Thursday, January 16, 2014

"End Times News" and Gospel Message 18 Jan 2014 Watchman Report 14-24

Friends, there are 88 days until the first blood moon of the tetrad begin on 15 April 2014 or 15 Nisan 5774!

The tetrads are God’s signal to his Chosen people and Christians, like 'one if by land, two if by sea.' "The Hebrew word implies it's a signal for coming or His appearing." Indeed, Pastor Biltz is correct these signals are divine appointments. A series of 4 blood moons is a warning to the nation of Israel while the 2 solar eclipses are warning to the world. Friends, 107 days is not very long.
Christiana Figueres even looks evil 

The goal of Climate Change advocates is to ram an Absolute Dictatorship down our throats, just as the Illuminati plan. Front Page Magazine reported on January 15, 2014 that UN climate chief Christiana Figueres said "we need is a dictatorship to save the planet.” Apparently Figueres believes that a constitutional republic is a poor political system for fighting global warming." After all, a dictatorship can pass any legislation it wants without having to worry about losing the next election and getting tossed out by an angry electorate. Of course, a dictatorship is always the preferred method of government for any leader who wants absolute control over his people. And, make no mistake, Climate Change is aimed at controlling entire populations.
But, the government must be global, because the supposed crisis has been spun as global. The Illuminati has created five global "crises" that demand a global dictatorial government.
1) Global Warming - Now just called "Climate Change"
2) Global Terrorism
3) Global Warfare
4) Threat of Global Economic Disaster
5) Global Virus Pandemic

"The secret societies were planning as far back as 1917 to invent an artificial threat ... in order to bring humanity together in a one-world government which they call the New World Order." (William Cooper, "Behold A Pale Horse", p. 27)

