sunday, former Deutsche Bank executive Broeksmit was found dead at his South Kensington home after police responded to reports of a man found hanging at a house. According to reports, Broeksmit had “close ties to co-chief executive Anshu Jain.”
In addition, a U.K.-based communications director at Swiss Re AG also died last week but the cause of death has not been made public.
Banker suicides would be expected in the aftermath of a major stock market collapse, but the Dow Jones hit a record high just last month, although recent days have seen markets suffer heavy losses.
Some have speculated that the suicides could be related to a flurry of recent indications that some kind of major financial crash is approaching.
Earlier this week, Russian lender ‘My Bank’ banned all cash withdrawals until next week, while UK-based HSBC imposed capital controls on customers attempting to withdraw larger sums of money.

Are the spate of banker suicides merely a coincidence, or do they point to something rotten in the heart of the financial system which has yet to be revealed to the public?

The number of Christians killed for their faith doubled in 2013, according to a newly-released report on the international persecution of Christians.
Each year, Open Doors USA releases its World Watch List (WWL), in which it outlines the top 50 most dangerous places to live as a Christian. In this year’s report, the organization documents 2,123 known murders of Christians, compared to 1,201 deaths in 2012.
Syria had the most martyrs in 2013—1,213—with Nigeria accounting for 612 murdered Christians, 88 in Pakistan, 83 in Egypt, 16 in Angola, 15 in Niger, 11 in Iraq, 9 in CAR and 8 in Colombia.
North Korea, Somalia, Syria, Iraq, Afghanistan, Saudi Arabia, Maldives, Pakistan, Iran and Yemen were listed as the ten countries most hostile to Christianity, with North Korea remaining at the top of the list for the 12th year.

In North Korea, an estimated 50,000-70,000 Christians are believed to be held in concentration camps, prisons or prison-like conditions, as even possessing a Bible can be cause for imprisonment or other punishment in the country. In Somalia, “Islamic leaders and government officials publicly reinforce that there is no room for Christians, and there is a strong drive to purge Christianity from the country.
The organization notes that persecution increased in countries labeled as “failed,” meaning “a weak state where social and political structures have collapsed to the point where government has little or no control.” Six of the top ten countries were considered “failed,” namely Somalia, Syria, Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan and Yemen.
Open Doors USA also outlines that the preponderance of persecution is occurring due to Islamic extremism, with the African Sahel belt being recognized as the most violent region in the world. In a number of Middle-Eastern and African countries, Christians are the minority.
“Often completely unaddressed in the West is the fact that Christians are the largest persecuted minority in the world,” said Open Doors USA President/CEO Dr. David Curry in a press release announcing the new report. “Countries on the WWL, such as North Korea, Saudi Arabia and throughout the Middle East and North Africa are targeting Christians: imprisoning, punishing, and even in some cases, murdering people who choose to express privately or publicly their Christian faith.”
“The 2014 WWL is a wake up call to Americans to become more aware of these atrocities and restrictions on religious freedom,” he added.
Dr. Ronald Boyd-MacMillan, director of Strategy and Research for Open Doors International, agreed. He stated that the numbers released in the report should awaken Christians to the plight of their brothers and sisters around the world.
“It is our intent through the WWL to encourage more people and organizations to carefully study the needs and stories of persecuted Christians, and as a result deepen the passion to pray for them,” Boyd-MacMillan stated. “The WWL is more than a set of numbers. It must also be seen as a human document, reflecting millions of sad but also amazing stories of strong faith.”
The organization is now urging Christians to take five minutes each day to pray for the persecuted church, and to encourage five friends to do likewise.

Iranian Missles

Bravado, or genuine threat? Recently, a high ranking member of the Iranian Revolutionary Guard boasted that his forces have a plan in place to attack the United States from within, if the US were to attack the Islamic Republic.

“America, with its strategic ignorance, does not have a full understanding of the power of the Islamic Republic,” Brig. Gen. Hossein Salami said in a televised interview. “We have recognized America’s military strategy, and have arranged our abilities, and have identified centers in America [for attack] that will create a shock.”

"The US can have different scenarios against Iran, including air, missile and limited ground incursion," Salami added. "All these scenarios have been identified, all possibilities have been studied and we have complete intelligence superiority in all these cases and operational strategies."

Seeming to confirm the above, several reports in the past three years have indicated that terrorist Hezbollah forces — allies of Iran — have infiltrated the U.S. and have mapped out targets. I am certain there are moles in the U.S. just like there are Mossad agents.

“We will conduct such a blow in which they [America] will be destroyed from within,” Salami said.

What makes this all the more disturbing is that it’s not the first such warning we have received, but the second. Two weeks ago, the chief commander of the Guards, Maj. Gen. Mohammad Jafari, said on January 24 that a direct conflict with America is the “strongest dream of the faithful and revolutionary men around the world” (this, while addressing Secretary of State John Kerry).

Kerry had stated previously that unless Iran lived up to the agreement reached in Geneva on its nuclear program, “all options are on the table.”

