Thursday, January 23, 2014

The Mark of the Beast

Several years ago the Lord sent me a word of knowledge that some people were already wearing the mark of the beast. My thoughts concerning the mark of the beast centered on the people who have tattoos and brands on their bodies and Muslims who wore head bands . It has amazed me how popular the scarring of our bodies has become. It used to be considered in poor taste and low class to have tattoos on your body, something only sailors did. Like many Christians I always considered the human body to be a sacred temple where the Holy Spirit can reside.

Would these people with tattoos and brands complain if the anti-christ’s one world government and his allies required them to get another mark on their bodies? I don’t think so, especially if they needed the mark to get government money, jobs or food. One more mark on their bodies would mean nothing to them.  It also dawned on me that Muslims are wearing their satanic allegiance on their foreheads and arms. My idea was bolstered when I watched Walid Shoebat’s, Chuck Missler and Joe VanKoevering’s videos on the subject.

Let’s look at what the Bible has to say about this in Revelation 13:16-18

16. “And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads:
17. And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name. Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six.”  

As an aside, consider that this is written in the 13th chapter of Revelation, the number of rebellion, Satan’s and Nimrod’s number. The 13th chapter of revelation is devoted entirely to the “beast” and the unholy trinity. Furthermore, Verse 18 equals 6 times 3. 
Some Bibles, for example, The New International Version, use the word on rather than in.  Walid makes the point that ancient biblical scholars missed the Arabic meaning when they translated the manuscripts and fragments.

The New International Version has the following for Revelation 13:16-18

“And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark on their right hand, or on their foreheads: And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name. Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six.” 

John wrote the book of Revelation in the Greek Language. This is extremely important because church scholars interpret and translate John’s manuscripts and or fragments based on Greek. One of the fragments of John’s manuscript was translated to read chi xi stigma (stigma is an obsolete Greek number, not to be confused with Sigma) (khee xee stigma) or six hundred three score and six (666)

God only reveals to man his knowledge when we are ready for it in God’s time, as part of His prophetic plan. In reference to the mark of the beast there was no need for God to reveal the true meaning until now, what I call the pre-Rapture period or the end of the Church Age.

I think God is revealing this information about the mark of the beast now in order to bring the most people possible to salvation.

Also there is a dual meaning here. Yes, it is 666 but if one reads John’s fragment and the Codex Vaticanus (dated 350 A.D.) we find God has another hidden meaning for the pre-Rapture and “End Times”. This hidden meaning is akin to the parable of the fig tree (Israel) and the reference to the “woman” (Israel) in the Book of Revelation. Prior to 1947/1948, most people could not understand these two items and a multitude of other prophecies in the Bible. God simply had not revealed to man his prophetic plan in its entirety. It took the re-birth of Israel to understand this portion of the Book of Revelation. There are numerous examples of this sort of thing in the Bible e.g. David and the Fountains of the deep; Job and the gravitational linkage in the constellation Pleiades/Orion; Jonah being in the belly of the whale three days and three nights; ocean currents etc.

If one examines John’s fragment and the Codex Vaticanus closely we find it is not only Greek script but also Arabic script.

Walid Shoebat, Chuck Missler and Joe VanKoevering were correct but here is what they missed about this translation. (Don’t get me wrong these are great men of God and possess far more knowledge than I do.) It proves that God’s Bible is true and belief in Yeshua is correct.

John saw Arabic letters in his Godly vision, he did not know what it was or what it meant but being true to God’s direction he wrote what he saw in his vision. There is no way John could have knowledge about Islam or Mohammad. Mohammad wasn’t born until approximately 570/571 A.D. and Islam did not exist in John’s time. Our God is indeed great and John’s historical critics are wrong. He was not a delusional, raving lunatic. Christianity is the only religion that contains fulfilled prophecy, for example, Isaiah’s prophecies were written approximately 700 years before Christ was born  and John’s were written approximately 1950 years before Israel and the Hebrew language were re-born.

What did John see? First, on the left he saw the traditional Islamic symbol of two crossed swords. These swords are on the flag of Saudi Arabia and are very common in Arab imagery and culture. Next john saw squiggly lines. These squiggly lines are in actuality vertical, in Arabic and say “Allah.” The vertical writing of Allah is again very common and appears on many Muslim flags etc.

Shoebat, Missler, VanKoevering and I believe John saw the mark of the beast or “Bismallah” (Bismillah) which translated means “in the name of Allah.” Like I said, John simply recorded what he saw, he did not question God because he had faith and he knew what he saw was true.
You also need to know that Psephizo can be translated to mean “to decide” and Arithmos can mean a “multitude”.

Now, with our new (dual) knowledge let’s translate the passage.

Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding decide (who) the multitude of the beast (is), for it is the multitude of a man (that is, Mohammad) and his multitude (are) “In the Name of Allah.”

The Greek word charagma (karagma) used for “mark” is actually a “badge of servitude” or of allegiance. Strong’s Hebrew Lexicon defines charagma as “the mark stamped on the forehead or on the right hand as the badge of the followers of the antichrist.

The Greek word dexios (right arm) can also be translated as “right side.”