After one of them called for the “forced resignations” of President Obama and congressional leaders in response to multiple grievances, including the alleged political purge of hundreds of senior military officers, two retired U.S. generals are creating a citizens’ commission to scrutinize Obama administration actions on national security and economic issues. “America’s Provisional Leadership Council” will look at major concerns, as outlined by Army Gen. Paul E. Vallely and Air Force Brig. Gen. Charles Jones, in an eight-point paper titled “The Americans Project.”
Vallely said he sees The Americans Project as a “citizens’ commission” of prominent Americans to provide advice to legislative and executive branches of government.
America’s leaders, he said, will be “held to high standards of performance to solve the nation’s problems of governing. We will scrutinize and provide guidance to federally elected officials on behalf of the citizens.”
The Americans Project, Vallely added, is a “movement, not a new party necessarily. We want candidates to run as Americans first before being a Democrat, Republican or Independent.”
Vallely, who today is chairman of the organization Stand Up America, served as the deputy commanding general of Pacific Command.
Jones, who is vice chairman of The Americans Project of Stand Up America, held numerous Air Force command positions including a tactical fighter wing, a strategic airlift wing and a special operations group.
In calling for the forced resignations of Obama and the leadership of Congress, Vallely outlined suggestions for nationwide rallies and said a peaceful “civil uprising is still not out of question.”
The current crop of leaders, he said, must face a “demand resignation” process, which he explained requires massive grassroots protests and social networking which he envisions can be undertaken through his organization. An example of a “forced resignation,” he said, was that of President Richard Nixon.
“Our federal government continues down the path of destroying America,” Vallely said. “Americans must now stand up and put America back on the right track.”
Workable solution
Vallely and Jones in their paper say “The Americans” leadership has developed workable solutions to “help solve and fix what has without question stunted our nation’s ability to clearly, legally and peacefully function as a constitutional republic.”
“Honest, selfless political leadership is the first key to America’s economic and debt recovery and secure future for all citizens and their children,” they say. “That means voters must band together and vote for positive ‘America first’ leadership rather than self-serving greed and corruption within the two major political parties that have for decades and are now rapidly tearing the United States of America apart.”
In their paper, Vallely and Jones call for adherence to the Constitution with strict congressional oversight of all executive actions.
In an apparent reference to the cutback in overall U.S. military readiness, they call for a strong national defense but stipulate that “in no way” would the U.S. military ever be used against U.S. citizens, a reference to a growing concern among many Americans.
The paper decried the historic $17 trillion government debt, concerns over continued unemployment and excessive tax rates on businesses and citizens.
Their solutions? Vallely and Jones call for abolishing the Federal Reserve and the Internal Revenue Service system, the intended result of which would be that “all political plundering of the peoples’ wealth via taxation will be stopped.”
In abolishing the Federal Reserve System, all U.S. government financial and economic functions would be turned back to the U.S. Treasury.
The IRS would be immediately abolished and replaced by a sales tax on specified items for partial financing of the U.S. government.
The retired generals condemned the illegal alien “invasion,” which they said would be stopped with a secured border double fence, calling for penalties on employers who hire illegal aliens.
“There will be absolutely no jobs, no social services, no welfare nor medical services allowed to be provided to illegal alien invaders,” they say, with the exception of emergency medical care only until the illegals can be deported.
“American jobs are for U.S. citizens, returning military veterans, part-time high school students and the elderly,” they said. “When U.S. employers cannot find workers and can fully justify seeking foreign workers, government permission will be granted for hiring temporary foreign workers.”
Eliminating agencies
They also called for the elimination and consolidation of a number of federal agencies, some of which, like the Department of Homeland Security, they say, have exceeded their authority.
“The DHS with functions for national security and FEMA (Federal Emergency Management Agency) for emergencies have both grown far beyond the intentions of reasonable and responsible leadership control, budgeting, manpower, equipment and facilities,” they say.
“Deceptive political intentions for the potential use of facilities, weapons, massive purchases of ammunition plus military-type vehicles and railroad cars are greatly objectionable to American citizens and an insult to the economic deficit of the nation,” they said.
DHS jobs could be given to the Department of Defense and the Interior Department, they claim. And FEMA would be recast as the National Emergency Agency with a reduction in manpower and merged into the Interior Department to be deployed during national emergencies.
“All weapons, munitions and military-type vehicles will be transferred to the DOD immediately,” they add.
They’d get rid of the Department of Energy and, no surprise, repeal Obamacare.
“It is critically important for American citizens to know and understand that the United States of America cannot recover from the unsustainable manmade national debt crises unless satisfactory employment is archived for a majority of U.S. citizens and that requires the existing income tax and Federal Reserve Systems to be abolished, then changed to a greatly reduced method of funding the federal government,” they said.
With the elimination of the income tax, businesses and corporations would return to the U.S., making manufacturing more competitive worldwide, with jobs emerging “in great numbers” and resulting in a booming economy.
Destructing ‘before our very eyes’
Vallely said the nation he long defended is self-destructing “before our very eyes,” because of “our inept and incompetent leadership in Washington.”
“The battle is on,” he added, “and we shall not retreat.”
Vallely, who has also served as a Fox News military analyst, claimed the Obama administration and leadership of Congress have been leading the nation down a road of “progressive socialism.”
The retired general said the U.S. faces a battle that is unknown to generations of Americans, and that the fate of the nation is “now in our hands” to enforce the Constitution and “severely limit the federal government and its out-of-control spending.”
Vallely added that “politics as usual will not be effective or sufficient enough to turn the country around.”
“We are in a war for America,” adding that Sen. Ted Cruz, R-Texas, and Dr. Ben Carson, the noted brain surgeon and author of “America the Beautiful” and other bestselling books have made similar observations.
“A civil uprising is still not out of the question as ‘pain’ grips the country more each day,” Vallely said, adding that there is time to change the country in a peaceful way.
‘This means raising your voice now’
“This means raising your voice now to your neighbors, family, co-workers and friends,” he said. “Be the captains of your souls. I pray for another George Washington to appear within the year and lead us.”
One of the issues that alarms Vallely is the high number of senior officers in the U.S. military who have been fired under the Obama administration, a toll estimated at one officer per week. Indeed, Vallely has been very outspoken on what he calls a “purge” of the U.S. military by the Obama administration – with a stunning nine generals and flag officers relieved of duty this year alone.
As you know from previous Watchman Reports the surge of firings, suspensions and dismissals have been blamed on Obama’s close adviser, Valerie Jarrett. Rampant “political correctness” due to her influence is now permeating the military and negatively affecting everyone from top generals to the ranks of the enlisted.
According to Vallely, Obama is “intentionally weakening and gutting our military, Pentagon and reducing the U.S. as a superpower, and anyone in the ranks who disagrees or speaks out is being purged.”
Vallely equated the current treatment of U.S. senior military officers watching over what is said and done among mid-level officers and enlisted ranks to that of the “political commissars from the Communist era.”
The White House won’t investigate its own officials, but finds it easy to fire military commanders “who have given their lives for their country.”