“Your threats to revolutionary Islam are the best opportunity,” Jafari had said. “Muslim leaders for years have been preparing us for a decisive battle.… Do you know how many thousands of revolutionary Muslims at the heart of the Islamic revolutionary groups around the world are awaiting for you to take this [military] option from the table into action?”

“All operational bases of the enemy in the region in whatever capacity and location are within our firepower,” Salami warned. “The American military option does not make a difference for us, and they can use this option, but they will have to accept the responsibility of devastating consequences.”

Salami asked whether America could control the spread of any war with the Islamic Republic: “Can they preserve their vital interest in the region in the face of endless attacks by Iran? Can they keep their naval assets and the Zionist regime [Israel] secure?”

Salami also said that because of the U.S. economy and debt, America is in no position to engage Iran militarily.

“The Americans cannot even conduct a military operation there,” Salami said in regards to Syria. “The conditions and the factors that facilitate the exercise of military power for them have for years been destroyed and today they (the Americans) are in an erosion of political, cultural and military power.”

The general said there are thousands of brigades ready to confront America both within the Islamic Republic and outside the country, and in a message to Iran’s politicians, he urged them to remain strong during the negotiations over Iran’s nuclear program and not give in to U.S. demands.

Such comments might be easily dismissed as gross exaggeration but the growing relationship between Hezbollah and Mexican drug cartels has given new urgency to how vulnerable the US might be from the Southwest. Hezbollah has been teaching the drug cartels how to build elaborate tunnels under the US-Mexico border.

The tunnels are almost identical to the ones the terrorists built under the Gaza-Egypt border. Cartels are able to smuggle drugs, humans, and weapons into the US with these tunnels. This alliance has also been seen by Law enforcement officials across the Southwest who are reporting a rise in imprisoned gang members with Farsi tattoos and some who outwardly express loyalty to Hezbollah.

Terrorism expert Matthew Levitt released a book in late 2013 detailing these developments called "Hezbollah: The Global Footprint of Lebanon's Party of God". In the book he quotes one immigration official that gives a clear picture of the growing danger of Hezbollah's footprint in America: “You could almost pick your city and you would probably have a Hezbollah presence.”

Kerry - "See Mahmoud I told you we could screw the Jews out of their land."
In a matter of weeks, and possibly sooner than that, the US Secretary of State John Kerry will present Israel and Palestine with a peace plan. An American-crafted peace plan that he refers to as a “framework agreement.”

True, this plan is the result of endless weeks and months of conversation with both sides (and also with the Jordanians), but understand this: This is the plan that President Obama wants to impose on both parties. This is the plan that is supposed to create the context for the final treaty, which the White House wants negotiated and signed by the end of this year (2014).

Abbas - I bring you peace on our terms
A recent story in the Israeli Times included some excerpts from the framework agreement, and it contains a number of elements that are hugely unpopular with both sides.

Just to point out a couple of examples, the plan keeps Israeli troops helping patrol and secure the Jordan Valley for a period of years, something the Abbas team adamantly rejects. It also reportedly calls for dividing Jerusalem and turning into East Jerusalem into the Palestinian capital, something the Netanyahu team adamantly rejects. 

"blah blah blah blah, I hold all the cards"

Nonetheless, the expectation in Washington is that the two sides will say “yes” to this interim deal and use it as the basis to craft a final, and supposedly “better” one, but of course, this is where the problems lie. There are many problems with this approach, but let’s take a closer look at just two:

One – Team Obama could inadvertently make matters worse:

Forcing this agreement could set events in motion that lead to renewed acts of aggression. Palestine could launch a “Third Intifada,” which would force the Israeli Defense Forces into action against them. Casualties would then escalate and things could easily spin out of control. We have seen this once before, in 2000.

Back then, President Clinton tried to put pressure on the two sides to make a final deal at Camp David. Then-Israeli PM Barak grudgingly agreed to make sweeping concessions to PLO Chairman Yasser Arafat, offering all of Gaza, 93% of the West Bank, and half of Jerusalem for their capital, in return for a final peace treaty and the end to all claims. Arafat knew if he went home from Camp David with a peace deal he would be murdered.

It wasn’t enough, and Arafat quit the talks, left Camp David, then supported the Second Intifada, which unleashed a wave of suicide bombers who kept killing Israeli civilians, and caused the IDF to invade cities and towns in the West Bank to find and crush these terror cells.

Second, acceptance of this deal could cause various factions to revolt inside one government or the other (or both!):

If the Israeli government says “yes” to this American “framework agreement,” Netanyahu’s coalition may splinter or even revolt. Already the right-wing parties fear that Netanyahu will make dangerous concessions in the final negotiations. He has done it before, in giving the ancient city of Hebron to the Palestinians, to cite one specific example.

And if Netanyahu looks like he’s agreeing to even more painful concessions in the name of peace, it might prove impossible to hold the coalition together. Political tensions in Jerusalem have been spiking all week for these very reasons.

Saying “yes” might mean the Netanyahu government has to scramble to forge a new coalition to even continue functioning, but if it cannot do so, then it could collapse entirely, and if that happens we’re looking at new elections, which would derail the entire process until such time as that was settled.