Walid Shoebat says, “The Islamic Shahadatan” is a declaration of allegiance and servitude to Allah (The Moon God) and his prophet Mohammed; this declaration is worn by multi-millions of Muslims on their foreheads and arms.  

When I worked in counter-terrorism for the U.S. Army I focused on Muslims who swore bayat to Osama Bin Laden (UBL). These fanatics swore they would not betray UBL and Allah. These were not your ordinary run of the mill terrorists. These were and are the ultimate true believers committed to Islam’s cult of death - martyrdom. Most of the 9-11 hijackers swore bayat.  Remember, martyrdom is a Muslim’s only guaranteed way to get to heaven because Allah is not a personal god like our true God, Yeshua Hamaschiach.

Below is how Wikipedia explained Shahadatan.
The Shahada, also spelled Šehadet (Arabic: الشهادة aš-šahādah (from the verb شهد šahida, "he witnessed"), means "to know and believe without suspicion, as if witnessed"/testification; it is the name of the Islamic creed. The Shahadah is the Muslim declaration of belief in the oneness of God (tawhid) and acceptance of Muhammad as God's prophet. The Sunni declaration reads:
لا إله إلا الله محمد رسول الله (ʾilāha ʾillallāh, Muammad rasūlu-llāh) (in Arabic)
There is no god but God, and Muhammad is the messenger of God. (in English)
In the tradition of the Shia Muslims, there is the addition of "وعليٌ وليُّ الله", ʿAli-yyun wali-yyu-llāh ["Ali is the wali (viceregent) of God"], although Shia scholars do not consider this obligatory.
The word Shahādah is a noun stemming from the verb shahida meaning to observe, witness, or testify; when used in legal terms, shahādah is a testimony to the occurrence of events such as debt, adultery, or divorce. The shahādah can also be expressed in the dual form shahādatān (= "two testifyings"), which refers to dual act of observing or seeing and then the declaration of the observation. The two acts in Islam are observing or perceiving that there is no god but God and testifying or witnessing that Muhammad is the messenger of God. In a third meaning, shahādah can mean martyrdom, the shahid (martyr) demonstrating the ultimate expression of faith.
A single honest recitation of the Shahadah in Arabic is all that is required for a person to become a Muslim. (Personally, I think if someone does this during the Great Tribulation, they are condemned by God.)  This declaration, or statement of faith, is called the Kalima, literally "word". The recitation of the Shahadah, the "oath" or "testimony", is the most important of the Five Pillars of Islam for Muslims. Non-Muslims wishing to convert to Islam do so by a public recitation of this creed. The complete Shahadah cannot be found in the Quran, but comes from the hadith.
Walid Shoebat also makes an excellent point that Muslims are anti-Trinitarians and reject both Yeshua as the Son of God and the Holy Spirit and. Furthermore, they do not believe God can be a father. Muslims hate Christians because we are Trinitarians and hence consider us heretics.  By the way, all of Chapter 13 of Revelation is devoted to the unholy trinity. (anti-christ, beast and false prophet)

Thus, I would conclude Muslims are being used as instruments of Satan to promulgate his unholy trinity. Satan is indeed the great counterfeiter and deceiver.    

Here are some additional facts to ponder:  go to Isaiah 14:12 where Isaiah writes the word Lucifer. In Arabic Lucifer is Hilal ben Sahar or “Shining Brilliant One, Crescent Moon.” Muslims have the crescent moon on their mosques and flags etc.
Below is how Isaiah 14:12 is translated in Hebrew. Lucifer is Heylel and son of the morning (shachar). This is very close to the Arabic Hilal ben Sahar.

How (EYK)  art thou fallen (NAPHAL) from heaven (MIN) (SHAMAYIM), O Lucifer (HEYLEL),son of the morning! (SHACHAR)  art thou cut down (GADA) to the ground  (ERETS)which didst weaken (CHALASH) (AL) the nations (GOY)

Here are some other facts: Mohammed called Allah, “al Mumit”,  creator of Death. Our God did not create death; we brought it on ourselves when Adam and Eve sinned in the Garden of Eden.

Mohammed called Allah “Khayrul Makereen,” the greatest of deceivers (surah 3:54) Our God is not a great deceiver, he keeps his promises but Hilal ben Sahar is the greatest deceiver.

Islam is an ancient Babylonian religion that was brought to the Arabian Peninsula long before Mohammad. 300 pagan gods were worshipped at the Kabbah in Mecca. Mohammed simply replaced 299 idols with one pagan god, the moon god  Allah. Muslims still march around and touch the pagan Kabbah during the Haj.

Muslims desire to create a world caliphate or world government. God has always opposed one world government, e.g. Nimrod at Babel and Alexander the Great. A one world government puts man on the pedestal rather than the one true God. 

Furthermore, Muslims are changing “times and laws” e.g. sharia law vs. Mosaic and Christian law and enslaving women and non-believers, as Daniel prophesied the anti-christ would do in Daniel Chapter 7:25. If you would like more information on this subject go to the video links below.
1.  Mark of the beast
2.  Allah      
3.  Walid Shoebat
4.  Chuck Missler

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