‘Bought into Obama’s ideology’
“Obama will not purge a civilian or political appointee because they have bought into Obama’s ideology,” Vallely said. “The White House protects their own. That’s why they stalled on the investigation into Fast and Furious, Benghazi and Obamacare. … Anyone in the ranks who speaks out is being purged.”
He’s far from alone in his concerns about the military purge, as J.D. Gordon, a retired Navy commander and a former Pentagon spokesman in the Office of the Secretary of Defense, says the Obama administration is rushing to unload senior officers whom he believes have become “political pawns” dismissed for questionable reasons.
Retired Army Maj. Gen. Patrick Brady, a recipient of the U.S. military’s highest decoration, the Medal of Honor, similarly has said Obama needs to apply the same standards to his political appointees as he does to the military.
“Just when you thought the leadership of this government could not get any worse, it does,” Brady said. “Never in history has an administration spawned another scandal to cover the current one.”
This was a reference to the recent firing of a number of generals to mask “Obama’s serial scandals, all prefaced by lies – Fast and Furious, Benghazi, NSA, IRS,” among others, said Brady, former president of the Congressional Medal of Honor Society.
Retired Army Lt. Gen. William G. “Jerry” Boykin, who was a founding member of Delta Force and later deputy undersecretary of defense for intelligence under President George W. Bush, said it is worrying that four-star generals are being retired at the rate that has occurred under Obama.

“Over the past three years, it is unprecedented for the number of four-star generals to be relieved of duty, and not necessarily relieved for cause,” Boykin said. “I believe there is a purging of the military. The problem is worse than we have ever seen.”
What an amazing universe our God has created. The planets in our solar system orbit around the sun. One orbit of the Earth takes one year. Meanwhile, our sun and its family of planets orbit the center of our Milky Way galaxy. Our sun and solar system move at about 800 thousand kilometers an hour – that’s about 500 thousand miles an hour – in this huge orbit. So in 90 seconds, for example, we all move some 20,000 kilometers – or 12,500 miles – in orbit around the galaxy’s center.
Our Milky Way galaxy is a big place. Even at this blazing speed, it takes the sun approximately 200 million years to complete one journey around the galaxy’s center. This amount of time – the time it takes us to orbit the center of the galaxy – is sometimes called a “cosmic year.”
The chemical spill which has contaminated water for more than 300,000 thousand homes in West Virginia may have started weeks ago, and there is a lot we don’t know. But we do know people are saying area water still burns their noses, despite the fact that officials say Charleston’s water is safe now.
We don’t know how long the chemical has been leaking in to the river. Until consumers started complaining about the funny licorice smell, nobody knew anything was wrong. Even worse, activists are saying that industry actually had to develop a specific test to see if the stuff was in the water.
And while authorities are claiming the Charleston area water is safe to drink, a lot of people say otherwise. According to one blog reader: It still burns people’s skin in Charleston as of last night, even after water restriction lifted. People left to suffer, companies pay nominal fine, and repeat.