On the other hand, if Netanyahu’s government says “no” to the Obama plan, there could also be repercussions. For example, European countries could impose a boycott on Israeli goods to punish Israel for saying “no” to the American plan, a move that would cost Israel billions in lost exports and directly impact every Israeli citizen. Even if Israel could weather the storm, it would still be a storm and still cause unnecessary damage.

There is a great deal of pressure on the Netanyahu team not to create economic chaos for its own people. Yet there is also great pressure on Netanyahu not to make concessions that threaten the long-term security of the Jewish state.

What are some of these concerns? Well, in particular, consider:

• What if Hamas Islamists seize control of the West Bank government from the more secular Fatah faction, like it did in Gaza? Then what?

• If the IDF stops operating in the West Bank — arresting terrorists and shutting down rocket factories — then the security situation in the West Bank could devolve into the nightmare that we see in Gaza, with rockets being fired at Israeli towns and cities, and even at Israel’s airport. Then what?

• If the IDF stops overseeing security in the West Bank, what if al Qaeda and Hamas and other jihadist groups (such as the 30,000 jihadists that are operating in Syria right now) turn the territory into yet another base camp for suicide bombers and other forms of terrorism?

• What if Christian holy sites in Jerusalem are turned over the Palestinian Authority, but Hamas eventually comes to power? Will Christian tourists feel safe visiting those sites under Hamas supervision? Would the Hamas government even allow Christian tourists to visit? Actually the Roman Catholic Church believes it owns the holy sites and wants control of the sites.

As to the particulars of the “Framework Agreement,” itself, we don’t have all the answers yet, but here’s what we do know (this, based on a recent story from the Times of Israel):

• Under the framework agreement about 75-80 percent of settlers would remain in what would become Israeli sovereign territory through land swaps

• The framework is to be presented to both sides within a matter of weeks, and that there will be “no surprises” for the Israeli and Palestinian leaders, according to four people who spoke off the record about this.

• Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Abbas would be expected to accept the agreement, with reservations, as the basis of continued negotiations

• Making it a US-drafted framework permitted the leaders to distance themselves from politically sensitive issues contained in the agreement

• Broadly, the agreement will address: mutual recognition; security, land swaps and borders; Jerusalem; refugees; and the end of conflict and all claims.

• On some sensitive issues — particularly the status of Jerusalem — the framework would be intentionally vague.

• The deal would include a new security arrangement for the border between Jordan and the West Bank. This new security zone would be created with new fences, sensors and unmanned aerial vehicles.

• The framework would address compensation for Jews from Arab lands as well as compensation for Palestinian refugees — another longstanding demand by some pro-Israel groups but one that has yet to be included in any formal document.

• The framework would describe “Israel as the nation state of the Jewish people and Palestine as the nation state of the Palestinian people,” a nod to a key demand by the Netanyahu government that Israel be recognized as a Jewish state. Mahmoud Abbas has said he and Fatah will not accept a Jewish state.

• The deal would also address the issue of incitement and Palestinian education for peace.

Friends, one of the major reasons the Illuminati generated wars in North Africa, Syria and Iraq was to exterminate Christians but the fires of Hell will not extinguish Yeshua Hamaschiach’s church.  

I pray that Yeshua comes back today to rapture his people out and ends the evil being perpetrated on his people. Yeshua let us meet you in the clouds now! 

Syria’s Christian population could vanish, according to church leaders who recently spoke before the Heritage Foundation.

A delegation that spoke to the Heritage Foundation Jan. 27 were the first Syrian Christian church leaders to visit the U.S. since civil war erupted in the Middle Eastern country in 2011.

During the ongoing armed conflict, Syrian forces and the al Qaeda/al Nusra terrorists have both been criticized for serious human rights abuses, including kidnapping, torture, sexual abuse and summary executions.

“Today, we are faced with a potential extinction of the church,” said Patrick Sookhdeo, chairman of the Westminster Institute. “Not just in Syria. We’ve seen it in Iraq. The church could fall in Lebanon.”

In Iraq last month, three Christmas day bombings targeting Christians killed at least 37 people and wounded more. 

Attacks in Iraq have taken their toll on the county’s dwindling Christian population, which is estimated to number between 400,000 and 600,000. The attacks have largely been carried out by radical Muslim groups such as al-Qaida, which view Christians as unbelievers.

In December alone, 441 people were killed during a wave of attacks that brought violence to levels not seen since 2008. According to United Nations estimates, more than 8,000 people were killed in Iraq in 2013.

Reports indicate that similar are atrocities are now occurring in Syria. Media reports indicate that more than 1,200 Christians were martyred in Syria last year, with additional tens of thousands being displaced by violence and persecution.

“Christians in their homeland have been attacked, houses have been ransacked, Christians have been kidnapped for ransom and brutally murdered,” said Bishop Julian Dobbs, a Syrian Christian leader who spoke before the Heritage Foundation.

Dobbs described Syria as once being “one of the easiest places in the world to be a Christian across the Middle East.”

