Saturday, November 2, 2013

A Victory For The Constitution

Constitutional Sheriffs and Peace Officers Association

Liberty in Liberty County!
On  October 31, 2013, Sheriff Nick Finch won his case at trial in Liberty  County, Florida. The charges were complete nonsense to begin with, and  the laughter in
the courtroom was difficult to suppress as the prosecution presented its flimsy, farcical case.
Sheriff Finch  was charged and arrested and booked into his own jail last June. Sheriff  Finch had done something nearly unheard of, yet noble and courageous.
He nullified the arrest of a law abiding citizen who had the audacity of  carrying a gun in his pocket. Sheriff Finch said "not on my watch." So  the State moved in, arrested the Sheriff and re-arrested the citizen,  Mr. Parish.
The end result was Finch was removed from office and  went to trial. Mr. Parish once again had the charges dropped, but he was  ordered to perform 50 hours of community service and pay $200.

Let's be very clear here: Neither man was guilty of anything! There were  no victims and no evidence that a crime had ever occurred. Today, a  jury consisting of six
Liberty County citizens nullified the charges  against Sheriff Finch and told the State officials who brought this case  to trial that they were having none of their
shenanigans. Sheriff Finch  was reinstated as Sheriff just 15 minutes later.
The Sheriff  nullified the arrest of an innocent man and the jury nullified the arrest of another innocent man. Liberty won this Halloween day in  Liberty County
and a tremendous example was laid before us all; do  what's right, keep your word, and have the courage to stand for the  little guy. As Sheriff Finch testified in
court before a badgering  prosecutor who demeaned and assailed Sheriff Finch's dedication to his  oath and the Constitution, Sheriff Finch calmly and firmly told the  prosecutor and the court, "The Constitution has to count for  something."

Sheriff Finch and his good wife are to admired for their courage and   commitment. I am proud to call them friends and proud that I had the   opportunity to witness
for myself the humility and strength of these   good people as they stared adversity in the face and won! Now perhaps it   is for each of us to learn from this and realize
that Liberty and the   Constitution only "count for something" if we make it so.

Free at last!

We owe a special thanks to all those who contributed financially, called   or emailed to voice your support, or prayed in faith that truth would   prevail.  It's encouraging
to know that sometimes the good guys still  win.

In liberty,

Richard Mack

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