In the video below, we have the spectacle of a CMS official telling us they literally do not know who has paid for their Obamacare premiums. The administration literally does not collect the information, though we are assured they will do so at some point. They will have to go back and “reconcile” that information later. How on earth could something this appallingly bad ever have become law in a modern industrialized nation? This is the sort of thing that you expect from banana republics and dysfunctional socialist regimes
It was to be expected that the negotiations between Iran and six world powers would run into problems sooner rather than later. What is surprising is how soon: barely six weeks after Iran and the so-called P5+1 – the United States, France, Britain, Germany, Russia and China – reached a deal on November 24, 2013 in Geneva, aimed at freezing parts of Iran's nuclear program in exchange for easing some of the international economic sanctions against the Islamic Republic.

Part of the deal was that Iran would restrict its medium-level 20% uranium enrichment. Last week, however, the negotiations ran into problems over a new model of centrifuges. These machines purify uranium for use as fuel in nuclear power plants or, if purified to a high level, for nuclear weapons. 

Iran has told the six powers it wants to press ahead with the development of more advanced centrifuges than the ones it presently has. According to the International Atomic Energy Agency, Iran is already testing several new and more efficient centrifuge models at its enrichment facilities at the Natanz research facility.

Iran seeks maximum room for maneuvering in interpreting the November agreement. Despite the disagreement over the centrifuges, Western diplomats hope the implementation of the agreement will be enacted as planned, on January 20.

In early January, the Iranian parliament approved a bill demanding that Tehran enrich uranium up to 60% levels, just shy of those needed to fuel a nuclear weapon. And already, according to reports in the Iranian press, Muhammad Nabavian, a top lranian lawmaker and cleric, has said that the newly approved uranium enrichment program would allow Iran to build a nuclear weapon "in two weeks." He left no doubt about Iran's intentions: "We are not looking for a nuclear bomb, but having a nuclear bomb is necessary to put down Israel."

Nabavian added that, since Russia and China were already lifting sanctions on Iranian banks, the November agreement had already been beneficial to Iran. "Since last summer, banks throughout the world have slammed their doors on us and we were unable to transfer even one single penny," he said. 

"Even if we could sell 2.7 million barrels [of oil] per day how we could transfer the money? ... Only recently, Vladimir Putin sent the Russian central bank chief to Iran in order to alleviate money transfers, China also recently released part of our blocked money, U.S. $10 billion."

Muhammad Nabavian, a prominent lranian member of parliament and cleric, has said that Iran could build a nuclear weapon "in two weeks," and that "We are not looking for a nuclear bomb, but having a nuclear bomb is necessary to put down Israel."

Nabavian also mocked U.S. President Barack Obama. He claimed that Obama had courted Iranian President Hassan Rouhani during the latter's visit to the U.N. in New York last year. Obama had tried to meet Rouhani in person, Nabavian said, but, despite the private overtures, the Iranian President had refused to meet Obama.

Israel, which risks the most if the sanctions on Iran are lifted, has not even been part of the negotiations between the P5+1 and Tehran. Everything, despite the ongoing Iranian threats that they still intend to "put down Israel" with nuclear weapons, is being decided over Israel's head.

Israel, from the start, has been highly critical of the six powers' deal with Iran. America's eagerness to close the deal with the Iranians on November 24 has already given Russia and China the excuse to alleviate their sanctions on Iran, and is a victory for the Iranian leadership, who, to achieve this goal, needed to deliver exactly nothing.

In recent weeks, Iran has continued to upgrade its nuclear program and destabilize the Middle East. On December 27, Iranian-backed Hezbollah terrorists assassinated former Lebanese finance minister Mohamad Chatah, a fierce critic of Hezbollah.

Meanwhile, according to U.S. officials, Hezbollah members are smuggling advanced anti-ship missiles from Syria into Lebanon, ostensibly to "upgrade Hezbollah's arsenal to deter future Israeli strikes – either on Lebanon or on Iran's nuclear program."