Open Doors, which serves the persecuted church overseas, has placed five Middle Eastern countries in its top 10 list of the world's worst persecutors of Christians. In its Jan. 8 report, Open Doors included the following from the Middle East: Syria; Iraq; Saudi Arabia; Iran; and Yemen.

Prior the Iraq War, the Christian population in that country was roughly 5 percent of the population, with more than 1.5 million. A decade later, the Christian population is estimated at fewer than 400,000.

Drawing parallels to what happened in Iraq, the Rev. Riad Jarjour, former general secretary of the Middle East Council of Churches, said the escalation of violence in Syria “has instilled fear in the hearts of Christian leaders.”

The Rev. Adib Awad, general secretary of the National Evangelical Synod of Syria said: “Due to persecutions, due to killings, we are all together less than 20 percent of the Syrian population.”

According to Western estimates, about 45,000 Christians out of a total Christian population of about 2 million have fled Syria, however the end to the war could ironically even bring about more persecution. 

Opposition forces have boasted of setting up an Islamic state based on Sharia law once Assad is overthrown. Such a state would treat Christians as second class citizens and a new round of persecution could begin.

Natural Society reported on February 3, 2014 that New York City plans to MANDATE Flu Shots for Children Under 6 years of age. Vaccinations used to be optional. But in New York City, the youngest and likely most vulnerable will soon not have a choice at all. There, the Board of Health voted to mandate flu vaccines for children under 6 who go to preschool or day care.
The key here is the stipulation that this ruling will be enforced once a parent attempts to put their children into preschool or day care. Not every parent in the Big Apple can afford to homeschool their children.
The initiative will take effect in only 30 days and will affect 150,000 children. Deputy Commissioner for Disease Control Dr. Jay Varma says the shots could keep as many as about 20,000 kids from getting sick. But he doesn’t say anything about the trade-offs.

What are the proven problems with vaccines?

* Vaccines contain "thimerosala preservative containing mercury!
* Epidemiological studies bear out the fact that bad health is more common among the vaccinated (who survive) than those not vaccinated.
* Systemic auto immunity appears to be the inevitable consequence of over-stimulating the hosts immune system by repeated immunization with antigen, to the levels that surpass systems self-organize criticality. In other words, Vaccinations Stimulate Autoimmune Diseases! No one should allow their precious loved ones to take any vaccination which is likely to stimulate diseases!

Proof exists that vaccinations are causing a myriad of problems, including death to our children.
The USA and other industrialized nations vaccination schedules amounts for children are far beyond single digit figures. And the infant mortality rates and increasingly poor childhood health records correspond with these increased vaccination schedules. Many vaccinations are done in series or groups, amounting to a total of over 30 inoculations by the age of six, with more to come in later years, or 'repeated immunization with antigen'.
Thank God that the New York City Mayor has left the religious exemption in place!
At this point, we must remember the bottom line plan of the Global Elite in this time period leading up to the appearance of their Masonic Christ.
The secret societies were planning as far back as 1917 to invent an artificial threat in order to bring humanity together in a one-world government which they call the New World Order (NOW). Bill Cooper wrote "Behold A Pale Horse", p. 27; Cooper is a New Age author who exposed the horror of the NWO plan.
"Take control of the world ... to reduce ... the world to a safe level by a process of benevolent slavery and genocide." (Ibid., p. 49)
Can you imagine the arrogance of these Illuminati?
They actually view reduction in world population as "benevolent genocide"!
The only alternative left to the world's ruling elite was to increase the death rate ... they did not relish the possible consequences of an enraged public upon discovering that they were being systematically murdered ... a very short but very deadly global war using nuclear weapons upon select population concentrations was contemplated and ... was not ruled out.... 

Dr. Aurelio Peccei of the Club of Rome ... advocated that a plague be introduced that would have the same effect as the Black Death of history." (Ibid., p. 167)
"Can you imagine what will happen if Los Angeles is hit with a 9.0 quake, New York City is destroyed by a terrorist-planted atomic bomb, World War III breaks out in the Middle East, the banks and stock markets collapse, Extraterrestrials land on the White House lawn, food disappears from the markets, some people disappear, the Messiah presents himself to the world, and all in a very short period of time? Can you imagine? The world power structure can, and will if necessary, make some or all of these things happen to bring about the New World Order." (Ibid., p. 177-8)

Bubonic Plague or Black Death
Scientists have analyzed the genomes of two of the world’s most devastating plagues – each killed about half the people in Europe. The findings suggest a new strain of plague could emerge in humans again.
Bubonic Plague

