Thursday, January 30, 2014

The Video Series"The Greatest Story Never Told" Watchman Report 14-38 14 Mar 2014

Napoleon said that the victor in wars writes the history. There are some fascinating facts in this series about Adolf Hitler.

I believe the Illuminati de-stabilized Germany with WW1 and with the post war economic wreckage via the Versailles Treaty in Germany. Remember the Masons via Albert Pike and Giuseppe Mazzini planned and predicted WW1 and WW2 for a godless purpose.

Among the facts in part 1, Hitler received excellent grades while at monastery school. Hitler disliked military shirkers and he won three of the highest German military awards for bravery. Part 1 also identifies where Hitler got the idea for the Swastika. I would describe Hitler as an ultra German patriot.

The video link is below.

Part 1

Part 2

Nuremberg Stadium 

In this portion a German lady described Hitler's "social justice". Hitler possessed a charisma that Americans cannot appreciate. He captivated the German youth with his charisma and they would be the basis for the dreaded SS. Many remained loyal to him even in death. Some Germans described Hitler's eyes as "hypnotic" especially upon women. I find it interesting that in  the photos Hitler bowed to his former German commander and leader Hindenburg. Also the Nuremberg Stadium was designed after the Altar of Zeus. The Altar of Zeus was a pagan, satanic temple that was torn down stone by stone and moved Berlin, Germany from Pergammon. The altar where it is today. I think this reflects Hitler's ultimate satanic beliefs. I think it is amazing how Hitler's career will resemble the coming anti-christ. Obama accepted his nomination on a set designed like the Altar of Zeus.

Obama's Altar of Zeus
Part 3

Austria wanted with Germany in order to enjoy the economic prosperity occurring in Germany; Hitler did not like political or sexual jokes; The lesson do not trust politicians and do not give them too much power. Are you listening America?

Part 4

My friend Barry Chamish, a Jew from Israel and an Israeli veteran, has written extensively and documented the Transfer Agreement. He cites crimes of Godless Zionists against the the ordinary German and European Jews, Black Jews from Africa and Torah believing Jews.

The God-loving Jews wanted the Menorah or Burning Bush on the Israeli flag, the Zionists wanted and got the false Star of David the symbol of Moloch.

The Zionists in Palestine refused to trade trucks for 500,000 Hungarian Jews who subsequently died at Auschwitz.

Keep in mind the Illuminati and satan's followers use Hegelian dialectic to create division e.g. Germans against Jews and Jews against Jews.

It seems many times that the worst enemy of a Jew is his fellow Jew e.g. George Soros and his actions against fellow Jews in Hungary.

Part 5

The information in this video is very interesting. The Poles were committing atrocities against ethnic Germans and Ukrainians in the years prior and up to 1 Sep 1939 when WW2 began. Jewish Communist NKVD elements were committing this genocide. Ukraine is undergoing unrest currently with the European Union and Poland pitted against the Ukrainian and Russian govt.

Part 6

Part 7

Part 8

Part 9

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