A century ago, U.S. President Theodore Roosevelt built his foreign policy on the principle of, "Speak softly and carry a big stick." The present U.S. administration seems to prefer a small, or no-stick-at-all approach, or even that of, "Speak loudly and carry a big carrot."

During a visit in Jerusalem on January 5, Secretary of State John Kerry even said that he was "happy to have Iran be helpful." The only result of the Geneva agreement so far seems to have been, however, to give Russia and China an excuse to loosen their sanctions on Tehran while Iran's provocations and enrichment activities continue undeterred.

Almost one in 10 babies and toddlers in England and Wales are Muslim, according to new analysis of census figures published Friday, illustrating the growth of the minority community.

Some 317,952 children aged under five, or 9.1 percent, were registered as being Muslim in the 2011 census, the Office for National Statistics (ONS) figures show.

As a measure of how the religious demographics of England and Wales are changing, the figure is nearly double the 4.8 percent of the whole population who are Muslim, while fewer than one in 200 people aged over 85 are Muslim.

It is also an 80 percent increase on the 176,264 Muslim under-fives recorded in the 2001 census.

"It certainly is a startling figure," David Coleman, professor of demography at Oxford University, told The Times newspaper on Friday.

"Continuing immigration from Pakistan, Bangladesh and India has been added to by new immigration from African countries and from the Middle East.

"Birth rates of Muslims of Pakistani and Bangladeshi origin remain quite high, although falling. There seem to be very low levels of falling away from religion among Muslims."

Muslims have the youngest age profile of the main religious groups. Nearly half of Muslims (48 percent) were aged under 25 (1.3 million).

The figures showed that Christianity remains by far the most common religion registered for babies in England and Wales, at more than 1.5 million, or 43.7 percent.

Nearly as many parents listed their children under five as having no religion -- the answer given for nearly 1.2 million (34.1 percent).

The next most common religions registered for British toddlers after Christianity and Islam were Hinduism at 55,869 (1.6 percent), Sikhism at 28,380 (0.8 percent), Judaism at 18,221 (0.5 percent) and Buddhism at 9,026 (0.3 percent).

Ibrahim Mogra, assistant secretary-general of the Muslim Council of Britain umbrella group, said the number of Muslim babies reflected the confidence of the community.

"It's not about Britain becoming a Muslim country but about Britain enabling the practice of Islam, which gives confidence to the vast majority of Muslims," he told The Times.

Thirteen children aged under five were being raised in witchcraft, while 121 had heavy metal as their stated religion. Some 4,700 were listed as "Jedi knight", the statistics showed.

ONS figures showed that Mohammed was the most popular name for newborn baby boys in England and Wales in 2009, though 12 different spellings of that name meant that Oliver officially topped the chart.

Russia Today reported on January 13, 2014 that the the US Supreme Court upheld biotech giant Monsanto's claims on genetically-engineered seed patents and the company’s ability to sue farmers whose fields are inadvertently contaminated with Monsanto materials. The high court left intact Monday a federal appeals court decision that threw out a 2011 lawsuit from the Organic Seed Growers and Trade Association and over 80 other plaintiffs against Monsanto that sought to challenge the agrochemical company’s aggressive claims on patents of genetically-modified (GM) seeds. The suit also aimed to curb Monsanto from suing anyone whose field is contaminated by such seeds.
Now, the Illuminati can, and will, manipulate world food markets with their GM seed until the point is reached when Antichrist is on the world scene and the time for God's Seal Judgments is at hand. Then, Monsanto will refuse any grain for replanting. Since nations have eliminated their emergency foodstuffs storage capacity, mankind will starve quickly. In Revelation 6 God says, they were given authority and power over a fourth part of the earth to kill with the sword and with famine and with plague (pestilence, disease) and with wild beasts of the earth. The Illuminati is now gaining this kind of control over global foodstuffs.

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