An international team of researchers has discovered that the Justinian Plague and the Black Death – responsible for killing  somewhere between 50 and 100 million people – were caused by distinct strains of the same pathogen, one that faded out on its own, the other leading to worldwide spread and re-emergence in the late 1800s. These findings suggest a new strain of plague could emerge again in humans in the future.
A symptom of Plague
Little has been known about the origins or cause of the Justinian Plague and its relationship to the Black Death, some 800 years later. The Plague of Justinian, which helped bring an end to the Roman Empire, struck in the sixth century. It is estimated to have killed between 30 and 50 million people – virtually half the world’s population – as it spread across Asia, North Africa, Arabia and Europe. The Black Death would strike with similar force, killing 50 million Europeans between just 1347 and 1351 alone.
The researchers isolated miniscule DNA fragments from the 1,500-year-old teeth of two victims of the Justinian plague, buried in Bavaria, Germany. Scientists believe the victims died in the latter stages of the epidemic when it had reached southern Bavaria, likely sometime between 541 and 543. These are the oldest pathogen genomes obtained to date.
Using these short fragments, they reconstructed the genome of the oldest Yersinia pestis, the bacterium responsible for the plague, and compared it to a database of genomes of more than a hundred contemporary strains.
The results are currently published in the online edition of The Lancet Infectious Disease. They show the strain responsible for the Justinian outbreak was a ‘dead-end’ and distinct from strains involved later in the Black Death and other plague pandemics that would follow.
The researchers say that the third pandemic, which spread from Hong Kong across the globe is likely a descendant of the Black Death strain and thus much more successful than the one responsible for the Justinian Plague.
Dave Wagner, an associate professor in the Center for Microbial Genetics and Genomics at Northern Arizona University. He said: We know the bacterium Y. pestis has jumped from rodents into humans throughout history and rodent reservoirs of plague still exist today in many parts of the world. If the Justinian plague could erupt in the human population, cause a massive pandemic, and then die out, it suggest it could happen again. Fortunately we now have antibiotics that could be used to effectively treat plague, which lessens the chances of another large scale human pandemic.
Bottom line: New research, published in the online edition of The Lancet Infectious Disease, suggests that the Justinian Plague and the Black Death that killed somewhere between 50 and 100 million people were caused by distinct strains of the same pathogen. The researchers say that these findings suggest a new strain of plague could emerge again in humans in the future.
In a move to exercise their 10th Amendment State rights, Tennessee has decided that it will take matters into its own hands where the NSA is concerned. Since NSA happens to be housed in a facility in Oak Ridge, the Tennessee congress is working on a bill that would cut off NSA’s electricity and water in an effort to oust NSA from their state.
Much of the data that NSA collects and that also happens to be encrypted is run through computer system programs at the Oak Ridge facility to break the coding. NSA’s headquarters in Ft. Meade, Maryland has similar software that does word captures and breaks encryption coding.
State Senator Stacey Campfield introduced the Tennessee Fourth Amendment Protection Act about two weeks ago, and Rep. Andy Holt filed the companion bill, HB 1907, on the House side last week.
SB1849 and HR 1907 would make it illegal for the state of Tennessee and Tennessee local governments to provide, “material support to…any federal agency claiming the power to authorize the collection of electronic data or metadata for any person pursuant to any action not based on a warrant,” in connection to Tennessee state’s Fourth Amendment Constitutional right.
Senator Campfield states that, “We have an out of control federal agency spying on pretty much everybody in the world. I don’t think the state of Tennessee should be helping the NSA violate the Constitution and the basic privacy rights of its citizens – and we don’t have to. This bill may not completely stop the NSA, but it will darn sure stop Tennessee from participating in unjustified and illegal activities.”

On the Federal level, Senator Rand Paul has also expressed ire over what he basically refers to as an unconstitutional invasion of privacy in connection to the lives of the American people. Paul is working on a class action lawsuit that would be in defense of individual American citizens, as well as businesses that have been strong-armed by the federal government to assist the NSA.

drought monitor map
Governor Jerry Brown’s emergency drought declaration on Friday came on the heels of the U.S. Department of Agriculture designating nearly half of California’s counties as “natural disaster areas,” meaning farmers and ranchers will be eligible for federal low-interest emergency loans.
While the latest U.S. drought monitor shows nearly 63 percent of California in the “extreme drought” category (see above map), the feds named 27 countries, including multiple in Bay Area, as primary natural disaster areas.
Residents and businesses in all California counties have been asked to reduce their water use by 20 percent. Meanwhile, a wildfire in southern California has scorched more than 1,709 acres.
At least one Bay Area county, Marin, has started tapping into its reserve water supply. Friday’s drought announcement was the third statewide drought declaration since 1987.

A United Nations panel sharply criticized the Vatican on Wednesday for putting the reputation and interests of the Holy See above the interests of children who had been sexually abused by priests, effectively allowing priests to continue abuse and escape prosecution.
In a series of hard-hitting observations, the Committee on the Rights of the Child said that the Holy See has not acknowledged the extent of the crimes committed, has not taken the necessary measures to address cases of child sexual abuse and to protect children, and has adopted policies and practices which have led to the continuation of the abuse by and the impunity of the perpetrators.
This United Nations panel strongly demanded that the Vatican remove all accused priests from office immediately!
Sexual abuse was prevalent all the way back in the 1500's!
The pattern of Superiors back then was to move the sexually perverted Catholic priest to another church without revealing his crimes to police or to the victim's families. The offending priest was simply transferred to another church, sometimes across the continent, where he would have access to young women and children once again.
The primary reason for the Vatican cover-up was to protect the reputation of the Roman Catholic Church! No priest, Bishop, Cardinal or Pope ever really cared that the life of the victim had been forever ruined.
One former Catholic priest once stated that, in his opinion, the floor of Hell would be strewn with the skulls of priests, Bishops, Cardinals and Popes!

