Monday, January 27, 2014

How FemiNazis Think Update 29 Jan 2014

I think Sarah Silverman is a very attractive, talented and creative Jewish woman, however, I think she typifies the twisted logic of FemiNazis and the pro-abortion crowd. 

Another thing that bothers me about her and those of her ilk, is why do some Jews, who faced a Holocaust promote death? I just do not understand their line of thinking. It would seem to me that they would consider life to be precious and to be treasured. They should be the biggest pro-life people. 

Abortion is a very serious matter, having an abortion is a decision that will weigh on a woman and a good man for rest of their lives. Abortion is not a matter that is to be entered into lightly. I also believe abortion should not be used as a contraceptive method. 

I found Sarah's analogy of smelling sperm to the birth of human rbabies to be cute, inventive, twisted and quite simply illogical. 

Abortion is a slippery slope, it is only a matter of time until people want and demand infanticide and the killing of old people, mentally handicapped and disabled people. 

Remember, Hitler got away with murder because he told the German people that unfit people were a burden on the German tax payers. By the way, Hitler did not start killing Jews first, he killed the disabled and mentally handicapped first and his biggest allies were doctors!

Finally, I feel I have a right to speak on this issue of abortion because my mother died when I was born. Sometimes, I feel like I killed my mom but thank God I have Jesus Christ in my life. He helped me through this problem. I guess you could say I am a male who aborted his mom. But that aside, men do have a right to speak on the abortion issue

At any rate watch Sarah's video below and see what you think and say some prayers for Sarah.

Reverend Patrick Hines sent this message to his US Representative concerning abortion:

"Your authority to govern the image-bearers of God under your jurisdiction is delegated to you by your Creator, the Triune God of Scripture. You are accountable to and will answer to His law. God detests the shedding of innocent blood and will avenge in this life or the next every drop of it that was shed by the laws you enacted or supported. Proverbs 6:16-17, "These six things the Lord hates, yes, seven are an abomination to Him: [17] A proud look, A lying tongue, Hands that shed innocent blood...."

The fact is, we know more about the pre-born child than any other generation in human history. We know that from the moment of conception that it is a distinct and fully human life. We can see these pre-born children with ultrasounds. We can hear their heartbeats. We know that the unborn are human beings. Therefore, abortion is indeed murder. While we could argue about the propriety of the government distributing our mail, regulating and subsidizing certain businesses, etc. when it comes to your most basic function as a magistrate: You are called by God to protect the innocent from being murdered. That is your most basic function. Abortion is the ultimate exploitation of women in crisis. And abortion is the holocaust of unborn children. If you in any way endorse this great evil either by your silence or outright support, know for sure that you are dreadfully provoking your Creator. One day you will stand before Him and give an account of your actions. Do the right thing and make sure that tax dollars do not fund this wretched practice. And further, do everything you can to see that abortion is entirely and completely outlawed. 

Rev. Patrick Hines

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