Technology has just been bumped up from science fiction to reality, and even scarier, politics!

Turkish Prime Minister Erdogan could not attend a party meeting in Izmir last Sunday in person. But, no worries! He had the perfect solution! According to Turkish newspaper Hurriyet, an enormous hologram of himself was transmitted into the party chambers instead.

As the Erdogan hologram glimmered and then materialized, the crowd hooted and hollered while the likeness addressed the audience.

“We are going to elections in the shadow of attacks prepared by treasonous networks. I urge all my mayoral candidates to not waste any of their time,” Erdogan said, according to Hurriyet.

However, Erdogan isn’t the first to use a hologram in politics. 

In January, the music group Black Eyed Peas performed holographically at an awards show in France. Two small airports in Britain — Manchester and London Luton— have holographic images of staffers explaining security clearance rules. Others to appear via hologram technology in recent years: Former vice president Al Gore, Microsoft founder Bill Gates and British airline and media mogul Richard Branson.

The technology is the latest step in the "telepresence" evolution that's changing the meetings and conventions industry.

In 2012, an Indian politician, Narendra Modi, made use of the same technology as part of a promotion. In his efforts to seek re-election, he successfully broadcasted 26 holograms of himself onto stages across the Indian state of Gujarat.

And on April 15, 2012, the late Tupac Shakur gave a performance from beyond the grave at the Coachella Music Festival in California. 

In a vision of the end times, the Apostle John was shown a mysterious facet of mankind’s apocalyptic culture. He saw that an actual political leader would arise called the “beast,” (Revelation 13:15) and that an “image of the beast” would also be present. He saw that this image would be separate from, yet likened to the beast himself. 

Verse 15 clearly states that the beast will be able “to give life unto the image of the beast, that the image of the beast should both speak and cause that as many as would not worship the image of the beast should be killed.” This image is clearly much more than just a statue - the idea of giving life to an image that speaks seems to match the personification of holographic technology. One can safely assume that John, being from a day when technology such as we have now did not exist, struggled to describe exactly what he saw.

Is it possible John may have seen holographic projections of the beast leader, which could “appear” as if by magic in multiple locations at once. In fact, in translation, the Greek word 'image' could mean image or likeness. And that is exactly what a holographic projection is! It is an image or likeness of the person's appearance being projected somewhere else. 

Are we being conditioned for a technology that will be used by the Antichrist in order to reach masses of people at one time? 

Interestingly enough Revelation emphasizes that it is by deceit that the people of the earth are brought about to worship this image and the Beast. In an age of digital manipulation - air brushing movie stars on magazine covers is just the tip of the iceberg. In 1997 the film "Wag the Dog" demonstrates how with a little Hollywood ingenuity people could be led to believe in an entirely fake war - all because they see it on TV. Is it possible the great signs of this 2nd beast are through technology rather than the supernatural? Only time will tell.

The Beast from the Earth Revelation 13:11-17

11 Then I saw another beast coming up out of the earth, and he had two horns like a lamb and spoke like a dragon. 12 And he exercises all the authority of the first beast in his presence, and causes the earth and those who dwell in it to worship the first beast, whose deadly wound was healed. 13 He performs great signs, so that he even makes fire come down from heaven on the earth in the sight of men. 14 And he deceives those who dwell on the earth by those signs which he was granted to do in the sight of the beast, telling those who dwell on the earth to make an image to the beast who was wounded by the sword and lived. 15 He was granted power to give breath to the image of the beast, that the image of the beast should both speak and cause as many as would not worship the image of the beast to be killed. 16 He causes all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and slave, to receive a mark on their right hand or on their foreheads, 17 and that no one may buy or sell except one who has the mark or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.

Israel has enemies, with Iran topping the list. But lately, her supposed friends also are causing headaches.
Israel you better make a peace deal or we will punish you

Frenemy No. 1 is the Obama administration. After the president’s visit last year, Secretary of State John Kerry started squeezing the Jewish state to make a deal with Palestinians, and hasn’t stopped.
Worse, Kerry has a creepy habit of predicting terrible things will happen unless Israel meets his demands. Back in November, when talks were stalled, he warned that time was running out for a deal and that Arab violence would follow failure. He told reporters of “the potential of chaos,” adding, “Does Israel want a third Intifada?”
Israeli leaders said they wouldn’t be intimidated, and charged that Kerry was giving Palestinians an incentive to commit violence.
Fast-forward, and Kerry, facing another stall, is dialing up more fear. He warned Sunday that a quick deal was necessary to head off European boycotts.
“It’s not sustainable. It’s illusionary,” he said of the status quo. “You see, for Israel, there’s an increasing delegitimization campaign that has been building up. There are talks of boycotts and other kinds of things.”
Again, Israel objected, with one leader saying Kerry was “holding a gun” to her head. When some accused him of fanning the flames of anti-Semitism, the US State Department and National Security Adviser Susan Rice called the attacks on him “unfair.”
That’s rich — making Kerry the victim. His fantasy of a historic deal, and maybe a Nobel Prize for his mantel, is crashing into fundamental issues of timing, details and leadership.
The nicest thing that can be said about him is that he wants the prize so much that he is overlooking the fact that neither side will accept his terms.
Then there is Palestinian leader Mahmoud Abbas, who is simultaneously weak and yet in the ninth year — or is it the 10th year? — of a four-year term. His ruling party has a monopoly in the West Bank and praises terrorists as “heroes,” reflecting an addiction to violence that has been the main impediment to peace since Israel’s independence in 1948.
If hostile Arabs were Israel’s only trouble, it would be enough. But Frenemy No. 2 comes in the form of liberal American Jews so rigidly opposed to Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu that they have lost sight of the big picture.

Acting as if their view is the only legitimate one, they seized on an innocuous comment Mayor de Blasio made to the American Israel Public Affairs Committee, or AIPAC. During an unannounced speech in which he surprisingly echoed the late Ed Koch and other mayors in promising strong support for Israel, de Blasio said that “City Hall will always be open to AIPAC,” and offered to help whenever needed.
How dare he! The mad libs, including Gloria Steinem and a gaggle of writers, rabbis and others, openly blasted de Blasio, saying, “Your job is not to do AIPAC’s bidding.” It accused the organization of speaking for “Israel’s hard-line government” and said “it does not speak for us.”
That sparked push-back from more conservative Jews. Led by Jeffrey Wiesenfeld, a principal at Bernstein Global Wealth Management, the smaller group denounced the liberals, saying AIPAC had a long history of building bipartisan backing for Israel. The attacks on de Blasio over AIPAC could jeopardize his support for Israel, they argued.
“No other ethnic group does this to itself,” Wiesenfeld said to me in exasperation. “This is like Catholics tearing down the Knights of Columbus.”

He’s on to something — and up against something very big. The White House is in sync with the many liberal Jews who are too quick to blame Israel for everything wrong in the Middle East. It seems the Jew’s worst enemy is his fellow Jew. 

Several volcanoes dot the western coastline of Sumatra in Indonesia. Image Credit: Wikimedia Commons.

As of yesterday, the death toll from a February 1 eruption at Mount Sinabung in Indonesia has risen to 16. Authorities recovered another body from the disaster scene, and a person with life-threatening injuries died in a hospital. The large eruption occurred following four months of heightened activity at the 2,460-meter-high (8,069-feet-high) stratovolcano.
A thin layer of ash was expected to arrive in the southwestern portion of the Malay Peninsula this morning. Areas where ash may have fallen today include coastal regions of Negri Sembilan, Malacca as well as Muar, Batu Pahat, Pontian and Kulaijaya in Johor, according to Muhammad Helmi Abdullah, director of region’s National Weather Forecast Center. The ash has the potential to reduce visibility in the region, and, while air travel in Malaysia is not currently being disrupted, the situation is being monitored closely.
The Indonesian National Disaster Mitigation Agency is in the process of mobilizing medical and social services to help refugees affected by the eruption. More than 30,000 people have been displaced since the eruptions at Mount Sinabung started in September 2013.
Concern is now growing over the loss of income from crop failures. Many of the refugees are subsistence farmers who make their living growing coffee, cocoa and fruit, according to a report posted on ReliefWeb.
The volcano is located on the island of Sumatra along the tectonically active Pacific Ring of Fire.

As of today (February 5, 2014), the death toll from a February 1 eruption at Mount Sinabung in Indonesia has risen to 16. Authorities recovered another body from the disaster scene, and a person with life-threatening injuries died in a hospital. The large eruption occurred following four months of heightened activity at the 2,460-meter-high (8,069-feet-high) stratovolcano.
A thin layer of ash was expected to arrive in the southwestern portion of the Malay Peninsula this morning. Areas where ash may have fallen today include coastal regions of Negri Sembilan, Malacca as well as Muar, Batu Pahat, Pontian and Kulaijaya in Johor, according to Muhammad Helmi Abdullah, director of region’s National Weather Forecast Center. The ash has the potential to reduce visibility in the region, and, while air travel in Malaysia is not currently being disrupted, the situation is being monitored closely.
The Indonesian National Disaster Mitigation Agency (Badan Nasional Penanggulangan Bencana) is in the process of mobilizing medical and social services to help refugees affected by the eruption. More than 30,000 people have been displaced since the eruptions at Mount Sinabung started in September 2013.
Concern is now growing over the loss of income from crop failures. Many of the refugees are subsistence farmers who make their living growing coffee, cocoa and fruit, according to a report posted on ReliefWeb.
The volcano is located on the island of Sumatra along the tectonically active Pacific Ring of Fire.
The Visual Bible: The Gospel of John (2003) Poster

Below is a link to a movie about the gospel of John and it follows the Scriptures.  So you can have your Bible along side you, read, and watch it, if you want.

In the first month of '14, two events occurred that united the struggle within the Jewish people and explained the horror we have to live with, which is no less seminal to our history than the Roman decimation of Israel 2000 years ago.
    And no Jew uttered even a peep of understanding. And this ignorance will cost us mightily.
    First, a remarkable document was uncovered and its discovery led to incredible efforts to excuse its significance. 
    (I now delete the Hebrew which mucked up my sendout. BUT, it's getting out in English now anyway}
       An investigation of Jewish land purchases in the '30s by the To The Hill organization has been undertaken by the Kfar Etzion field school. To the great shock of the researchers, a letter from Shai Glaser, on the organization board, to Adolph Hitler was uncovered. It read: To The Honored Reichsfuhrer Adolph Hitler, my organization asks you to transfer German Jews to Palestine without interference. In exchange for transferring these export items, we have deposited 100,000 liras in the Bank of Germany. I' will be arriving in Germany on May 15 and hope to meet with you to confirm the purchase.

       The stunned researchers offered the usual deluded excuse: It was tough times and we had to use any strategy to save Jews from the Nazis. This baloney sweeps under the carpet that the Labor Zionists were working with our vicious enemies while concoting reasons to expel religious and right wing Jews from leadership in our unofficial parliament, the Jewish agency.

By 1934, the majority of German Jews got the message and turned to the only Jewish organization allowed by the Nazis, the Labour Zionists. For confirmation of the conspiracy between them and Hitler's thugs read The Transfer Agreement by Edwin Black, Perfidy by Ben Hecht or The Scared And The Doomed by Jacob Nurenberger. The deal cut worked like this. The German Jews would first be indoctrinated into Bolshevism in Labour Zionism camps and then, with British approval, transferred to Palestine. Most were there by the time the British issued the White Paper banning further Jewish immigration. The Labour Zionists got the Jews they wanted, and let the millions of religious Jews perish in Europe without any struggle for their survival.

      When the Holocaust ended, the Labor Zionists found a new ally in Israel, the British. They connived to round up opposition Jews and either have them executed by the British or sent to their camps in Africa. And this war of the Jews, which the descendants of the dead rarely acknowledge, continues unabated today. Here is a contemporary example of the Israeli authorities at war with the Jewish people:

Rabbi Hillel Reines, a resident of Yitzhar in Samaria, spoke to Arutz Sheva on Friday morning about his son-in-law Yehuda Landsberg, who was arrested at the beginning of the week over suspicions of involvement in "price tag" vandalism. Yehuda has not been seen since the arrest, and his family has not been allowed to see or talk with him. His father-in-law posits that he may be being held at the Shabak (Internal Security) headquarters near Petach Tikvah. 

      Pushing the "debate" over price tag vandalism is the head of the Shabak during the Rabin murder, Carmi Gillon. He was in on the assassination with Israel's current president Shimon Peres. For the whole picture read my study,  Who Murdered Yitzhak Rabin:
Quien Mato A Yitzhak Rabin
 Carmi Gillon criticizes authorities' handling of 'price tag' perpetrators, says any progress in peace talks will bring forth terrorist acts
Gillon, who was director of Shin Bet during the Rabin administration, said he believed the issue of the "price tag" acts "falls between the cracks, between police and the Shin Bet.""We can't let the 'price tag' issue disappear from our agenda. The political system and the police are helpless in the face of this very dangerous phenomenon."Gillon said that the fact that "price tag" vandals were not dubbed a terrorist group is an oversight of the Shin Bet, among other organizations. "We can catch them, but the question remains if we can try them," Gillon said, "When you call it a terrorist organization there is a lot more room for action."I think we don't act firmly enough against rabbis who practice incitement."Shortly after the Rabin assassination, Gillon commissioned an inquiry as to the security failure, as the government appointed an official committee, the Shamgar Commission, to investigate. During the commission's hearings Gillon resigned after he was deemed responsible for the security oversight.

While in Shabak custody, alienated from everyone including his family, Reines received or was appointed a Shabak lawyer:

Attorney Itamar Ben-Gvir spoke of the assault and accusations of "price tag," arguing "people doing 'price tag' don't go in the middle of the day, don't go about without means of defense, and don't do it in a group."

      Ben Gvir's Shabak employment has been witnessed by thousands yet Reines and his compatriots allow him to infiltrate the settler movement unopposed:

Matar had enough righteousness to gather 2300 demonstrators to confront the army in Gush Katif (Gaza) before the withdrawal. What an embarassment that would have been were it not for Ben Gvir. He and his gang showed up and got the violence going with a sign visible in the nearby Arab town reading, "Muhammed Is A Pig." If you don't get the provocation, imagine a sign outside your door reading, "Jesus Is A Pig." Predictably the violence started, the army stepped in and to prevent the brutality from spreading, threw out all 2300 protesters, sending hundreds of teenage girls to detention camps for months. 

      The Labor and its left wing allies have been thoroughly expunged from Israel's politics, gathering on its best day, perhaps 20% support. But it controls Israel's financial industry and its media. To cover up its vicious and murderous war against the religious and right wing Jews, it needs a vital ally. And inexplicably they have it: their victims.

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